Chapter 27: A Well Earned Break!

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Logan's at home back in Orlando, the dogs running around playing as Alexis is taking a bath or something, Logan's only here because he's signing the papers for the Charity's name to change from "Jennifer's Care" to "Blisses Wishes", yes, he's naming it after Alexis' WWE character, he loves her and wants the world to know so sue him.

Logan: All done. Just few more things to go.

Other then the WWE he's been really busy, so busy in act that's he's barely had time for either his girls or friends, that time with Gionna wasn't on the cards, he was supposed to do a online Interview but missed it, so she distracted him basically.

Logan though put the forms back in the envelope then tossed the package on the nearby table, Logan's been burning it at both ends over these past few weeks and it's starting to show, he hasn't had a wrestling match since SummerSlam which was weeks ago now but their luckily he's showing up at all, Logan could easily take time off to deal with this but he's head enough time off after getting in that accident.

Gionna: Tired?

Logan looked up to her as she walked into the room, a drink in her hand as she's been staying with them for the past couple weeks since Rhea "Injured" her on Raw, Logan nodded while she sat beside him, cuddling as close as she can while he just put his arm around her and let his head fall back.

Gionna: Wanna fuck?

Logan chuckled as he shook his head "No", as much as he'd love to, he hasn't been this unable to do stuff since the accident, all the meetings and traveling with the WWE, it's all amounting to this, but the meetings will be done soon and he'll be able to go back to how he was before.

Gionna: Trying to make the world better isn't so easy is it?

Logan sighed again while raising his eye brows to her like she's stating the obvious, Gionna giggled up to him, leaning up and kissing his cheek, Logan smiled to her then kissed her lips, he does want to fuck her, of course he does, he's not a mad man but he's really not sure that he can and he'd rather do it well then sloppy and it suck.

Gionna: Want to watch a horror film?

Logan sat back up and watched her as she looked up to him, the remote to the Tv in her hand while Odin sat beside her, Odin likes the girls, he's a good dog, though Logan's pretty sure he just likes the pats.

Logan: You mean waste 2 hours watching something that has no plot, no story and full of teenagers screaming, crying and making dumbass decisions?

Logan's not as a big a fan of horror films like she and Alexis is, then again, Alexis isn't a huge fan but she likes them, Logan however doesn't have the mental capability, if things don't make sense to him, then he don't like it which scrubs out most horror movies.

Gionna: What about a Slasher movie, you like Friday 13th right?

Gionna is flicking through the channels while trying to convince Logan to be more open about horror films and Logan did like the Friday 13th, though he liked it for a different reason to why others liked it.

Logan: Yeah, a bunch of assholes breaking into his home and he kills them. Go Jason.

Logan mocked a cheer as Gionna then started to defend the victims, Logan roots for the killer in most Slasher movies since most of the kids are found out to be trespassers, going into places they aren't supposed to be in, that's why Logan doesn't like them.

Logan: Look, all I'm saying is if two teenagers decided to break into my house and fuck on the kitchen floor. I'm going to be pretty pissed. 

She laughed at him while they just had a little fun, that was until Logan let out a pretty big yawn, which is made her think he was really, really drained, Logan's never tired, he never seems to yawn and defiantly doesn't just sit around and do nothing.

Alexis: Lo, can I talk to you a second...

Alexis came down the steps ready for the day a head of her as Logan and Gionna watched her walk over to them, Logan nodded as of course she could, so Alexis told him about Pam and Duncan wanting to get married in New York then asked if they can stay at the house up there.

Logan: Of course, just make sure they don't make a mess. You know what happens when they get in the mood, they chuck their clothes off where ever they are.

The girls agreed with small laughs as they can get a little over board, Logan is like that as well but he cleans up afterwards, Duncan doesn't, although Logan's pretty sure the big guy does it just to piss him off at this point.

Alexis: Can you keep him out of trouble while I'm gone?

Alexis asked Gionna while Logan looked between them, he was about to argue that he didn't need a babysitter but then thinking about it, he probably does so he let it slide, Alexis didn't need to pack since she lives in New York as well, her stuff is already there, she just needed Logan to call ahead to get the jet ready for them, once their married he can put her name on the flight list and she can make the calls but then that just left Gionna and Logan alone for now, in this big house.

Gionna: Why don't we watch upstairs? Then you can get some sleep.

Logan looked to her and thought about it, she get's to watch her horror films with someone because apparently that's important and he can get some much needed and deserved rest, although if she's going to be screaming at the Tv, he's not sure how much sleep he'll actually get.

Logan: Okay deal. But if you wake me up screaming then I get to...

Logan was going to say it outloud but instead leant into her ear and whispered to her all the dirty things he intends to do to her if she wakes him up from a scream, Gionna's eyes bulged a little while her cheeks turned a slight shade of red.

Gionna: Well, now I really want to scream.

Logan chuckled as she grabbed his hand and pulled him off the couch and they went upstairs trying to step past the excited animals while doing it, once they got to the bedroom, Logan stripped to his boxers and climbed into the bed, he didn't expect Gionna to do the same, only wearing her panties, going completely topless making sure he can see her perky tits as she slipped in beside him.

Gionna: Sleep tight ~

She sung to him as Logan sighed and laid down, Gionna sat up against the head board with his right arm around her holding her, Logan likes to sleep on his front so with his face pointed towards her, she can feel his warm breaths hitting her side, it was quite a nice feeling but she put off the urge to keep him awake, Logan's been working really, really hard lately and he more then needs this little nap...


Logan woke up a couple hours later to a little more of a refreshed feeling, it's been a long time since he was just able to go to bed and fall asleep like that, though he'll be up all night tonight now but he didn't care because Gionna was still beside him, just watching the Tv.

Logan: What you watching?

He slightly made her jump a little but not much as he lifted himself up, then spun to sit beside her, his back against the head board, she quickly moved her head to rest on his shoulder, which he didn't mind and just put his left arm around her letting her head fall to his chest.

Gionna: It's called The Black Demon. Some Mexican story about a giant Shark.

Logan didn't know what she was talking about, he's never heard of any Mexican myth that speaks about a giant Shark, then again he hasn't really heard of many outside of La Llorona, is she even a Mexican tale, Logan's not sure but you get the point.

Logan: So, Jaws then?

She nodded to him with a small smirk, it's quite tough to make a giant Shark movie that isn't pretty much identical to Jaws, Spielberg really hit it out of the park, though as the two of them watched, Logan, now being fully rested and back to his normal self, remembered what she asked him earlier and returned the question.

Logan: Wanna fuck?

Gionna looked up to him and didn't say anything, all she did do was put her right hand behind his head and pull him into a kiss, Logan kissed back with his newly restored energy, his left arm pulling her close to him as his right hand found her bare thigh, gently but firmly grabbing at it, knowing that his girls love it when you caress their thighs.

Logan: I have an idea...

Logan broke the kiss a little while pulling her off him but kept her close to him, their hands still on each other while their faces remained close, Logan though has an idea, one that he's wanted to do for a while now.

Logan: ... Why don't you go put on that gear you wore at the Rumble? Let's go with the 2020 Rumble.

Gionna had to think for a second on which gear he was talking about but then remembered exactly what he was thinking, that day last week just gave Logan more ways to push the boundaries of him controlling the moment during sex, something that Gionna prefers so much more.

Gionna: I'll be right back ~

After one more quite aggressive kiss from her, she hopped out the bed and ran to the room she's put most her stuff in, she doesn't live here but she might as well at this point, Logan wouldn't mind moving her in, he knows she loves animals and her little farm in New Jersey, he'll buy her a little bit of land here and she can do the same, he likes having her around, when she's not trying to fuck him into a coma, she's actually really fun to be around, though she has been trying to get him to go on Xavier's YouTube channel but he's not really much of a gamer.

Gionna: Ready ~

Logan looked over to the door after reaching into Alexis' bedside draw, she has a few toys nothing too much but enough for them to use and have a good time with, she doesn't use them all too much now, but there here as a just in case thing, though the sight of Gionna made him drop the toys on the bed and cheer for her a little.

Logan: Oh bravo ~

Logan clapped a few times while dragging "Bravo" out to about 3 syllables, Gionna smiled to him while seeing the toys he got for them, it's the same as last time but if he makes her feel half as good as he did then, it'll be a fun day for them both, which is way she walked over to him...  

... Making sure to have an extra sway in her steps, Logan tossed the covers over him and off the bed, letting Gionna climb on to the bed, sitting on her knees, she picked up the toys as she looked them over.

Logan: We'll have to go to one of those stores, pick up some new stuff.

Logan smiled to her as she nodded biting her lip a little, sex with Logan for her was mind blowing before but this new stuff they've been doing has really kicked it up a notch, making it so she can't wait for them to fuck again and again and again.

Gionna: Come here ~

Logan didn't get to as she launched herself at him, pushing him onto his back, her lips attached to his in a kiss that he's not even sure he'll be able to break if he wanted to, instead he rolled them over so he's on top, just how he likes it...


(To Be Continued)

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