Chapter 10: 2nd Date With Alexis!

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Alexis is a little nervous about today, Logan's taking her out fishing, like out out, out into the open sea, she has of course been before but that wasn't for too long, he said they could be out there for hours, she's hoping he's just yanking her chain but she's also looking forward to spending more time with him, it's been a lot of fun lately and he seems like a great guy, the girls weren't lying about that.

Logan: You made it!

It's a hot day today, luckily and there isn't a cloud in the sky so when Alexis walked down the dock towards where he told her to meet him, she should have expected that he wouldn't be dressed for a Winter vacation in the Arctic Circle...

... Alexis took a deep breath trying to keep her cool, she likes Logan, she does but she has to keep to her 3 date rule, if he's still here after that then it's all game but if he's just with her to sleep with her then she doesn't want to know him to be honest, Logan's not like that though, she can tell, he hasn't tried to perv on her, ask her to do anything she's not comfortable with, he's just been trying to get to know her, just like she is with him.

Alexis: You're lucky, I nearly didn't. I got lost three times looking for this place.

Logan chuckled to her as he held his hand out, Alexis didn't know what he wanted and just stood there before she giggled, Logan laughed and in the end he nodded towards her bag, they aren't going to be out there too long but he did warn her she might need a spare set of clothes and what not, just encase she falls in, she didn't quite get the dress code though and might have over dressed...

... Logan didn't seem to be bothered and just waved her to follow him as he took her bag, at least he didn't take her coffee from her, that would have ended this relationship, also the friendship too, that would be as good as over, Logan smiled his way down the dock though, waving to over sailors as Alexis just smiled and watched him be himself outside of Monday Night RAW, it was actually really nice, just seeing him being Logan Kenway and not "The Alpha".

Alexis: Wow...

Logan dropped into a boat which told Alexis that it was his, she's not sure what she was expecting but it wasn't this, when you watch those Tv Shows where there's a fishing boat it's always a run down piece of crap but Logan has a much better piece then they have, Alexis couldn't help but smile while looking at it...

... Logan chuckled to her reaction then held his hand out to her, Alexis curtsied and took it, letting him help her down into the boat, Alexis was in shock of how nice the boat is, he's clearly taken care of it and it must have cost a fortune, she's seen how much boats cost, this couldn't have been cheep, however it's extremely rude to ask that so she's not going to.

Logan: Okay, so the bathroom's down there if you need it and I probably don't have to tell you to stay on the boat when it's moving right?

Alexis smiled to him as she took a seat, it's a little exciting, she's never been fishing before but she does know that it's the perfect chance for them to spend a lot of time together, just the two of them on their own in the open water, it's going to be nice, also spending this amount of time together will see how much they actually have in common.

Alexis: Oh! You've got a dog?

Logan looked to his right just as she walked beside him, Logan's getting ready to start sailing, heading out to the best fishing spot in Florida, it's not far from here so it won't take long, it'll just fly by while Logan smiled as Alexis found the picture Logan has of Zeus on his boat, it was when he was a puppy so he's a lot smaller there then he is now.

Logan: Yeah, that's Zeus. I got him after I signed with the WWE. Needed a friend, you know?

Alexis looked up to him as he pulled out of the docks, Logan was lonely when he first got to the states, he worked hard to make it to the WWE and now, he's one of the youngest World Champions in the WWE and the first ever Undisputed Heavyweight Champion, sure she can understand why his family wasn't too pleased with him ditching a sure thing career as a chef but look at him now, he's on the top of the biggest Wrestling company in the world.

Alexis: So where are we going?

Logan didn't answer and just smiled as he made it towards the open water, it's not far, plus watching Alexis walk around the boat with a little amazement, it's a nice boat and it wasn't as pricey and you'd think, sure it cost a little more than most would spend but majority of it is work he had done to it once he owned it, you'd be amazed how easy maintaining a boat is once you learn to do it yourself, it costs so much a year to keep one of these things maintained but when you do it all yourself, it's easier and cheaper.

Logan: You want to steer?

Alexis looked over to him as he slowed the boat down, Logan wasn't bothered about her wrecking the boat or anything because their in open waters now, so there wasn't much chance of her doing that, Logan turned to her as she walked over to him, it looks like there's a lot to know but driving or sailing a boat is the easiest thing in the world.

Alexis: What? I can't do that, I've never done it before.

Logan waved it off like it was nothing, Alexis kept nervously giggling while Logan took her hands into his and placed them on the wheel, Alexis didn't even mind that he's standing right behind her, it felt nice, his hands are warm gently cupping over hers, Alexis snapped out of it though when he moved her left hand to the lever and assisted her in pushing it forward slightly.

Logan: There you go. Captain Kaufman.

Alexis loved it, it's fun, the only thing Logan did tell her to do is keep an eye on the radar and avoid "high ground" that's what he called it anyway, he's means anything that she could go over that will scratch the bottom of the boat, saying "high ground" was just a lot easier then warning her about potential reef's or underwater rock formations, either way, Logan was able to get the stuff ready that he bought.

Alexis: What are you doing?

Alexis had to look down in the little compartment where Logan disappeared into, he wanted to do stuff with her she's never done before, so he knows that she's never had freshly cooked fish which is why he bought a cooking plate and all the other things he needs to cook her dinner on the boat, right here and right after they catch the fish.

Logan: I'm gonna cook you dinner.

He winked to her as he came back up with a backpack filled with all the things he'd need, so as she made sure his boat didn't get destroyed, Logan walked around to the front of the boat, Alexis smiled as she watched him set up the stuff, she wasn't sure what to expect, she's never gone fishing but certainly never had freshly cooked fish on a boat before, Logan's just full of surprises, Alexis likes that.

Logan: Alright, stop the boat.

Logan stood up and watched her look around at the controls, she didn't know how to slow it down, so Logan chuckled and walked around, reaching past her to pull back the same lever he helped her push earlier, Alexis looked back up to him as the boat slowly came to a stop, he's standing right in front of her.

Logan: Nice and easy.

Alexis smiled up to him, it's just them in the open water, it's nice, peaceful, it's something that Alexis needed that she didn't know she needed, no fans, no wrestling, no early morning gym sessions, just her and Logan, it sounds crazy but she's never felt like this about anyone before, that warm feeling in the pit of her stomach every time she thinks of him, every time she sees him, every time he stands right in front of her, it's a feel she's missed for a long time.

Logan: Let's go. Dinner ain't going to catch itself.

Alexis sighed as she composed herself, tucking her stray hair behind the back of her ear, Alexis watched him walk to the seats behind the cabin and watched him set up a fishing line, she couldn't believe how much she wants him right now, not like that but just to sit there and hold her, letting her know he's there, that sort of thing, she just wants to be with him 26 hours a day right now if she could but it was her idea to play it slow and she needs to stick to that, she's a classy girl after all.

Logan: Hey, you okay?

Alexis hummed with a nod then walked over to him, sitting on the seat as he put the rod in the docking station for it, then just like that, they were fishing, Logan smiled as he sat beside her, his left arm going around the back of the seat but not around her, Alexis didn't want to scare him away though so she played it cool, there was just one thing she needed to know.

Alexis: Hold on, I thought you have ADHD? Isn't all this a little boring for you?

Logan nodded and listened, it's a fair question and since she's one of a few people that know he has it, he expected it at some point, no one has ever actually really asked him that before, not Colby, not Joe, not Duncan, no one, Logan never really felt the need to tell anyone either, he just kind of did his own thing, so Alexis is the first.

Logan: Well, yeah sort of but sometimes it relaxes me. Just me, the waves and the sun. It's peaceful.

Alexis smiled to him, it's nice to know he has his own escape from things, she's not going to pretend to be an expert in everything to do with ADHD or even ADD, some people get the two confused but there is a big difference, Logan's not even sure of the difference though since he hasn't got ADD but he does know one isn't the same as the other, Alexis however did know what it meant, she might have googled it the other day when he told her he has it, now that she knows he has it, things make a lot more sense about him then it did before.

Logan: Anyway, you've learnt a lot about me. Tell me about Alexis Kaufman.

Alexis was happy to, she didn't love talking about herself but she loved talking about how she got to this point and Logan admired her, knowing what she went through to be here and the fact she's so happy to talk about it so she can help others in a similar situation, it's incredible, there aren't enough people like Alexis in the world, it didn't take too long for them to catch something either, Logan said it was a pretty good spot to fish and he was right since they had two catches within a short space of time, Logan had to throw a few back though because they were too young.

Logan: Dinner is served.

Alexis sat on the seats above the cabin as she watched him cook, it was really fun watching him work, it was cute as well, seeing Logan so happy outside of wrestling, you can tell he cared about cooking so that shows how much he desired to be a wrestler to have giving up something he enjoyed so much, Alexis edged towards the edge of the seat just as Logan put a plate down in front of her...

... It looks incredible and the fact he was able to actually do this on a boat in a few hours is amazing, the only downside is that he wasn't able to de bone them so they have to pick at the fish, it's not an issue, it's actually quite romantic right now, she's not sure if he intended this but with them along on the open water with the sun beginning to set, it's really quite beautiful, maybe they can work out, the two of them together...


{To Be Continued!} 

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