Chapter 54: A Day at a Spa!

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{I'm running out of titles for these Chapters😅! Enjoy!}


Logan's sitting at the dinning room table, just going over the names on the list, he, Alexis and Gionna have crossed a large amount off but a few of them haven't even got back in touch, so that's not helping, instead, he's being filled with false hope when they think they found the guy but then he's walked straight into a dead end, you'd think it would be easy to find someone in 2023.

Logan: Fuck me...

Logan dropped the pen, phone and sighed sitting back in the chair, his hands running over his face while he heard the girls laughing in the house, Alexis has her friends over, a few from outside the WWE so they don't know about them being in an open relationship, that's why Gionna and Sydney aren't here right now, so he's going solo.

Sarah: You still at that?

Logan looked to his side where the voice came from and saw one of Alexis' friends, she's nice and all but she can be a little stuck up so Logan doesn't really pay much mind to them, he's pretty sure they don't like him as well for some reason.

Sarah: Lexi asked me to see if you'd take a break.

Logan again didn't answer her, he just shook his head "No", Logan's focused on finding him, even if the guys been dead for 30 years now, he needs to know and it's actually annoyed him a little that Alexis would think he'd just be able to drop this like it was nothing, this is his entire focus now, even when he's in bed, he stares at the ceiling wondering if he'd ever find the man that gave him life.

Sarah: Can I give you some advice?

Logan looked back to her and indicated for her to do so, he's not really in the mood for anyone's advice or even their opinion he just wants to cross off every name on this list, it's that simple, once he has, he'll be able to sleep without questioning everything, Alexis told him it won't be a couple hour thing but he still seems to believe it should be.

Sarah: Take if from someone who never met her father either. It's not worth it. Focus on the people you have got, instead of the ones you could have.

She then left him and he just seemed confused, did Alexis tell them that this was his idea or did they just assume it was, Logan was happy not knowing, he was able to go through the rest of his life not knowing who his father was, it was Alexis and the others that disturbed the earth, not him, now it's all he can think about.

Logan: Shows how much you know. I don't give up that easily.

Logan said to himself and continued going through the list, he managed to scratch off three and leave messages to anther 5 before his attention was taken again, only this time it was by someone who shouldn't really be here right now.

Sydney: Hey, Logan...

Logan looked up and was about to ask her what she was doing here, she seemed to be sneaking around, so at least she was trying to keep their secret from Alexis' friends, however, Logan couldn't ask her anything since he was too caught off by her outfit...

... Logan visibly gulped while looking around making sure no one else is here, once he saw that they were alone, he called her over to him, Sydney pretty much ran to him, sitting on his lap once she was there, her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist holding her as she sat side saddle to him.

Sydney: ... I thought we could do a Spa day, me and you. A couple?

Logan chuckled because he did promise her that they'd spend some time together before the baby's here because she will be taking up most his time, not from spite or anything but because she'll be his baby daughter and he'd be a bad parent if he didn't so as much as he wanted to finish this list today, it's clearly going to have to wait till there's not a half naked bombshell sat on his lap.

Logan: Alright. Go out to the car and I'll meet you there.

Sydney gave out a small cheer, then gave him a pretty big kiss, Logan didn't push her away, only giving her ass a small slap as she climbed off him, Sydney didn't mind and just giggled her butt at him before she left the house, leaving Logan on his own again, he sighed looking down to the list and other things, annoyed he's not going to get it done, then he packed it away and went to let Alexis know he's just going out.

Logan: Hey, I'm gonna head to the Performance Centre. Try to snap out of this... Stuff.

Logan wasn't lying to her, they have this code, when Logan's actually going to the WWE Performance Centre he tells her he's going to the "PC", so when he tells her he's going to the "Performance Centre", she knows that it's something else, which of course she wasn't going to question, not with al her friends here right now, all helping her get ready for the baby to get here.

Alexis: Okay, just take it easy. Love you.

Logan told her he loved her too, blowing her a kiss then leaving the house, he was already dressed this morning because he and Alexis needed to go pick up a few things for the baby's bedroom at the new place, yes, they have the house and it's being decorated now for them to move in once Aelin is born, then they will go to their new home and live out the rest of their lives.

Sydney: I've missed just being with you. Me and you.

Logan smiled to her as he started the car, he's not sure why but she seems a little more clingy then usual, like her left hand is reached to the back of his head, rubbing at his hair, he's not complaining, it's actually quite a nice feeling but it's not really something she normally does and she keeps talking about times when they were alone, like on the flight to meet with Stephanie McMahon being the most recent, it's hard to think that, that moment was weeks ago now.

Logan: Ready?

Logan parked the car at the parking lot for the Spa, it's a pretty big building, bigger then Logan would have thought, Sydney apparently didn't think so and nodded to him, pretty much running out the car after she leant to him and kissed his cheek, Logan really wasn't sure what's going on with her but maybe it's just one of those things, she might just be in a really, really good mood.

Together they walked into the place, Logan looked like a lost child, he's never really been to this sort of place, yes he spent years going to Physical Therapy but that wasn't at a Spa, that was at his doctor's building, so this is pretty much all new to him, however, Sydney has been to these places before so she skipped over to the front desk and got them what she wanted, apparently it's this couples thing where they get massages together and some weird other stuff, Logan stopped paying attention after he couldn't understand what the hell they were talking about.

Logan: What have you just singed us up for?

Logan asked Sydney as they followed this guy down a hall, he gave them both towels and told them to follow him, Logan however was a little scared since he looked him up and down, Logan's not that sort of guy and was a little worried that he's going to get stuck with this guy and he's going to give him a happy ending, that's not how Logan unwinds.

Sydney: Nothing you won't love. Trust me.

Logan did trust her as he took her hand in his and kissed the back of it, Sydney smiled up to him and hugged his body while they continued to walk behind the guy, Logan's hand slipped into her back jeans pocket, holding her gently while they walked, Sydney didn't stop him, there's just guys around here looking at her and he wanted to make sure they know she's his.

Man: Just in here. If you would take off your clothes and cover yourselves with the towels. Someone will be with you both shortly...

Logan wasn't sure about this, he's been naked in front of people before but this time it feels different, it seems off, Sydney though didn't leave him room to worry as she pulled him into the room, then just started stripping in front of him till she was in nothing but her birthday suit, she smiled at him while he was staring, his eyes roaming around her with that Alpha look in his eyes again.

Sydney: I can't be the only one naked you know.

Logan snapped out of his little thoughts and pulled his shirt off, then took off his own jeans, they didn't have time to have their fun because as soon as Logan put the towel around him, a young women walked through the door, she looked like she was 19, maybe 20 and this is her first time doing two people at once, it was quiet adorable, she was so nervous that she wanted to service Sydney first, apparently she was nervous about rubbing Logan.

She eventually relaxed around them though, making small talk then enjoying a few laughs, she was a nice girl but during the session, Sydney fell asleep, Logan of course knew that some people could fall asleep during a massage and to be honest, it was actually really good, Logan had no idea how much that it loosened you up, sure he gave back rubs and foot rubs to his girls when they wanted but he never thought it actually helped.

Logan: Mind if I stay here with her till she wakes up?

The girl nodded her head with a small smile and a "Sure", Logan's defiantly going to tip her for today, she's been a lot of fun but now he needed to wait for Sydney and it might sound creepy but he couldn't help but look at her sleeping face, she is so adorable when she's sleeping, the small shuffles the little light breathing, it's cute, she didn't stay that way forever and eventually came too, finding it funny she fell asleep, so did Logan but he was left with time to think and now seemed like a pretty good time to ask.

Logan: Is everything okay? You seem extra clingy today?

Logan didn't mean it as a bad thing and Sydney didn't take it as such but since they left the house, Sydney's been pretty much attached at his hip, so while they got dressed, Logan only in his jeans, sitting down on the bench he was just laid on to put his trainers back on, she looked to him with a small head shake and shrug.

Sydney: No reason...

Logan looked back to her, both trainers now on, only his shirt is left to go till he's fully dressed, Sydney however was in the process of putting her top on, standing in her jeans, only her bra keeping her tits covered from him but his mind was on more personal matters then pleasurable ones.

Sydney: ... Okay, fine. It's just... I'm jealous, okay...?

Logan looked a little confused as she said that, shrugging her arms about a little then sitting on her table, Logan moved from his to hers and sat beside her, not sure where all this is coming from, so he took her hand in his as a way to let her know he's listening and she knew he was, so she told him what was brothering her.

Sydney: ... It was just you, me and Alexis after you came back. Now you've got Gionna and then with the baby. We don't get to spend that much time together as it is, your going to forget about me.

Logan honestly felt his heart aching from this, the last thing he wanted is one of his girls upset, he'd retire, give up all his money and his house to see his girls smile, so the fact that Sydney is getting upset right now is not making him happy, so he pulled her into a hug, her head resting on his chest as he left a kiss at the top of her head, he couldn't do anything but be honest here though.

Logan: I know we haven't spent as much time together like we used to, for that I'm sorry but if you want me to tell you it'll change when Aelin's born. I can't...

He felt her arms wrap around him while he spoke, he can't tell her that he'd be able to spend more time with her when the baby's born, infact, he'd have even less free time then he does now, he didn't want her to feel like she needed to be here though, he wants her to be happy and that's his only goal with his girls.

Logan: ... She's going to need me then more then ever. If that upsets you then I'm sorry. You can find someone who can give you what you want. You're not forced to be with me. I want you to be happy and If you feel like I can't do that then I support you in whatever you want to do....

She started getting more and more upset and honestly, so was Logan, it's heartbreaking, he's never had to deal with this before, she is fairly new to the whole Main Roster thing and has been part of his Pack since he returned to the WWE Performance Centre all those months ago, it was just him, her and Alexis but now his loved ones are growing and she's scared there won't be any room for her.

Logan: ... If you need to take some time away, with others and figure things out then do. Just know, there will always be a place for you in my heart. No matter what happens or who show's up. Your one of my girls and that will never change.

Sydney wiped her tears from her face and smiled to him, Logan didn't have tears but they are brewing in his eyes, Sydney loved that he cared so much and maybe that's all she needs, just a little time to figure things out, so with a kiss, they got dressed and headed home, Logan dropped Sydney off at her place and when Logan got back to his, he saw Alexis alone and watching the Tv with the dogs around her, he told her what just happened and she was of course said but proud of how Logan dealt with it, it shows how much Logan's grown as a man and with the baby due any day now, it's comforting for Alexis to know he's ready, even if he doesn't realise it yet...


{To Be Continued!}

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