Chapter 34: A Message Sent!

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It's been two weeks since Logan's return to the WWE and Bray Wyatt's clear message to him, however tonight is Logan's turn and he's got a message for Bray, Windham's not here tonight because he wasn't supposed to be, Logan wasn't here last week because he weren't meant to be either, Bray did his job and tonight it's Logan turn to throw the trash.

Gionna: I'm ready? So how do I look?

Logan hated leaving Alexis back on her own, well, her parents are there and so is his family now but that doesn't put his mind to rest, Gionna knows that and tries her best to keep his mind off it, she does a good job as she twirled on the spot in front of him in their locker room...

... Their friends and co-workers are still trying to wrap his head around them all being in this relationship, sure it's odd and confusing, Duncan's still trying to get Logan to talk about a time Gionna and Alexis were intimate but even if they had been, he's not going to tell him, Duncan would the entire world, besides Alexis isn't really into that, handsy stuff sure but she's not as onboard with that kind of thing as Gionna is.

Logan: I love when you wear those cute little shorts.

Logan's ready for tonight as well, then again he's just wearing what he came here in, Logan's only booked for a promo tonight, with no Bray Wyatt and no interruption, Logan didn't feel the need to bring his gear or anything, plus Hunter wants Logan to just ease back into this, the traveling and the work rate, with Alexis due with the baby any day now, Logan's done nothing but work whether that be in the gym, or in the ring, or even making sure that Ezrah's room is ready for him, sure Logan could pay someone but it's a good excuse for him to get away from people when he needs to.

Gionna: Maybe I can wear them tonight for you?

Logan smiled as she pushed his chest back and sat on his lap, her legs either side of him, Logan and Gionna haven't spent all too much time together lately, Gionna doesn't mind, she's so excited for the baby to get here and she understands that when their at home, she does come 3rd, not by choice but by a must, Alexis and Ezrah will and do need him more then she does but when their at work, he's all her's.

Logan: If you didn't, then I'd be upset.

Gionna smiled to him as her hands moved up to his face, cupping his cheeks into a kiss, Logan's hands held her waist while they enjoyed each other's company for a moment till it was broken by a knock at the locker room door, Gionna was the one to break the kiss, pressing her forehead to his.

Gionna: Yeah!?

They didn't want to open the door because they're comfy where they are, Logan hated being interrupted though, the frustrated look on his face told Gionna all she needed to know, they can pick it up again later, as soon as he's done with his bit because he's booked after her match with Raquel, Daria and Chelsea, the Main Event is to find out whole will be the next in line to face Gunther for the Intercontinental Championship, Logan's record is still in tacked although people want to see Logan Kenway Vs Gunther, 1 on 1, they haven't been giving that privilege just yet.

Crew Member: Your name is being called at the Gorilla.

Gionna knew they were talking to her so she sighed as she pushed herself back to her feet, they can have a lot more fun together tonight, their room even has a nice bathtub inside it bath's are really fun when you do them right.

Gionna: I'll see you in a minute.

Logan nodded to her as she leant down to him, one more kiss later and she was gone out the door with a cute little wave, Logan sometimes couldn't believe how lucky he is, to have her and Alexis, it wasn't that long ago that he didn't have either, Logan's a better man now though then he was back then, he has a family again, even a daughter who for some reason looks up to him, Logan will never understand why but she does, which is why he's going to go out there and try his best...

... He made sure he looked the part before leaving his locker room, he knows Windham is going to be watching, he knows that Alexis is going to be watching and he knows that he's going to do the best that he can, even with the Bloodline story going on the way it is, Logan's and Bray Wyatt's work is already a top talking point in the company with both sets of merch boosting slightly in sales.

Drew: It's weird seeing you back.

Logan stopped walking and smiled as he heard his friends, Logan turned just in time to be met with Drew's arm going around him, Logan fell backwards but caught himself and went back to walk in the direction he was already going in, Stephan meeting them as well and putting his arm around the Englishman as well, the trio walking down the corridor as Liv and Raquel kicked butt in the ring...

... Logan split off from the guys as they went to get ready to leave back for the hotel, Logan still has his job to do but he couldn't help but feel so happy watching Gionna win, it's nice to see her finally getting the respect she deserves, she's been doing this for a long time and hasn't slowed down a day, there are worse performers in higher position, Ronda, that don't deserve to be there.

Hunter: Ready?

Gionna, Daria, Chelsea and Victoria all watched as Logan nodded to the boss, Hunter nodded to a crew member nearby who pressed the button for his music, Logan smiled as the crowd gained their second wind...

... Logan turned to the girls and winked before walking backwards out the curtain then running out onto the stage, the crowd loved seeing him back and who wouldn't, the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion in history, the Alpha of the WWE and it just seems that since the news got out that he's dating both Alexis and Gionna, the guys love him and hate him more now, mostly from jealousy.

Wade was so happy to see Logan back and looking better then ever as he high fived and took his time to get to the ring, once he did, he climbed up the steps, walked along the apron a little before putting his right leg through the ropes, he stopped though and took one last look at the crowd, he missed this, you can tell that by the smile on his face as he walked around the ring, his music being sung by a few people in the crowd.

Logan: Uncasville, Connecticut...!

Logan smiled again when they cheered, he was very close to saying "Welcome back to the Alpha's Den" but that's not him anymore, he has a new character and he has to play it perfectly which is why he's here, Bray said some things last week and now it's his turn, this will be Windham's first real Rivalry since his return and Logan's not going to let him crumble because Vince is an asshole again.

Logan: ... I'd love to say that this is a good moment but the thing is. I have Bray Wyatt on my ass and I don't understand why...

Logan looked pretty confused by this as the crowd cheered for the story already, it's barely been cooking for a few weeks yet here they are, two of the best most creative minds in the company, using as many ingredients as they can at their disposal, have you ever seen someone make gold from nothing, well, your about to now.

Logan: ... I came out here to congratulate Cody on winning the Royal Rumble, I came out here to say that I'm back and no one is ready for me...!

Gionna and the others made it back to catering where they saw on screen that Logan played the crowd perfectly, building up the intensity when he needs to and letting it simmer when he doesn't, like right now he held up his right hand almost like he was asking for a minute before rubbing at his forehead, the girls were invested in this right now, Gionna doesn't even know what's going on since Logan never talks about work outside of the ring.

Logan: ... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled like that, that's my bad. I just...

Logan stopped and took a deep breath, it seemed like he was fighting with himself, trying to be a better person then he was before, it's no secret that he used to be more brutal with his move set, more aggressive, this new Logan is more tamed and a little more calmer, he's not the Alpha anymore remember, he's a changed man now.

Logan: ... It gets me so aggertated man. Then Bray went on to challenge me to a Steel Cage match at Elimination Chamber in Quebec in two weeks...

Logan was going to continue but stopped when the crowd cheered, apparently they wanted to see that match, although it would be Logan against the Fiend not Bray Wyatt, Logan stopped what he was doing and took it all in, he knows how long he has to make this promo and he's going to stretch it out as much as he can, he's missed months of this so he's building it up wherever he can.

Logan: ... I'm not accepting that.

Gionna and the others didn't expect him to say that, they expected him to do the typical stuff in building up the fight, hyping up the crowd and accepting the challenge but instead he turned it down, Gionna knew something was being cooked up since she knows he's going to Canada with her so she waited as the crowd booed Logan, that's a first for a lot of people to see, although during his Indi Circuit days, he was actually a "Heel" character.

Logan: Come on guys, you can't honestly have thought I was going to accept that. My first match back in weeks and you want me in a Steel Cage with someone as deranged as Bray Wyatt?

Logan looked to the fans but indicated to the stage with his free hand, seeing him turn down a challenge clearly made his point, he's not the Alpha anymore, he wouldn't have let someone lay the challenge down for him like that and not have taken the fight to them, seeing him shake his head to the fans cheering to wanting to see that really proved that no one knows what's going to happen in this storyline.

Logan: No chance. If I'm going to face Bray Wyatt or even The Fiend. It's going to be on my terms...

When Logan said that he stopped as the crowd broke back into cheers, Logan however looked completely dumbfounded before growing a small smile on his face, Gionna and the other girls though continued to watch as the lights in the arena started to go out...

... Logan stood in the spotlight, he really had no idea that Windham was here tonight, turns out he is and he's right behind Logan, so when the lights came back on the crowd jumped to see The Fiend, when Logan turned around he was caught with Sister Abigail waiting for him.

The Fiend stayed on the mat, looking over at Logan's laid out body, The Fiend snaked his way closer and closer till he was right above him, it was then that the lights completely went back out and Bray's laugh echoed throughout the arena, all while Logan started to move, holding the back of his head, a pissed look on his face as Bray's laugh rang out around them all...


{To Be Continued!}

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