Chapter 50: Crown Jewel!

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{Here we are, Chapter 50, I honestly didn't think this story would get past Chapter 10 but here it is, from all the support you guys have giving me for this story to BD_DB_69 for hounding me to update this more and more. Thanks to everyone and I hope you continue to Enjoy the story because I'm not sure when the End is, I haven't even got close to it! Also a bit of a longer one here! Enjoy & Take Care!}


Logan wasn't sure what to say, he just looked down to her as she smiled up to him, a small bag in her hand and extremely pregnant belly hidden under a nice dress, Logan just got done fucking a bunch of women and she gets here now.

Alexis: Well? Surprise!?

Logan eventually snapped out of it and chuckled, pulling her into a hug, a kiss then gently bringing her into the room, he thought she was going to stay at home and watch but apparently she had other plans.

Alexis: I know I wasn't supposed to come here but I wanted to be here for your big night. I know how hard you've worked and I wanted to be right here. Win or lose.

Logan smiled to her as he took her hands in his, kissed them both then put them around him and brought her into another hug, only this time he pressed the kiss to her head as his hand ran through her hair.

Logan: I love you, so much right now.

Alexis smiled up to him, then tiptoed, she fooled him and surprised him none the less, he's normally a tough guy to surprise but she got him this time, making him smile down to her, he's actually so happy she's here right now, he didn't think he'd want her here as much as he does right now that she is, tomorrow will either be the best night of his life so far or it'll be heartbreaking, either way, he's glad Alexis will be here with him for it...


It's the big night, the WWE world is buzzing for Tonight's Main Event, Logan Kenway will set foot inside Hell in a Cell for the first time in his life, while going up against the most dominant World Wrestling Champion in recent Decades, things aren't looking too well for Logan but he preferred when the odds are against him, that way his opponent will underestimate him and he can strike...

... The Cell got into position as the crowd are more then ready for this, it's been a long time coming for Logan to stand in such a structure but also to face off against Roman, this match can go either way but most are putting their money on the side of the man with nothing to lose but everything to gain, never count out the underdog...

... Roman left the curtain with Paul in tow, Solo and Jimmy aren't with him, just the Tribal Chief and his Wise Man, the crowd boo'd him while Roman took his time in getting to the ring, it's his world, his match and he can take as long as he wants, eventually stepping into the cage and taking it all in for a second, Paul watched with a small look of concern on his face, he should be concerned...

... The crowd did a complete turn around, cheering the open roof stadium off the ground when he skipped out when the beat kicked in, he looked hyped, confident and ready for this as Roman stood in the ring watching with the Universal title around his waist, Logan took it all in for a second though, it's all gone 90 mph these past couple of weeks and he hasn't been able to really embrace the way the WWE Universe has appreciated him, sure they did before but this is much bigger then back then.

Logan didn't take too long as he wanted to get this on with and whoop Roman's ass, so he ran down the walkway only stopping at the cage door, looking up at the huge structure, it's all good and well watching it on TV or even in the crowd but being inside one, really does have it's own atmosphere, however, Logan broke free of it as he turned to see Paul by his side, hands clasped together making Logan smile.

Logan: Praying for him already? I'd have thought the Wise Man had more confidence in The Rock Junior.

Logan didn't wait for a response, instead he stepped into the cage and shut the door behind him himself, it didn't get locked though, not just yet as Logan continued to make his way into the ring, not even paying Roman any mind other then a small smirk as he walked towards the ropes, leaning on them and looking to the hard camera.

Logan: This is something. Just... Wow...

Logan's talking to his loved ones at home right now watching, Logan was a little nervous about leaving Alexis for such a distance with merely weeks to go now but he'll be back for the birth, he promised he would and he can't really miss tonight, Logan's not one to take a sick day, tonight won't be the first as the introductions were made, Roman again begged for attention while Logan just stood there, ready for war and got a better reaction, however the match couldn't start because there isn't a match official, not until Logan got the mic from Mike Rome and filled in the blanks.

Logan: ... Sorry, did I forget to mention that this is a Special Guest Referee match?

Logan asked looking around a little as Roman's eyes dropped and Paul's looks like he just saw a ghost, it's all part of Logan's plan, every single way possible, he's thought of where Roman can't sneak a win, he's covered all the blind spots.

Logan: I told you Roman. I won this match before it's even started. I covered all grounds that you could get an advantage. Ladies and Gentleman. The Special Guest Referee...

Logan indicated to the curtain at the top of the walkway while everyone tried to think about who it could be, it could be honestly anyone, even the commenters seemed to be struggling to guess, Roman didn't know what to expect, all he did do was lock eyes with Logan as Logan smiled to him, till some music played...

... Once again the crowd erupted into cheers as Roman sighed, rubbing his beard while still holding the Universal Championship over his shoulder, it's no secret that Mick and Roman don't see eye to eye, so it was a great pick for Logan, this way, it'll be called straight down the middle, the crowd somehow got loaded for the Hall of Famer when he came out the curtain...

... Logan couldn't help but smile as Mick made his way down towards them, even giving a few high fives as he went, Mick stepped into the Cell, ignoring Paul's pleads, the cell door was now locked and Mick got into the ring, fist bumping with Logan then taking the Universal Championship off Roman for maybe the last time...


... It's been everything but a dull match between Logan and Roman, both throwing everything they can at each other, blows, chairs, hammers, Roman even launched the base of the steel steps at Logan, now their laying in the middle of the ring, both looking to get the final nail in the coffin but it doesn't seem to be coming, though Roman tried...

... Some members of the Saudi Crowd joined him as he waited and waited for Logan to get to his feet, they've been going for nearly an hour now and it's all coming to an end at some point, if this is it, they don't know, Roman and Logan do though, which is why as soon as Logan stood up on his feet, selling the lengthy match-up, Roman charged him...

... Mick didn't know what to say as Logan was busted open earlier by those steel steps, they hit him on the head and he now has a cut above his right eyebrow, Logan still didn't stop fighting though as Roman went into the cover, Mick sighed thinking that it was all over he still went for the count though...

Mick: 1!... 2!...

It was so close to three that Roman and Paul both though he had won, so did most of the crowd but he didn't, Logan managed to shift his shoulder up enough to break the count, Roman looked up to Mick as the Hall of Famer told him it was only a two count, you can imagine how pissed off Roman is about that news.

Graves: I'm telling you! Kenway doesn't know how to quite! This isn't anything other then the pure desire to win. To be the best!

Cole: Logan promised Roman that he has never faced an opponent like him. He was right about that, I'm starting to wonder if he was right about winning this match-up as well?

Roman sat there on his knees looking down at Logan stunned by how much he's thrown at him but he keeps on getting back up, that's when he started to do that thing where he's talking to himself and his opponent, slowly getting to his feet.

Roman: You think your proving something. You're nothing compared to me! This is my island! I'm the Tribal Chief! Me!

Roman lost his temper and started to throw haymakers down to the still laid out Logan, 4 or 5 blows later, he eventually stops, standing up fully and looking at the curtain just as Solo and Jimmy came running out and down to the ring to help their Head of the Table, for once as well, Roman didn't refuse their help and indicated for them to get into the cage, however, the ref wouldn't give them the key, not until Jimmy super kicked him and took it.

Meanwhile Logan was starting to get to his feet, which was instantly stopped by Roman pushing his boot into the side of his head, the crowd boo'd when they got the cage ope, Solo stepped in but before they could do anything else, a new song hit the speakers, newish anyway, it's been heard before but not for a long time...

... The WWE Universe wasn't sure they were hearing right, not until both Rezar and Akam both walked out the curtain, standing at the top of the ramp, Solo and Jimmy not sure what to do, Roman stunned as Paul just tried to get as far away from it all as he possibly can.

Cole: Akam and Rezar are back in the WWE!

Graves: Kenway brought back up and their here to cause nothing but pain!

He was right because both men ran towards the cage, the crowd behind them as Jimmy and Solo tried to take the fight to the bigger men but it ended exactly how you'd expected, Rezar tossing Solo into the cage while Akam throw Jimmy into the nearby barricade, Paul still hasn't moved while Roman climbed out the ring and down to the apron, closing the door before the AOP can get into the cell, that didn't matter though since Logan had got back to his feet and ran to the opposite ropes, when Roman turned around, he was met with Logan diving through the ropes and pushing out of the cage door, causing them both to fall to the mat outside the cell.

Logan looked up to both Akam and Rezar while they just stood there, looking down to him, Logan started to get to his feet, still not looking away from either of them, till he held his closed right fist out to them both, causing the fans to cheer as they did the same thing, respecting their Alpha.

Logan: Get them out of my sight.

Akam and Rezar knew the job and picked up both Solo and Jimmy, Rezar putting Jimmy over his shoulder while Akam dragged Solo out towards the curtain, taking Roman's reinforcements out of the fight, however, it was now Logan's turn to turn around and see Roman up and about, only Roman thought climbing to the top of the cage is his chance, Logan's not giving up like that though and started the climb himself.

It wasn't long till both men were trading blows at the top of the cell, the people watching at home, nervous for the match's out come, the sold out crowd in this hot country is loving it, cheering for Logan's blows and booing for Roman, however Roman got the upper hand with another Superman punch seemingly out from nowhere, Logan managed to stay on his feet and disrespect Roman as best he can...

... The crowd encouraged it but Roman didn't like the disrespect all that much and drove his knee into Logan's midsection, then looking around, he figured out a way that he could get the win, it's a real simple plan, all he needed to do was direct Logan towards the edge of the cage and simply...

*Honestly, the best I could find. Sorry!*

... Logan hit the announcer's table with a huge crash, the stunned faces of the fans all around the building sold the show enough as Roman dropped to his knees on the top of the cell, taking a second to regain himself before climbing down to get Logan back into the ring, the longer the match was going on, the longer Roman was begging to doubt and that's not something he's experienced in a long time.

Once Roman rolled Logan back into the ring he wanted to check on him, having down that himself he can understand the pain, but like his character suggested, Roman didn't let him and pulled Mick Foley away from him, Mick argued with Roman a little as Roman argued back, ending with Roman shoving Mick away, Logan was playing possum though so when Roman turned and charged for another Spear, he didn't expect to see Logan ready and waiting, causing Roman to run under him and Logan took a leaf from his baby mama's book...

... Roman kicked out at two and rolled back into a kneeling down position, Logan though was faster and got to his feet much quicker, so he was able to deliver a kick to Roman's jaw, the momentum is with the Alpha and this is his chance, so before Roman fell back onto the mat, Logan hooked his right arm under him and hoisted the bigger dead weight into the air...

... Logan moved so Roman's back would be driven into the big steel steps that Roman throw at Logan earlier, he used his own weapon against him, the fans didn't care as Logan pushed Roman off the steps and managed to hook his leg.

Mick/Crowd: 1!... 2!... 3!

Mick called for the bell as Logan did it, years of fighting to get back to the top and he's finally there, he didn't have much in the tank though so he just laid there for a second, taking it all in while he could hear his music playing...

... Logan was completely empty from this long ass weekend, although it helped when he heard Roman over the crowd's cheers and his music congratulate him for everything he's done these past few weeks.

Roman: Enjoy it Uce. Respect.

Logan thanked him as he sat up, it's crazy that now it's stopped, he can feel every bump and every impact his body took in that match up, it wasn't till Mick approached him with the Universal title though did it all sink in for him, Logan was told he'd never walk again, he'd never get back into a WWE ring but now, he's the new Universal Champion.

Mick: Hurts like Hell, right?

Mick asked kneeling in front of the sitting up Logan, still holding the title but the both laughed from the shared experiences in the Cells, Logan's first ever match and he was thrown off the top and into an announcers table, he defiantly too kit a little too far and isn't looking forward to dealing with Alexis telling him off for what she just saw him do.

Mick: Congrats Champ. Your daughter will be proud. Trust me.

Mick said hugging Logan as he patted his back, Logan nodded while embracing the WWE legend, it was Mick who broke the hug, handing Logan the Universal title and hoisted his hand high into the air as promised, Roman's Reign has come to an end with the Bloodline crumbling beneath him...


As soon as Logan got back behind the curtain a huge wave of cheers and claps followed him, it's been a hell of a tough road for him, from the car crash to dissing The Rock to build a character as a "Heel" that wasn't even going to be used anymore, this is the icing on the cake.

Logan: So... I won.

Logan stood in front of Alexis as her eyes are watering, it's a nice moment, she was terrified for him during that match-up but she is so happy for him she jumped, swung her arms around him and he spun her as careful as he can, neither wanting to hurt Aelin.

Alexis: I'm proud of you.

Logan was getting a little chocked up now as he smiled to her, his new Universal Title over his right shoulder, it suited him to be honest, he always did look good with a title around his waist or over his shoulder.

Alexis: Aelin is as well.

Logan put his free hand on Alexis stomach, feeling Aelin shuffling around and kicking, it really is crazy to think that she has a human being inside of her right now, in a few weeks she'll be out here with them, neither mommy or daddy can wait for that day.

Logan: Love you two little cub.

Logan pressed a kiss to his daughter making Alexis smile, but then she got worried again with the cut above his eye, even when he told her he was fine she refused till he went to see the onsite doctor, Logan agreed but not before taking the much needed picture with Hunter pointing towards his new Championship, the WWE then posted the picture to all Social Media platforms with the message.

"WWE - It's once again the Alpha's Den! It's Open Season on the entire WWE Roster now! Better hide from the hungry Wolf!🐺🌕"

Logan was over the moon right now, he has his first Main title since his return from his accident and pretty much being handicap, all with his favorite girls beside him, Alexis and Aelin, you know who the ones you love are when their with you when you need them the most, Logan's the luckiest man in the world right now...


{To Be Continued}

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