Chapter 78: Day 1!

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{I want you honest opinion about this Chapter, It's from the heart and all my own work, I think it's one of the best storyline's I've ever wrote but let me know! Enjoy & Take Care!}


San Diego, California are about to get the face-off they've been wanting to see for a while now, with the Royal Rumble just around the corner, only 1 thing is on the WWE Universe's minds and it's for Cody Rhodes to complete the story, to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship which is being held by Logan, last year we saw Cody vs Roman for the title at Wrestlemania 39, this year it could be Cody vs Logan at Wrestlemania 40...

... Cody came out the curtain with a smile on his face to the sold-out crowd singing his song, the first match tonight will be Becky Lynch against Nia Jax, before that Cody has a Universe to address, so he made his way to the ring, appreciating as many of the fans as he possibly could before stepping into the squared circle with microphone in hand.

Cody: San Diego...!

Nobody is more on top of the WWE right now or in the past then this man, Cody Rhodes, not even Logan Kenway can get the reactions from the fans that Cody's getting, it's why he's honored to be setting the course of the story into Wrestlemania 40 for this man.

Cody: ... What do you wanna talk about?

The crowd cheered as they all want him to talk about one thing and one thing only, "Completing the story", no one in the WWE doesn't want to see Cody complete his story, sure you have the odd guys that want the top spot for themselves and will do anything to get it but only one man deserves it as much as he does and that's Cody Rhodes.

Cody: I know, let's talk about the Undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion, Logan Kenway...

Logan is still a top player on the roster so he got a nice cheer there, compared to what Cody got it was a fly, buzzing around a full room but it was still better then most get, these next few weeks are going to be hell for Logan's body but he only has two matches leading into Wrestlemania, three if you include the Rumble, the fans might call him a B-Tech Roman Reigns but Logan actually has a good reason not too.

Cody: ... We're a few weeks away from the start of the Road to Wrestlemania and I still have unfinished business with the Undisputed title...

Cody walked around a little, even glanced up to where the Wrestlemania sign will be in a few weeks time but as it stands right now, it's not there, Cody was just imagining what it would be like to see that sign back up there and see the end of the tunnel that is the story his father, the legendary Dusty Rhodes left unfinished.

Cody: ... It is irrelevant who holds the belt, I will main Event Wrestlemania, I will defeat them and I will complete my father's story and becoming the new WWE Undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion!

The crowd are all behind Cody, it's clear by the cheers, the applause and the signs dotted around, Cody smiled a little before raising the microphone to his mouth, only to be stopped by music playing causing a new cheer from the crowd...

... Logan walked out the curtain solo with the Universal title around his waist and microphone in his right hand, Cody looked down with a small smile before Logan walked towards the ring, high fiving and fist bumping his way, Logan didn't think twice before getting into the ring with Cody as soon as he did, the two looked at each other, Cody with Micheal and Wade behind him and Logan with the walkway on his back.

Logan's music cut off as the two still stood there, neither moving or saying a word, that was until they both smiled and shared a hug in the middle of the ring, the fans cheered and clapped for the two, Logan broke the hug and moved to the other side so now Micheal and Wade are behind him, leaving Cody with his back to the curtain.

Logan: I hope to God your telling the truth...

Cody nodded as Logan hasn't got a script, to be fair neither has Cody, this moment right here is all them, nothing but love and respect between the duo, something that hasn't been in a major WWE title match for a long time, this year will be history though, Logan's never Main Evented Wrestlemania before.

Logan: ... I want to tell you all a story San Diego, a story about a young wolf cub without a pack or a purpose...

Cody stood there with his right hand in his suit pocket and microphone in his left hand, he wasn't sure what Logan's going to say but Logan's been waiting to tell this story for a long time now, he's been telling people his debut in the WWE was in 2019 but it wasn't, Logan had a match in the WWE 5 years before that day.

Logan: ... People like to think I made my debut in the WWE in 2019 but that's not true. Cody knows this, my first appearance on WWE Tv was back in 2014. During a match with the Veteran Goldust and...

Logan smiled to Cody as he chuckled and looked down, Logan was part of a tag team match between Dustin and Cody, against him and another guy, Logan can't even remember who the guy was but that's not the point of the story, the point was that he has a dream as well as does Cody and that dream started with the American Dream.

Logan: ... And Stardust...

Logan couldn't not bring him up, the crowd cheered as Cody and Logan shared a chuckle, this was a nice change of pace from both man yelling threats at each other, it's cool, calm and respectful, something that Hunter wants to keep, he has faith that these two faces can build an epic rivalry heading into the Road to Wrestlemania, who knows, Logan might not even be the Champion going into Wrestlemania, he might lose it at the Rumble, Cody might even win it then and Main Event the Grandest Stage of them all as the WWE Undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion.

Logan: ... That was so long ago, I don't even remember who I was teamed with...

The match wasn't anything special and it was actually the technical terms a "Dark Match", it went on during the commercial break and it last barely 2 minutes with Logan's team mate getting pinned by Dustin, Cody cut Logan off though as he had something to add.

Cody: His name was Billy Everette.

Logan nodded to Cody as he remembered the mans name, now that he's heard it, Cody was right, it was a man named Billy Everette, Logan never spoke to the man after that match, they only just met that night as well, so they weren't friends or anything, Logan didn't have many friends going into that match.

Logan: Of course you'd remember a man you squashed 10 years ago. Cody Rhodes ladies and gentleman...

Logan clapped along with the crowd, it's amazing how much love and general admiration this man has for the Wrestling community, not just the WWE but the entire world of Wrestling, Logan has tried to do the same because of what happened after that match, what happened was his life and look into the Wrestling world changed.

Logan: ... It's what happened after that match I want to talk about, it's your old man, the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes...

Cody did well in making it seem that Logan was going to say something bad about the WWE Legend but he knew otherwise, Cody remembers what he's going to talk about, it was a special moment for them all, not only him but Dusty liked Logan, he saw something special in the then 27 year old.

Logan: ... After that match I was ready to give up, to call it quits but your father, Dusty. Did this amazing thing and made me believe in myself, more then I ever had before, with 22 words, 22 simple words. Do you want to know what he said San Diego...?

Cody looked around with a smile as the crowd wanted to know, they all needed to know what the American Dream did to give them this moment, two of the best in the business right now, talking it out like they've been friends for years and they have, ever since that night all those years ago.

Logan: Tell them, you were there. You remember what he said to me right?

Cody chuckled a little as he looked down to the mat, scratching the side of his head, he did remember what he told Logan that night because he was there, Logan looked down and out after a 2 minute match in front of a crowd that couldn't have cared less that he was there, Cody nodded then told the sold out crowd what Dusty said to Logan.

Cody: He said "No matter how much money you have, you could never buy a Wolf's spirit. Which is lucky because you've already got one"

Cody pointed at Logan as Logan nodded and the crowd cheered, hearing those words again caught Logan up a little he sniffed and rubbed at his nose trying to hide the feelings he's getting right now but the crowd loved it and so did Cody, he knew that his father affected many superstars these days but Logan's a special story, he had nothing and everything.

Logan: After that, Dusty taught me everything he knew about Wrestling and the Wrestling world, you both did, I saw you as the older brother I never had and Dusty as the father I always needed...

The Rhodes family has had a much bigger impact on Logan's personal life then anyone could have ever thought, Alexis knows about this story, a lot of his closest friends and loved ones do but the fans didn't, that match in 2014 was ignored by a lot of people but now no one is ignoring Logan because of Dusty Rhodes.

Logan: When you called me and told he he's gone, it broke my heart, not just because you lost someone so special, not because I lost someone so special but because the world didn't deserve to be in a time without the American Dream Dusty Rhodes...

Cody appreciated Logan saying all this as does the crowd, the feels inside this moment is going to be talked about for a long time, both hitting the personally notes and making it seem like these two at Wrestlemania, Main Event of night 2 should happen more then anything else should.

Logan: ... A World without Dusty? Roman Reigns might as well still be Universal Champion.

Cody and the fans chuckled as Logan smiled, it was a dig, of course it was, he doesn't care who is listening or watching, Joe might be a nice guy outside the ring but inside the ring, Roman Reigns doesn't care about this as much as these two do, Cody came back to fulfil his destiny and Logan came back from the brink of death, both having reasons to call that Main Event spot there.

Logan: ...  Do you remember what we did the night Dusty died?

Logan asked with a small reminiscent smiled, remembering the good times before the sad news struck, Cody nodded again with a small smile though as he looked down to the mat, he didn't expect Logan to dig so deep into the bag of their past but he's glad he has, everyone deserves to hear the good that Dusty did for the WWE.

Cody: We shared a beer and made a promise to my father. We both swore that we'd Main Event Wrestlemania!

Logan nodded as the crowd cheered, both men stood in the middle of the ring as this promo has gone perfectly, not a single person isn't touched or moved by the story and the bond these two share, a bond no one knew about other then their friends and close ones, now the WWE world knows, so Logan wanted to put the final nail in the coffin.

Logan: So let's do it. The path is already laid out, sure it's got huge pot holes but their nothing compared to what we've both already pushed past to be here, right here, right now. Monday night RAW, January 1st 2024...

Cody nodded as the crowd are behind them both 100%, Logan honestly didn't expect to come out here and be this personal but he's glad he has now, to tell everyone that he really debuted in WWE back in 2014 was a small weight off his shoulders, the Alpha debuted in 2019 but Logan's first time in a WWE ring was 10 long years ago now.

Logan: ... Wrestlemania 40, Philadelphia won't be about me or you. It won't be about this title, hell, it won't even be about them...

Logan got a small boo from the crowd with that part but he didn't care as he looked to Cody, his right arm stretched out indicating to the fans but Cody knew he was going somewhere with this, he isn't going to turn "Heel" not after saying all that, it wasn't a loud boo and Logan didn't really give them enough time to make him look like a bad guy because he said something that brought them back.

Logan: ... It will be about the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes. Let's do it, for Dusty.

Cody agreed and nodded, Logan looked to Cody before they both smiled, dropped their mics and hugged making the crowd cheer again, it was an emotional promo that had everything it needed, sure Logan carried it but that just goes to show he doesn't get enough credit for his promo work...

... Cody broke the hug and thanked Logan for his words, it was nice of him to share that story, a story he kept close to his heart for so long but he didn't need to keep it close anymore, not with the announcement he made to them all last night at the New Years party, the WWE Universe have no idea how hard Logan works and maybe they never will because of how private he is.

Logan: ... Wait, wait, wait, wait... Hold on a second...

Cody and Logan were about to leave the ring but stopped because Logan's music played, Cody was literally about to climb out the ropes till Logan went back and grabbed a mic, asking them a favour no one has ever done before.

Logan: ... I know you got it back there, so you better play that "Common Man" one more time for Dusty!

Cody chuckled and shook his head while Logan tossed the microphone away, the crowd cheered for him as the two waited in the ring, it's not scripted so their either not going to do it or their trying to find it, either way they waited... and waited... and waited... till...

... Logan cheered while Cody smiled, it's been a roller-coaster for him today, an emotional roller-coaster he wasn't ready for, Logan noticed and put his hand on Cody's shoulder, Logan asked if he was alright and Cody nodded, Logan wanted this, it will make Wrestlemania for Cody so much more special, Logan didn't care if he'll make it there or not, Cody has to complete his story, one way or the other...


{To Be Continued!} 

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