Chapter 9: Here To Help!

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It's been a funny few days for Logan and co, mainly because Ryan found out about him taking everything that's his anyway and tried to sue him, imagine that, getting sued for taking what was you're, either way the court told Ryan to get stuffed and he had to declare bankruptcy, Logan was happy about that when he heard.

Gionna: You ready?

Logan looked to Gionna who's ready for the show tonight, Logan's not happy with the way that she's losing her title...

... It's all because Ronda can't goa few weeks without a title for some reason, she's not ready to be a champion, she keeps botching the moves and everyone else around her gets blamed instead of her.

Logan: I am. Are you?

Gionna nodded excited about this, she knew she wasn't going to be holding the Smackdown Women's title for long and enjoyed every second that she did hold it, also she's going to be going Extreme over the next few weeks which Logan said he'd help her with every step of the way.

Gionna: Go see Hunter. He wanted to talk to you.

Logan nodded giving her a kiss before walking away, Logan looked much better then he ever has before, he's confident and proud, he's even smiling a lot more then before catching everyone's attention.

Aliyah: What did you do to him?

Gionna turned to her left and saw the Women's Tag Team Champions, Aliyah and Victoria two of Gionna's best friends, well, Gionna's friends with everyone but these two are two of her best friends.

Gionna: I just gave him a push, he did the rest.

They then got to talking about random things, apparently their going to be dropping the titles to Dakota and Iyo on Monday which they don't mind because they'll have other opportunities later down the line, Gionna told them about her losing the belt and they weren't all that happy either but it is what it is in this business, Victoria though went to go and see Braun who will be coming back soon as well, Hunter is doing a great job with the talent since Vince pissed off.

Gionna: What's wrong Ali?

She asked her friend because she was looking down in the dumps, Gionna hates it when people are upset around her, one of the reason's she was so heart set on helping Logan out of this hole he put himself in.

Aliyah: I'm sorry Gio, it's nothing.

She tried to wave it off but Gionna was persistent and followed her towards the Women's Locker room, Aliyah didn't want to be a bother to Gionna though especially since she recently got with Logan and seems to be happier then ever, more happier then when she was with Taylor.

Gionna: Come on Ali. Tell me what's up?

They got into the locker room and it's big enough so they have a little privacy between them and the other girls so Aliyah can be a little open about what's going on in her life.

Aliyah: It's just... Well, you have Logan and you both are happy, even when you were with Taylor for a year you looked happy. I just haven't had that with someone before.

Gionna looked down a little as she knew why, Aliyah's father is a tough guy and no one she brings home can keep up with the interrogation he gives them, he's just protective over his daughter so it's kind of acceptable but it's making her feel extremely lonely, Gionna though got an idea and whispered it to her, not wanting all their friends to hear, not until it's certain and then tell them.

It's still not exactly smiled upon so keeping it to themselves is the best thing for now, meanwhile Logan found his way to Hunter's and is now talking business, Hunter doesn't want to send Logan away but he can't let his behaviour go without punishment.

Hunter: So we're agreed, you're okay with this?

Logan wasn't happy to be leaving the WWE till the Rumble but at least that gives him time to think of a new character, he's not sure if he can keep the Alpha going, the Alpha was created to level out his anger and his pain from his past, now that he's not keeping it bottled up he might not have what it takes to keep it up.

Logan: Not really but I understand that you gotta do what you gotta do.

Hunter was impressed by his change of attitude since Cardiff, it was only a few days since Logan had his little break down and now he seems like a weight has lifted off his shoulders.

Hunter: Well, in lighter news, you'll win the Rumble and face Roman at Wrestlmania in Hollywood.

Logan was happy to hear that because it's been a while since he held a world title and he was supposed to take the titles away from Roman at Extreme Rules, now Roman's not even going to be involved in Extreme Rules.

Logan: Now I can't wait to get back.

Logan stood up and got ready to leave but before he was going to Hunter stopped him, getting out of his chair and walking over to him putting his right hand on his shoulder.

Hunter: I don't know what you're going through but we can get you help if you need. We'll pay for it. We just want you back as soon as possible.

Logan appreciated that and told him to put it on the shelf for a little while, Hunter agreed and told him that if he changed his mind then to give him a call, Logan left the office with a pat on his back from Hunter and they agreed to keep his suspension as public and quite as possible, basically, Logan has a concussion, that way Logan doesn't look bad in the public eye and he can keep his private life private which is how he likes to keep it.

Logan walked around the backstage area trying to find Gionna but walking past catering he saw that she was already out in the ring talking about how she'll beat Ronda at Extreme Rules, Logan sighed still not a fan of Ronda, 4 years in the sport and she still can't sell a DDT on the apron.

Drew: Logan.

Logan turned to see Drew, Sheamus, Duncan, Pete and Ridge all sat at a table, Logan pulled a chair up and sat with them between Duncan and Pete.

Logan: Listen guys, sorry about what happened in Cardiff.

They fast waved it off with no problem and got to talking about random things, one's like Duncan will be cleared for action in a couple of weeks now, he should be back just before Extreme Rules, the main topic is what happened during the weekend.

Duncan: Did you sell the house?

Logan nodded and told them how much he got for it, let's just say he got 8 figures for it, and it was 20% above market value meaning he made money in his father's expense.

Ridge: So wait. You kicked your dad's ass, then sold his house.

Logan nodded as it was pretty much like that making them all chuckle with smiles on their faces much different from Clash at the Castle, Logan's kinda annoyed he ruined a big moment for them as British WWE Superstars but after it did so well, there will 100% be another there in no time.

Ridge: You're family's screwed up.

Logan nodded with a shrug, he can't really deny that, another thing he would have flipped out and probably introduced his face to the table but now he's let a few things go over the past couple of days and it's all because of Gionna, not that Alexis didn't try and help, it's just different with Gionna, Logan's not sure what it is but it's something he likes.

Gionna: You okay here?

Logan felt her arms wrap around his neck connecting together over his chest, Logan looked up with a smile and they share a little kiss making the guys take the piss, Logan flipped them off though and they all had to get to work, except Duncan, he had to go to the medical guy to see if he's cleared yet or not.

Logan: You done for today?

She nodded down to him and took his hand so they can walk back to the locker room, their fingers interlocked together as she still has the Smackdown title around her waist, Logan did look down to her and think her with that is kinda hot, it kinda gave him an idea.

Logan: What do you say, you wear that next time you call me daddy~

Logan said to her lifting her onto a nearby crate making her yelp a little in surprise but also giggle to him, she put her legs and arms around him holding him close while he stood against her.

Gionna: I could, or I have another surprise for you~

Logan nodded excited and said for the surprise, she gave him a kiss and pushed him back so she can get off the crate he put her on, she whispered in his ear to go to the hotel and she'll bring him the surprise, Logan didn't argue and quickly left making her chuckle to him while going to get his surprise ready...


Logan left the arena early and honestly thought about the offer Hunter gave him, Logan might need to talk to a professional if he wants to get more comfortable with relationships and what not, Logan didn't honestly expect his relationship would get to this stage, he honestly thought it was going to be a sex thing but instead it's progressed into much more, Logan likes Gionna, she's awesome.

Logan is waiting for Gionna to get back after the show, she killed it as always, Ronda still can't sell anything, even when she's on the mic, Logan doesn't believe a word she's saying, besides why is she scripted as unbeatable when Roman Reigns has come so close to losing the Undisputed Titles on so many different occasions now, even the Undertaker was put on the ropes a few times, why's Ronda unstoppable, is the WWE saying she's better then the Deadman.

Logan sighed and shut off the Tv looking around the room, it's a pretty basic room with a single double bad and a desk tucked under the Tv that's mounted on the wall, there's a lamp to Logan's right as well.

Logan: Cool lamp...

Logan didn't mean it but he's just waiting and waiting for something is the single most boring thing in the world, Logan get's bored easily anyway so this is his own personal hell.

Logan: ... Okay, where am I going to hang myself.

Logan sat up from laying back on the bed looking around for a place to hang himself from, he won't actually do it, it's just a joke, he's just not going to have fun during these next 5 months of his suspension, he'll be more then ready for the Rumble though once it gets here, just waiting till it does will be hell for him.

Gionna: Logan!?

Logan was so bored he actually perked up like a dog would for it's owner when they walked through the door after he heard the door open, Logan isn't sure what he's more excited about, the fact that he now has something to do or the fact that he now get's to see what his surprise is and she walked in just behind her...

... Logan sat up on his knees while looking to the nervous Aliyah and the grinning Gionna, Logan didn't need a road map to tell him what his surprise is and was looking forward to it, Aliyah's hot.

Logan: What uh... What's going on?

Logan needed to play stupid though just in case this isn't what he thinks it is, the last thing he needs right now is a sexual harassment lawsuit, so he waited till they both gave him the clear to break Aliyah in front of his girlfriend.

Gionna: Well, Liya isn't feeling to happy...~

Gionna moved over to the bed and climbed on it moving towards him on her knees like he's seated watching her and Aliyah stood there watching while Gionna hugged onto Logan's side and tried to convince him.

Gionna: ... I'm gonna need you to make her happy. Can you do that for me...?~

Logan easily nodded to her which seemed to make Aliyah smile but she still looked nervous, she stood there with her hands interlocked in front of her, every time she looked up to Logan she looked away with a blush on her cheeks, Logan smiled to her being completely adorable, Gionna loves it as well which already made her feel hot.

Gionna: ... She's a little nervous so to make her feel comfortable, we're going to play a game...

Logan looked to her as she pushed his chest making him fall back sitting on the bed instead of on his knees, Gionna straddled his waist while keeping her eye on Aliyah to see what she'd do, Logan couldn't help but keep his eyes on Gionna though while her perky chest is in front of his face.

Gionna: ... We'll play stirp poker and the rules is that men can only have one card~

Logan smiled up to her liking her plan then they both looked over to Aliyah, they smiled to her, Gionna with a seductive grin and Logan with a primal look in his eyes, Aliyah is about to find out why he's called the Alpha of WWE...


(To Be Continued)

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