Chapter 71: The Alpha's Announcement!

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After Logan fucked Ashley into a coma, he needed to get set for tonight, he's not going to speak about what he did to KO, that was last week, tonight Hunter want's Logan to go head to head with Logan Paul, the main event of tonight will be Logan Kenway, LA Knight & AJ Styles Vs Logan Paul, Austin Theory & Grayson Waller, before that though Logan Paul needs to kick off with his new United States Championship in one hand and a microphone in the other.

Paul: To every friend who stabbed me in the back. To every hater who prayed on my downfall. I got a question for you. Where are you now!?

Logan Paul yelled the question as the crowd really didn't seem to like seeing him as the United States Champion right now, Logan Kenway however was watching backstage, everyone part of the segment ready to go, his much superior Universal title around his waist, Logan's actually looking forward to these next few weeks, not only family wise but also work wise, leading up to the Royal Rumble is going to be fun.

Paul: I don't understand. Don't y'all get it by now? The more you hope that I fail, the harder I work. And the harder I work, the more I win. And the more I win, the more I get to stand up here and say, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, aah!

Logan Kenway isn't quite sure what all that was about, how does that prove everyone wrong, how does that help him in saying that when people doubt him he does better, Logan hasn't got a clue, the others seemed to have expected him to do that so maybe it was part of the script, Logan hasn't read that shit, he doesn't need to, Logan can cook without gas any time of the week.

Paul: And to all you jealous superstars backstage who are mad at me cuz you've been doing this your whole life and I'm the fastest rising star in WWE history, you want this US title?

Logan watched with Lucy as LA Knight, AJ Styles and the other two went over what's going to happen tonight, Logan was listening to Paul thought so he knows when to go out and what to say, he already has  pretty good idea of what he's going to do, either way the crowd here are going to love him because there not loving Logan Paul right now.

Paul: Yeah, of course, you do. It's been on my junk just like y'all have since I got here...

Logan smirked to that part and looked over to Hunter after he said it, he's pissed that Logan Paul did the one thing he told him not to do, literally the only rule here is to not have sex in the titles, a week after he won it, he's bragging on Social Media about doing exactly that, Logan can't help but be a little pissed, if that was one of the NXT guys, they'd have been suspended, didn't Paige get a suspension for doing that sex tape with the NXT Women's belt.

Paul: ... A champion is only as good as his challengers and since Rey Mysterio got injured, I couldn't give him the rematch I was so excited for. So I got good news. I spoke with Nick Aldis and we have created a tournament to determine my next challenger.

Logan's que is slowly approaching, he was going to go out after he started talking about his balls but Logan hasn't got that much creative freedom, it's only on the words he speaks, the match results and when he goes out there, is not in his hands, speaking of which, Logan got an idea and looked at Lucy.

Logan: Here, you hold it tonight.

Logan unhooked his Universal title and handed it over to her, it's not the first time she's held it for him, it makes a little sense as well since she is his manager, they just didn't want it to seem like Logan is turning into Roman Reigns, he's not going to, don't worry, he will be losing the title just not anytime soon.

Paul: The tournament will start next week and features eight Superstars. Santos Escobar, Dragon Lee, Karrion Kross, an NXT Superstar could be anyone, Bobby Lashley, Grayson Waller, Austin Theory and ...

Paul looked up to the jumbo tron and saw Kevin Owens in the frame but after last week, because of Logan Kenway, KO isn't here and won't be part of the tournament, so while the crowd reacted to each star he listed off, Logan was literally seconds from getting his time to shine, he knows what he's going to say, he's ready.

Paul: ... Well, it was supposed to be Kevin Owens but Logan Kenway dealt with him for me, so maybe It'll be seven instead...

That was his que, Logan Paul said Logan Kenway's name so he's able to go out there, when his music hit the crowd stood to their feet for their Universal Champion, Logan grabbed a microphone on his way out then stood at the walkway, looking around to the crowd...

... Stevie held the Universal title over her right shoulder while Logan smiled the entire time, he just needed to get last week off his chest, the Alpha's back to who he was and he's ready to kick butt, so while Logan Paul didn't look to pleased about being interrupted, Logan walked down to the ring with Stevie in tow.

Logan and Stevie got into the ring as Logan Paul has the US title over his shoulder as well, Logan didn't say anything though, he just stood there for a second looking around while Stevie was confused, she thought Logan would have spoke by now but he hasn't, Logan Paul indicated for him to say something which snapped Logan Kenway out of his own little world.

Kenway: Oh, sorry. I was just listening to the crowd, that was the loudest they've been since your over hyped ass came out here...

They got louder while Logan smiled around, it's good to be back, last week he didn't really get to embrace the WWE crowd again but this time he is, taking his time and appreciating everyone that's been around these past couple of weeks, it's nice to just realise what it is you have once in a while.

Kenway: ... Can I also just say. Prime taste like piss bro...

Paul didn't seem to like that at all as Kenway just smiled with a little chuckle, Stevie just hugged the Universal title chilling in the turnbuckle as she honestly wanted to get fucked right now, watching Logan do what he does best gets her blood pumping a little, he wasn't done though and has more ingredients to cook with.

Kenway: ... I'm sorry, but it does, that funk your flogging isn't nice at all, and it costs like four dollars a bottle, it's a rip off. Then there's your so called boxing career... 

Paul nodded with a shrug as he still seemed pretty proud of being in the ring with the Universal Champion again, only this time Logan's actually here every week and willing to defend his title, but not this week, this week Logan has a lot of things to get off his chest because he's not a fan of the Paul brothers.

Kenway: ... Mate you had 4 fights and you only won one of them, which was against a man I'm not even sure trained for it. CM Punk had a better UFC career then that...

The crowd liked that one while Paul just rolled his eyes with a cocky smile, Logan though just gave a small shrug but he's not done, see Logan Paul has no idea about the WWE's little after show activities, he has no idea that anyone get's anyone but that's because he's part time and they don't trust him not to say anything about what's going on behind closed doors, that gave him a clear shot to the personal stuff.

Kenway: ... But I gotta give you one thing, you are built for this. I watched you face Roman Reigns for that...

Logan pointed to Stevie who held the Undisputed Universal Championship the crowd cheered because that was a good match but Logan moved his hand to point to the sky slightly, not for Roman his elbow was by his side and he chuckled while looking down at the mat, he's about to strike a nerve and it's going to be good.

Logan: ... But you failed. I succeed where you didn't. I'm the Alpha, this is my den and every single one of these people cheer for me because no matter what it is, I beat egotistical jackasses like you for fun...

Logan stood directly in front of Paul he did have to look up but only a little, Logan Paul isn't much taller then Logan Kenway but the height difference is still there, the crowd liked the stand off but nothings going to happen, Hunter literally wants him to do this and then he's free till New Years Revelation.

Logan: ... but I've seen you fight, you fight angry, I like it. You got that stuff locked deep down. Then again I'd be pissed as well if my Fiancé spent more time on a hotel pillow then a chocolate mint.

Stevie actually laughed at that as Logan just called Logan Paul's fiances a slut, then again all the girls in the WWE are, if only Logan Paul knew just how much that statement contradicted itself, Stevie's seen Alexis in the bedroom, she's worse then most the girls on the roster, Logan Paul though isn't just going to let that one go.

Paul: Last person that said something like that. I knocked him out...

Logan though isn't going to sit by and take that, this is his ring and honestly, yeah he is a little pissed that someone like him is United States Champion, Logan Paul is just here for ratings and money, he hasn't worked as hard as some others have, from a WWE Superstar point of view, Logan Paul can get fucked.

Logan: An amateur, you knocked a guy out in his first fight. Try knocking me out I dare you.

Logan wasn't going to back down and was hoping that he would, the crowd wanted him too but Hunter sat backstage and watched, he knew Logan didn't really support the idea of Logan Paul being a champion but he didn't think he'd honestly start a fight about it, Logan Paul was going to say something but Logan Kenway didn't let him, he tossed the microphone at him for a distraction then superkick the US Champion in the face...

... The crowd cheered as Stevie clapped, she climbed up onto the turnbuckle to sit up there, still with the Universal championship, they all watched as Logan kicked Logan Paul out the ring the US title being left behind, the crowd loved seeing him lay Logan Paul on his ass and sure it's props to Paul for selling it but Logan would have happily kicked him in the face.

Logan: So, now I've taken out the trash. It's time I talked about some real business and not just some schmuck talking about his tiny balls...

Logan Paul took the US title and got out the way as Logan went back to his job, this is how it was supposed to go, apart from the superkick, that wasn't meant to have happened, Hunter will probably be a little pissed about that but the crowd seemed to enjoy it so he might just let it slide, their going to love the massive mic drop he's about to give anyway.

Logan: ... I've got a lot of target's on my back. Kevin Owens, AJ Styles, LA Knight, Randy Orton, he's back now and I'm sure he's watching from somewhere, Cody Rhodes, all guys who I'm happy to give a chance to...

Stevie sat there as Logan worked the crowd well, building them up making it seem like he's about to pick one of them to face him at the Royal Rumble for the Universal title, some people are chanting for Styles, others for Knight and a few for Orton, even the odd KO one here and there but Logan has a better idea.

Logan: ... It's nice to know that my Pack's behind me because I can't pick just the one. I wanna face them all...

Logan smiled as the crowd cheered pretty loud for that, it's going to be a ground breaking moment in the WWE, Hunter wants him to have something to etch his name into the record books, Logan won't ever say this but he is an inspiration to the WWE Locker room, he was on the brink of death, wheelchair bound but he's here, main eventing every single show he's been involved in, that's the Logan Kenway Hunter wants people to remember so they've giving him the chance.

Logan: ... That's right as of this moment. Logan Kenway will entre the Royal Rumble as number 1 and defend my Universal Championship against every single man brave enough to try and take what's mine!

Logan held his hand out to get his title and Stevie gave it to him, Logan held it in his hand and looked it over as the crowd were chanting for him about winning the Royal Rumble, from number 1 no less, not many have done it but it can be done, Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold did it, why can't Logan Kenway.

Logan: January 27th, Tampa Bay Florida. At Tropicana Field, that building will become the Alpha's Den. Are you brave enough to walk into a Wolf's Den and try to take from him? I dare you all to try.

Logan tossed the microphone away ending his segment, the crowd cheered for him as he lifted the Universal title high, Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves and Micheal Cole are selling the moment perfectly for the Alpha as he needs to get ready for the biggest match in his life so far, defending the Universal title in the 30 Man Royal Rumble...


{To Be Continued!}

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