Chapter 82: Preparing For The Rumble!

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The Royal Rumble is weeks away and Logan's getting ready, it's going to be the single biggest match in his career since he won the title from Roman Reigns at Crown Jewel, it's been pretty easy though these past couple of days, the aches and pains aren't too bad and he's able to ignore them, he's not sure if it's pure adrenaline or a desire to Main Event Wrestlemania, he doesn't know, what he does know is he can't plan too far a head, if he pushes things too much then he won't make it to Wrestlemania.

Logan: Come here...

Logan smiled as he stood behind Alexis, she was about to take a picture of her progress and it was actually quite incredible how much she's lost in the past few weeks, you wouldn't think she had twins barely two months ago, so Logan hugged her resting his chin on her shoulder before using her phone to take the pic...

... The post got a lot of love from her fans all asking when she'd be back, Logan chuckle because they have no patience, Logan gave her a quick kiss before he went to do his workout, with them having twins one can work out while the other is playing parent, then they swap roles, so that meant it's Logan's turn, with the help of his painkiller, Logan walked into the makeshift gym they have to see Gionna still going through her workout, she started with Alexis and is still going strong.

Logan: Looking good.

Logan walked over to her and looked down as she was doing those hip bump things, Logan didn't know why she does them or what they do for her but it's kinda hot watching her do them, she winked up to him then went to lift the weight off her, Logan helped and it was light for him...

... Gionna stood up with a small bounce and her back to Logan, he couldn't help but smile with a sigh as he watched her butt bounce, she didn't have the right to be baked like that but he's not complaining and just enjoyed the wiggle with every step she takes.

Gionna: How are you feeling?

Logan did the "So so" motion with his hand, he's good as long as he pushes through it and hits the adrenaline with his second wind then the pain will pretty much be gone, so together they got into the ring and started to run the ropes before doing little moves, hip tosses and the odd bumping here and there, they work well together.

Gionna: It sucks your retiring. We'd make a great Mixed Tag Team.

Logan chuckled as they took a break, that whole retiring thing still hasn't quite kicked in just yet, it still just feels like an idea he's been having, it doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel real, like one morning he's just going to wake up and it's like it never happened sort of thing, Gionna could see his internal conflict and wanted to make sure he's okay.

Gionna: It is for the best. Last thing you want to do is land badly and be back in a wheelchair. Arlin wouldn't like that too much.

Logan smiled with a nod, he's not sure why Gionna calls them Arlin, it's a mix of their names, adding them together, it sounds pretty cool to be honest but it's just Gionna being Gionna, Logan does know it's for the best as well, he's just worried about after Wrestlemania, what's coming up next for "The Alpha of WWE".

Logan: Tell you what. If they ever bring back the Mixed Tag Challenge. I'll come out of retirement just for you.

Gionna liked that idea and gave him a hug, on the outside it looks like Logan's made his mind up, he's ready to put "The Alpha" to rest, let him wonder into his Den and never come out again, but he's not ready for that, no one in this business should be retiring at his age but he is, it's his own fault and he knows it but that doesn't mean he has to be happy about.

Gionna: Come on, toss me around some more.

Logan laughed to how she put it but they did get back to work, getting ready for the Royal Rumble, the lead up to that is much longer though, there's still Sonya's and Toni's Engagement Party to go, two more Smackdown's where Logan will be building himself, the Rumble and Wrestlemania, all while his story slowly comes to an end...


Logan got out the shower after the workout this morning with Gionna, Alexis has taken the kids out, he's not sure where they've gone, knowing Alexis she's just out with her friends showing the kids off to the world, Logan didn't mind because he wants them to see the world as well, also Alexis is just trying to spend as much time as she can with the babies before she gets back on the road, so Logan isn't bothered she just takes them.

Logan just got dried and changed into a pair of shorts, then went down stairs, he was about to go for a swim because that helps with the joint pain but before he could walk out the house to the backyard, he stopped when he saw one of his girls just sitting there watching Tv...

... Karissa looked good and from what he's heard, she's coming up to Smackdown soon so they'll be able to spend so much more time together, however there was another with her, Logan can't lie and say he knows who she is because he doesn't, if they've met before then it couldn't have been a long greeting, although she does look hot...

... Logan leant on the wall nearby and tried to think if he knows her but nothing was coming to him, he recognises her but that was about it, while the two watched the Tv, Karissa found something funny and looked to the new girl but in doing so, saw Logan standing there, without the girl knowing, she indicated for him to come over to her, Logan did but when he did he leant down and pressed his lips to hers, Karissa reached her right hand to the back of his head and pulled into the kiss, clearly catching the newbie off guard.

Kayla: Oh, wow...

Logan broke the kiss and rested his head sideways on Karissa's, both of them looked to her as she watched them with a shocked face, clearly not having have expected that from him or Karissa, Logan still wanted to know who's sitting on his couch, in his house and watching his Tv, so he moved so his chin rested on top of Karissa's head.

Logan: You brought a friend? 

Karissa nodded under him as she smiled to Kayla, apparently she's another newbie from NXT that has no idea what they do on the Main Roster yet, even though some of the girls have been taking it over there, the Main Roster doesn't mind as long as the girls and guys know who they belong to.

Karissa: This is my friend Kayla. She wants in on my Alpha's Pack ~

Logan liked how she said that and smiled down to her before walking around the couch and sitting in front of Kayla on the coffee table, Kayla smiled at him, clearly a little confident about all this but Logan's not just gonna jump into this without making sure she knows what this means, he's happy to have another girl but not if it gets him in trouble.

Logan: Do you know the rules?

Kayla nodded to him as Karissa watched with a smile, she knows Logan's game and she loves it, watching it is a new for him, sure she watched him fuck Valerie but this is different, she's going to be watching her Alpha feast on the new prey she brought him, it's hot and she is already rubbing her legs together as her right crossed over her left.

Logan: Say them to me. Tell me the rules you have to follow.

Kayla shifted back a little taking a deep inhale when Logan's right hand went to her left thigh, the confidence and smirk has left her face now, Logan's always in control, Kayla will learn that pretty quickly, sure it'll take some time but as soon as Logan takes control like he already is, she'll slowly come around.

Kayla: I'm yours and only yours...

Logan hummed as he moved closer to the edge of the table, Karissa licking her lips as she watched Logan's slithering it's way up her leg and towards her pussy, slowly taking his time in getting to that sweet spot she's already craving him to touch, Karissa couldn't help but put her right hand between her own legs rubbing at her pussy through her leather pants, Logan caught her and smiled before putting his entire attention onto Kayla as she continued to recite the rules she was told about.

Kayla: ... I can get fucked by others but only with your permission...

Logan hummed again, this time placing his left hand to her right thigh, forcing her legs to be spread, Kayla jumped up a little in surprise but quickly sunk into the sensation of seeing him on his knees in front of her, the look in his eyes weren't the same one from a second ago, it was hungry and kind of intimidating, if Kayla screws this up she's worried he won't let her in his pack and from what Lucy, Karissa and Valerie have bragged about, she needs this.

Kayla: ... And Alexis is in charge. What she says goes.

Logan chuckled this time with a small nod, that's pretty much it, most the people already know the rules and she has to remember that Alexis is in charge, if Alexis doesn't want her to be in the pack then Logan can't say anything except "See ya", although Alexis has never done that, Logan's not sure any of the number 1 girls have but he's not been around as much as some of the others on the roster.

Logan: Good but you forgot one thing...

Kayla looked a little worried, going from back and forth between Logan and Karissa, ignoring the fact that Karissa is still rubbing her pussy over her pants, even groping her own tits as Logan made her look back at him, moving up so his face is right in front of hers, his body against hers as her legs spilt either side of his body, the shorts didn't hide his size all too well and she can feel him through her own pants.

Logan: ... The Alpha's always in control.

Kayla didn't get to say anything because Logan pushed his lips into hers, Kayla inhaled deeply and kissed back making Logan smile into the kiss, his hands going down to her shorts and tugging at them, Kayla lifted her waist up and allowed her new Alpha to tug them to the floor, Karissa reached over to Kayla and tugged at her smaller tits a little, Kayla was a little shocked to start with but she loved it.

Kayla: O-Okay ~ Shit ~

Kayla's words could barely get out her mouth as Logan's mouth went to her pussy, licking and kissing at her sensitive spots, Kayla's hands gripped at the couch because Logan wasn't going slowly, he didn't know what his kids will be back so he needed to get this over with, sure their only babies but he and Alexis still want to keep them both away from Social Media and this sort of life as best as they can, Logan still made sure to enjoy it though as he added Kayla to the list of his Pack...


So someone asked who was the official members of The Pack a little while ago and this is pretty much it...

~ Alexa Bliss/ Alexis Kaufman!

~ Liv Morgan/ Gionna Daddio!

~ Maxxine Dupri/ Sydney Zmrzel! {TAFTA!} *Time Away From The Alpha!*

~ Stevie Turner/ Lucy Garland!

~ Cathy Kelley!

~ Lola Vice/ Valerie Loureda!

~ Elektra Lopes/ Karissa Rivera!

~ Kiana James/ Kayla Inlay!

~ Jackie Redmond! 

~ Jessica Woynilko/ Tiffany Stratton!

~ B-Fab/ Briana Brandy!

~ Iyo Sky/ Masami Ōdate!

~ Kairi Sane/ Kaori Hōsako!

~ Tatum Paxley/ Natalie Holland!

... These are the only girls that Logan's been with that the other guys need permission to have sex with, I'm hoping this now makes sense and I hope you enjoyed the Chapter!


{To Be Continued!}

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