Chapter 1: SummerSlam!

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It's August the 21st and time for the biggest Party of the Summer, SummerSlam, the match card is full of top rated matches, Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton, Charlotte Flair vs Sasha Banks, AJ Styles vs John Cena, Duncan Blake defending his WWE Title against Dolph Ziggler, all top matches with top talents but the most personal of the night is Riley Knox vs Seth Rollins to find the first ever WWE Universal Champion.

This match-up has reached new levels of personal, together they were 2/3rds of the faction know as "The S.H.I.E.L.D", together they put the Main Roster on notice that they were here to stay, then Seth Rollins turned his back on Riley and Roman Reigns, Riley never got over it, that was made worse when Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon announced a tournament for the new title on Monday Night RAW, even while holding the Money in the Bank briefcase, Riley made it to the final, where he'll get his revenge.

Nikki: Hey, can I ask you a favour?

Logan's ready for tonight, he's already set to go as the show had kicked off a while ago, Jeri-Ko beat Enzo and Big Cass, Charlotte beat Sasha for the RAW Women's Title, The Miz Beat Apollo for the IC title and AJ Styles defeated John Cena, right now Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are facing the New Day for the Tag Titles but Logan's not watching that anymore, he's attention was dragged to the mother of his son, Nikki Bella...

... Logan started dating Nikki after Hell in a Cell 2014, Logan was locked inside the Cell with Seth Rollins in the Main Event, Nikki was fighting her sister where the loser became the others personal assistant for a month, that was a fun story to watch, however they didn't really work out, as fun as it was, Nikki has a new boyfriend now and Logan's happily single although searching.

Logan: Sure, wanna walk and talk? I gotta get the case from the locker room anyway.

Rumours are that Logan will cash it in tonight if Seth beats him for the Universal title but they know the plan, Nikki doesn't but Logan, Seth and the people who need to know, know, Nikki was happy to walk and talk, she has other plans for tonight after the show which meant she needed him to do a very simple task.

Nikki: Can you take Matteo with you tonight?

Logan looked to her as they walked, Matteo is their son a complete accident that put Nikki out of action since Wrestlemania 31, Nikki and Brie lost that night to AJ and Paige but Logan was in a 7 way Intercontinental Championship ladder match where Brie's husband Bryan won, either way, they celebrated that night, obviously a little too much because on December 4th, Matteo was born, Nikki's actually making her return tonight in a match with Natalya and a new face to the Main Roster, Alexa Bliss, against Becky Lynch, Carmella and Naomi.

Logan: Sure, I don't mind. Duncan coming by for a goodnight kiss, huh?

Logan finds it funny that one of his best friends in the business is dating his Ex, well, that's not funny, the funny thing is Nikki still finds it a little awkward but it's not between Logan and Duncan, Duncan asked if he could and Logan told him that their both grown up's and he can't say he can't date someone, as long as he understood that Logan's not going to let another man call his son "daddy".

Nikki: I'm amazed that it doesn't bother you.

Logan quickly went into the men's locker room to grab the Money in the Bank briefcase, Nikki's return is right before his match, when they walk through the curtain, Logan will be walking out, he's excited to be facing Colby again, they've worked together for years, with each other and against each other, Nikki though didn't understand why Logan's not jealous or anything.

Logan: First, your not my property, I had no right telling him who he can and can't date. Secondly...

They both stopped at the curtain where, Nattie, Becky, Trinity, Leah and Alexis are all waiting, even Colby's here already for their match, their both always ready before hand, you can tell they both love the Wrestling business, however the two former lovers caught their attentions, even Colby's and Becky's, they seemed to be having a really nice conversation.

Logan: ... I think it's only women that get offended by friends dating their Ex's. I'm really not that bothered. Just as long as he remembers Teo's my son, we're good.

Logan shrugged then walked towards where Colby was standing, they shared a bro hug before Logan hopped onto the crate beside him, Becky was standing near it just talking to Colby even they shared a fist bump, both being from the UK, there aren't many in the WWE, so they bonded over that, they never dated though, Becky's not really his type, Nikki is his type though.

Nattie: Logan, this is Alexis, she's on Smackdown now, so be nice.

Logan chuckled and brushed it off, he's a nice guy, he can be a little out spoken but not to people he's just met, however, as soon as the two locked eyes, Alexis smiled and Logan just seemed lost in a far away land...

... Logan's never seen her before in his life but she has him, while she was on NXT, sometimes the talent watch the Main Roster to learn new things, pick up pointers and just perfect their own crafts, she's taken a few notes from Logan before.

Alexis: Hey.

Alexis held her hand out to him to shake and Logan did but he turned her hand over and kissed the back of her hand, Logan smiled to her as the others just teased them, Logan's done that before, how'd you think he got Nikki's attention, it's the British charm, they just can't resist it when he turns it on.

Logan: Sorry, I'm just playing. Welcome to the big times.

While Karl and Luke still went against the New Day, they all made small talk, they are trying to get spoilers from Logan and Colby but neither are letting slip who is going to win, they didn't say neither of them will win but they didn't tell them which one will either.

Leah: Hey, Logan. You got a sec?

Logan looked to her just beside him, he and Colby are still sitting on the crate while the girls are around them, they have a pretty great life to be honest, Logan nodded to her as he jumped off, leaving his case behind and following Leah a little distance away from the group, what only the group saw was Alexis watching them leave.

Leah: So since you and Nikki aren't together anymore. You wanna do something during the Week?

Logan didn't expect that, he wasn't sure what to expect when she dragged him away but it wasn't that, Logan was going to say "No" because honestly, he's not really looking to date anyone right now, Nikki didn't so much put him off but what she wanted wasn't what he wanted so he needs time to figure out if he wants what she does or not.

Leah: Come on, it'll be fun.

They all watched as Leah walked closure to him and used her finger to trace his body, Alexis isn't sure why but it made her feel a little awkward, maybe uncomfortable, even Colby was pissed, they've been here the exactly same amount of time yet he seems to keep getting the girls, maybe it is that British Charm, Colby thought he was just taking the piss when he said that but Colby's starting to think he was actually telling the truth.

Logan: Sure, why not? You got my number right?

Leah nodded to him then walked away, blowing him a kiss as she did, Logan smiled after her but the girls needed to get going because their match starts now, Logan chuckled with a small shake of his head then walked towards Colby.

Colby: How? Tell me?

Logan just laughed while jumping back onto the create, Logan isn't sure what it is, maybe a higher power just wants him to live out his dreams as a WWE Superstar dating the most beautiful women the company has to offer, he's not sure, you either have it or you don't so he left Colby asking while he watched the women kick butt on the Tv nearby...

... It was of course a shame to see Leah get pinned in New York, Logan knows it's not quite where she's from but it would have been nice for one of the other girls to get pinned, either way, Vince writes the plans and he doesn't, Logan and Colby congratulated the girls then watched as Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon walked past them with the new Universal title.

Alexis: Good luck.

Logan looked to her with a smile as Colby went on with his Entrance, Logan grabbed the briefcase and waited for his que, Nikki had to go and get ready, not to mention get Matteo ready to go with his dad, the other girls watched while Logan's turn came...

... They've all gotten used to his entrance these past couple of years, the lights go out except a single spot light, picture when Triple H walks out, only Riley Knox punches the air when the beat kicks in, Riley talked trash his entire way to the ring, aiming it at Seth Rollins, Seth encouraged him to come at him but the ref stopped them, Riley pushed his briefcase out the ring while JoJo started the introductions, only thing is as soon as she started introducing Seth, Riley took the mic from her.

Riley: Enough of this. Ring the damn bell so I can beat this asshole.

Riley tossed the mic out the ring as the crowd cheered, they want this match so much, even if it's been done a few times now, you can never get enough of these two going at each other, when the bell rung, people expected Riley to charge at Seth but he didn't, the two just started talking trash again, inching closer and closer together till they were face to face, the crowd clapped and cheered before the both started sending haymakers at each other, it was Riley who got the upper hand, pushing Seth towards the ropes and clotheslining him over to the floor.

Riley looked to the Universal title then to Seth, the crowd knew what they wanted to see and they want to see Riley dive over the ropes and take out Seth, so that's what he did, Riley built up the spot then ran into the opposite ropes, putting caution to the wind...

... Seth hit hard as Riley stumbled to his feet, managing to hold himself up on the ring apron the crowd fully behind him as he ran his hands over his face and through his hair, Riley didn't let Seth have a second though, as soon as Seth started to get to his feet, Riley was behind him, ready to deliver a beating to the man who stabbed him in the back all those years ago now...


The entire building are on their feet as the two dealt everything they have at each other, the match however was coming to an end with Riley climbing to the turnbuckle but Seth climbed onto the apron and pushed him off, Riley landed hard while Seth lined him up for his springboard knee, Riley though expected it and delivered a superkick to the man's jaw instead...

*I couldn't find a springboard one that would work, just picture this but Seth spring boarding into it!*

... Riley fell into the cover because this match has been the longest of the night so far, Lesnar vs Goldberg is next and their not going to go longer then these two, Riley and Seth are in their prime, so a near 35 minutes later, their still going.

Chad/Crowd: 1!... 2!...

Seth got the shoulder up at two, just before the three count, Riley didn't move though, neither did Seth, both selling the battle they've both gone through, Riley was the first to start stirring, he moved to one knee and looked around to something he can do and his eyes landed on the Announcer's table, the crowd cheered as Riley stood up, still staring at the table then looked straight to the hard cam with a smile...

... The crowd knew what he was planning and cheered him as he rolled out the ring and over to the announcer's table, he told Stephanie and Mick to get out the way so he can pull the stuff off, as he did, Seth was taking time to come back to it, once Riley had the table cleared, he got back in the ring but caught by a Seth Rollins playing possum...

... The crowd cheered again, this time louder then before, this has to be it, it has to be over now, even Stephanie and Mick were clapping for the soon the be winner but as soon as Seth crawled to the cover, the ref counted with the crowd.

Chad/Crowd: 1!...2!...

The crowd counted a "3!" because they thought that was it but Riley got his shoulder up, the ref called to the timekeeper while Riley and Seth laid there with their arms over the other, this was it though, one last ditch effort, Seth was the first to his feet and he moved over to the corner for a stomp, brushing his hair out his face looking frustrated, Riley slowly got to his hands and knees till Seth ran at him, it looked like it was over but Riley got him...

... The crowd couldn't believe what they just saw, Micheal Cole, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves lost their minds as did Stephanie and Mick, they couldn't believe that Riley Knox just got Seth with a Cutter in that scenario, Mick has a massive smile on his face while Stephanie has her hands over her mouth, shocked look plastered around her face.

Chad/Crowd: 1!...2!...3!

Chad called for the bell as the crowd all raised the roof, it was an unbelievable match, two of the best in the company right now, even the girls and guys backstage right now are cheering and clapping for the two men who put it all out on the mat...

... Chad patted Riley making sure he's okay, he is and is just selling the match, Seth is too, just laying there while Stephanie and Mick took the title towards the steps, Riley had his hand held up high by Chad Patton, it wasn't long till Mick handed him over the Universal Championship, Seth rolled out the ring and started to make his way to the back, not before cursing and seemingly clearly pissed that Riley Knox beat him again.

As soon as Logan and Colby walked through the curtain they were greeted by a large applause coming from the production crew, their bosses and their colleagues, they did put on a hell of a show, Logan and Colby shared a quick hug before more people congratulated them, Logan needed to do a photoshoot with still WWE Champion Duncan Blake, then he took his son back to the hotel, the new Universal Champion had a chill night, just him, his son, the Money in the Bank briefcase and his new title...


{To Be Continued!}

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