Chapter 69: Getting Gio out of Trouble!

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Logan and Alexis went to bed fairly early for them last night, the kids were asleep and no one else was around so they took the chance to try and catch up on some much needed sleep, however, that wasn't to be because Logan's phone started to ring waking them both up, Logan was quick to pick it up and stop the ringing, not wanting it to wake the twins up, Alexis though just kinda gave a whine and cuddled back up to her pillow.

Logan: It's 1 in the morning. What could possibly be this important?

Logan answered the unknown number ready to tear whoever was on the other end of the phone a new one because they call him this late and could have disturbed his babies, instead it wasn't someone he didn't know, after hearing her voice he knew exactly who it was.

Gionna: I got arrested. I need you to come and sort it out.

Logan sat up in the bed and looked around, how could Gionna Daddio get arrested, Alexis felt him shifting around and looked to see him get up from the bed and search for his pants, Logan's talking to whoever it is as he does while Alexis just sighed again and hugged his pillow, now stretching across the whole bed as much as her tiny body will let her.

Logan: How the hell did you get arrested and why are you calling me? Shouldn't you be getting a lawyer or something?

Gionna silently cursed him over the phone because he's just taking the piss there's no way this is anything less then speeding or running a red light sort of thing, the worst case is Logan will have to pay the fine and they can just walk out but it wasn't just that, Logan had his jeans and trainers on, he stopped though when he had his zipper done up.

Gionna: I'm calling you because you left your "stuff" in my car and they found it.

Logan knew what she was talking about, he looked to Alexis who's either pretending very well to be asleep or is actually gone back to sleep, he knows he told her no more secrets but he did need to keep one more to himself, the only people that know about this is him, Hunter, Stephanie, their new employers and Gionna, Gionna only knows because she caught him doing it and he spilt the beans, she didn't agree that he shouldn't have told Alexis but she understands why he didn't.

Logan: So that's where I left it. Alright, sit tight, I'll deal with it. See you soon.

Gionna begged him to be quick and Logan was as quick as he could be, finding a shirt to put on then grabbing his new car keys and leaving the house, Alexis heard him leave but she was too tired to care, she just assumed Gionna or Lucy was horny and called him, it's best she doesn't know the truth right now, sometimes ignorance is Bliss.

It didn't take Logan long to find Gionna and the station she was being held at, it's not a huge massive thing like in New York or LA, just a little county one, Logan can see Gionna in the cell by the bars when he walked in, they seriously can't think that Gionna is a criminal, look at her, she's adorable, she wouldn't hurt a fly, Logan might though for locking up a member of his pack.

Logan: Ding ding.

Logan pretended to press a none existent bell because there isn't a cop here, if Logan wanted to he could go over to the cage and let Gionna out, she indicated for him to hurry up and get her out but Logan can only do so much without anyone around, in the end they were both just waving and mouthing to each other, Logan knew what she was saying but he's tired and just trying to wind her up at this point.

Cop: Can I help you?

Logan turned from Gionna then to the cop as he walked towards him, he has sheriff on his badge so Logan's assuming he's in charge, Logan though has everything he needs to get Gionna out of trouble and it starts with him reaching into his pocket for the right documents.

Logan: I'm here to get her out. What you found her with is mine and is medical. See...?

That should be it, that's all it should take, sure she was found with it and she hasn't got a licence but Logan has and he's admitting it's his but the guy wasn't going to make things easy for them, he tutted along as he looked over the papers then put them back down, it's just to say that Logan's an american citizen and the use of it is in fact medical.

Cop: Sorry pal, still doesn't excuse her for having it in her possession.

Gionna sighed as her head hit the bars not hard but seeing her like this was really starting to annoy Logan, she's one of his girls and she's in this mess because he was stupid and left that shit in her Jeep, it's not something he's ever done before but with her coming back from that "Iron Claw" Premier, they just spent sometime together and it slipped his mind because he doesn't normally take it out the house, the other day was just a tough day for him and he needed it more then usual.

Logan: Fucking Americans. Look mate, she's here because of me, I've giving you everything you need to let this go so let it go.

Gionna smiled a little at that, she loved watching him fight for her, it's actually quite hot, pissed off Logan is best Logan in her eyes, actually she loves both Logan and Alexis pissed off, Rhea might be Mami on RAW but at home, Alexis is her Mami and Logan's her Papi, seeing her Papi cussing out a cop is pretty funny to her.

Cop: I'm going to ask you to calm down. I get it but there's nothing I can do. Sit down and we'll deal with it when we can.

Logan sighed as he looked over to Gionna, he can't actually really do much more till the process all this shit, so all he could do was just stand and wait, that was until he sure the sheriff just go and grab a donut, Gionna looked between the cop and Logan, Logan doesn't look happy and pulled his phone out, Logan looked to her with a smug look on his face while holding the phone to his ear, she didn't know who he was talking to be whoever it was he seemed pretty pleased he answered.

Logan: ... Yeah, I know it's late. Sorry, I just need your help with a little something real quick. Hey, rent a cop!

Gionna chuckled to his joke as he walked back over to the desk and leant on it, looking to where the Sheriff is with a couple of others, they all looked over to him as he held his phone out to them wiggling it a little, the Sheriff didn't seem all that bothered though and was going to go back to ignoring him till Logan got his attention.

Logan: You might want to take this call. It's the Governor of Florida, he wants to know why your keeping my friend here over easily forgettable offense.

Gionna didn't know Logan knew the Governor of Florida, she really does learn something new about him ever single day, the cops though looked over to him and he still had that smug smile on his face making them second guess their choice of keeping them both here, Gionna hasn't seen the sheriff move so fast other then locking this cage when they got here.

Cop: Look, it was just a precaution. No need for that, your free to go.

He unlocked the cell and they got the paperwork sorted, Gionna was very relived to be out of there, sure she was in there because Logan but he got her out, in her eyes he's redeemed his mistake, she still isn't sure how he did it of how he knows the Governor so when they were walking out the building, Logan holding the door for her, she needed to ask.

Gionna: How did you do that? Do you really know the Governor?

Logan chuckled to her as they stepped down the few stairs and walked towards his car, he wasn't going to take it because of the noise it can make but Alexis car was blocked by his and she hates it when others drive her car, Logan's a foot taller then her and needs to adjust the seat, Alexis hates it when she gets in and her feet can't reach the peddles.

Logan: What? Oh, no. Of course not, I hate politics. I bluffed. Don't tell them though, we'll be in a lot more trouble.

Gionna laughed while hugging his arm with hers following him to the car, Logan opened the passenger door for her and she climbed in, Logan made it look like he was her personal driver and she loved it, he's adorable, even if it is pushing 2 in the morning.

Logan: Let's get home.

Gionna agreed with him and he took her home, they made small talk along the way and agreed to not tell anyone about this, Logan said he'd smooth things over at the WWE, at worst she should get a suspension but from what he's heard, she's a big part of their plans moving forward after the Rumble so maybe she won't even get that.

Gionna: You need to tell Lex about the stuff.

Logan parked the car in front of their home and looked up, their bedroom light is still off but the babies room is on, which means that Alexis is up and awake, he wants to tell her but how can he, it will be another thing for her to worry about and Logan doesn't want her to worry, he wants her to have a perfectly easy life, he can't give that to her if he keeps shoveling his problems onto her plate.

Logan: How can I? I told her I'd tell her everything but I kept this for months now. She'll be pissed.

He's not wrong, the last time he kept something from her she didn't talk to him for weeks, only when she wanted to, he wasn't aloud to see her or talk to her without her contacting him first, she knew how to punish Logan the best and she really did it, now he's honestly terrified if she was to ever find out.

Gionna: She's only pissed when you don't tell her. If you go and tell her right now, she'll be more happy you told her and she didn't find out from something else.

Logan knew she was right and he's not addicted, he barely uses the stuff more then once or twice a week, he has no desire to use it and would much rather not but he needs it sometimes, it just helps him feel better from what happened all those years ago, if there was another way, he'd do it but there isn't, all his money and he can't do anything about it other then keep it away from his kids.

Gionna: I'm going to bed. Tomorrow, I expect some sort of apology from you.

Logan nodded to her as she was talking about sex, he would now but he's still really, really tired with going back on the road and helping Alexis look after twins, it's something he could have done without, if it was just the one child then it wouldn't be issue but since there is 2 and it's their first time as parents, they have no idea what their doing, their fast learners though.

Logan: I'm lucky to have you girls, you know.

Gionna nodded, before giving him a kiss then getting out the car, Logan watched her walk into the house then leave the door open, clearly she thought he was right behind her and now he is, Bronson's a good boy and won't run off but Sir Stanley is nuts and will run a round the entire driveway till the sun comes up, so not wanting to experience that again, Logan was quick to get in and shit the door before that can happen.

Logan made sure the house was locked up for the second time tonight then made his way upstairs where Gionna is in their room getting ready for bed while Alexis is in with the babies next door, Logan leant on the door frame and watched as she sat on the chair in there with Aelin in her arms just sitting there, she's not feeding, telling her a story or anything, she's just sitting there.

Alexis: What?

Alexis asked with a chuckle when she saw him just looking at them both with a smile, he shrugged though with a chuckle of his own, Logan watched as Alexis stood up and gently laid Aelin back into her bed, while she stood there, Logan walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her while putting his chin on her shoulder, Alexis put her left hand on the back of his head while her right hand rested over his arms, gently placing a kiss on his cheek.

Alexis: Beautiful aren't they?

Logan hummed with a small nod, this time last year he wasn't even thinking about being a father, he didn't want kids but here they are, two adorable mini Alexis and Logan's, Arlo's already become a bit of the pain in the bum, he'll cry then when you get into the room, he'll stop and won't want nothing, you then leave to go back to bed and he cries again, when you go all the way back in there, he's laughing.

Logan: Can I talk to you.

She nodded a little worried about what it is but nothing too crazy, so she took his hand and they walked out the babies room both sound asleep again, they both went into their room where the shower was running, Gionna was in there which meant he can talk to Alexis on her own for a second, which is what he needed to do, sitting on the edge of their bed, holding her waist as she stood in front of him.

Alexis: What is it? Come on, your scaring me now.

He obliviously didn't mean to be doing that but he's scared as well, he's scared he's going to lose her and the kids because of this, he was so scared that he couldn't tell her, he could only reach into his back pocket and pull out the small vape pen and bag of weed that Gionna was caught with, Alexis took them from him and looked them over a little annoyed but also upset that he'd do this, around their kids as well but before she can scold him and tell him off, Logan needed to defend why he has them.

Logan: It's not what you think. I wouldn't take it if I didn't have to...

Alexis was really confused now, holding the pen and the weed in her hands, she knows it's not harmful and that he's a grown man and can do whatever he wants to do as long as he doesn't drag her or the babies into this, she could let it slide but she's not sure what's going on, the hurt look in her eyes made Logan hurt as well, Alexis could see the tears brewing for him which made her really worried for him.

Logan: ... What? You lot didn't really think I could be in a crash like that and continue life like nothing happened.

No one ever really thought about it, sure Alexis watched him break down and crumble during the therapy he had to go through but he's been nothing but smiles and laughs since he returned to the WWE, everyone thought he was fine but apparently he's not, and she understood why, Logan keeps most of his scars covered on TV but he had to go through about 6 operations on his left leg and 8 or 9 on his right just so he can walk again, not to mention the one on his back as well, he really shouldn't be walking right now.

Logan: Sometimes, I wake up with these aches and pains. This shit helps. Believe me, if there was another way then I'd do it but there isn't. I've tried them all.

Alexis hated knowing he was still in pain, it broke her, of course it did, she also hates that fact that she didn't know, he's been laughs and jokes since he started walking again, she never thought that he'd still be in pain but if this stuff is helping him as much as it clearly is, she's seen him fucking, if the weed is stopping him from feeling pain that much he can do all that stuff then she doesn't see the problem with him keeping it, she just wants him to keep it away from the kids, with nothing more to say, she just kissed him, sure she hated that he kept it from her but she's happy he told her instead of her finding out on her own, just like that car...


{To Be Continued!}

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