Chapter Four

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He was waiting outside the door to the main hall, dark locks falling over his eyes, the electric green color popping out in contrast to the dark halo. I could have asked what was on his mind, but I had a pretty good feeling of exactly what was on his mind. Instead, I stopped and tried to force an emotionless smile onto my face.

"Long time no see, Tiberius."

"Cara..." My name on his lips sounded like heaven. There was no stopping the rush of heat that flooded my body from that one word.

"Waiting for someone?" I questioned as I tried my best to hide the effect his presence had on me.

"Not really." He smirked.

"Then why are you out here?"

"Didn't know that I needed a reason."

"I guess you have a point. I'll see you inside then." Without looking up into his gaze, I disappeared behind the doors.

A silent hush fell over the room the moment the doors creaked closed behind me. Titan sat at the far end of our long burnt oak dining table, a victorious smirk plastered on his square shaped face. I know he thought he had won by not mentioning the meeting to me; all the Alpha's would see this as neglect, but I wasn't as foolish as he assumed. I smiled politely at all the Alpha's in the room. "Sorry I'm late boys. Had some packing to assist with."

"How is packing more important then the Summit?" Someone called out as I took my seat at the opposite end of my brother.

"Well, when it's the formal Alpha's daughter, it gets put at the top of the list, Alpha Jackson." My smile turned vicious as the smirk was ripped from my brothers face.

"Excuse me?" He growled as the weight of my words settled in. Seeing the reaction that I had hoped for had an unexpected smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Oh no, did I forget to tell you brother?" I asked with exaggerated shock, "Isadonna is taking custody of Faith for a bit."

"You can't-"

"Last time I checked Trent's will has me noted as her guardian," I interrupted, "So that means...I have every right." My childish smile was stupid, but I couldn't help myself. Titan had purposely kept the information of the change in date for the Summit, just to make me look bad, and now he was the one looking bad. Moving Faith was a big deal. If she turned out to be an Alpha, the pack would be her birthright. Giving her to another Alpha was a major deal, even if he was the mate of her aunt.

"We will talk about this later." Titan growled lowly.

I told him off instantly.

I watched as gold began to cut through the ocean blue. He opened his mouth to continue to fight but it was interrupted as another Alpha stepped into the conversation. "Enough." Tiberius growled from behind me. It took a lot to not roll my eyes at him. His one word was obviously more for me then my brother, a certain power behind the deep tone of voice used.  

Disliking the attempt of the Alpha trying to display his dominance over me, and my wolf, I blatantly disrespected his authority and turned towards Eloise, starting a conversation as Tiberius began to address the room.

"You know that you could have mentioned this to me during our little meet up two days ago, right?"

"I thought you knew...patrolling your territory like you were...I thought you had been keeping an eye out for knowing, making sure he didn't try what he did last time."

"You know that he uses any chance he can to make me look bad. What made you really believe that he would have told me about this?"

"Not him...the one behind you..." Eloise didn't even try to hide her grin. Maybe ignore his calls and texts isn't the smartest thing to do...

"You can really be a thorn in my side sometimes-"

"Do you ladies have something to share with the group?" Tiberius asked suddenly. I kept my mouth shut, but the Alpha next to be seemed to have other plans.

"Why yes," Eloise grinned, a lock of her pink hair twisted around her fingers, "I'm hungry. Did anyone happen to bring some snacks to this meeting?" To say that the whole room was stunned into silence wouldn't be enough. The look Eloise received from the three Alpha's surrounding her could have sent anyone running, but Eric's little sister was a completely different story. She thrived off of the attention she was given for saying stupid stuff.

"Going back to what I was saying," Tiberius's grip on the back of my chair tightened, "It had been requested that the annual Summit was moved up in order to address an issue that has risen within our packs. A couple weeks ago, something was brought up to the attention of my self and Eric. We investigated and were able to confirm that three Alpha's have gone missing, and there is currently no information on where they were taken, or who took them." I finally let my gaze travel to the Alpha behind me. His eyes met mine, but the look we shared only lasted for a second. 

The room was silent for a good minute, and then everyone was standing. Questions were being thrown left and right, everyone shocked by the news of not one, but three missing Alpha's.

"Are we sure they didn't just leave?" Someone asked.

"Michael wouldn't just leave, not with Julie being as far along as she is..." Tiberius responded.

"Who are the other two?" I asked suddenly.

"Fredrick and Gaven."

"I can see Gavin running away, he's always been a wild one. Fredrick is another story though. Helen just had her third kid, he wouldn't leave her alone like that. Not to mention, everyone here knows just how much he loves being a father."

"How is it even possible for an Alpha to be taken? The only thing strong enough to take on an Alpha would be another Alpha..."

"Minus those three, only four others are missing from this meeting, and I think we can all agree that they aren't capable to doing something like that. Honestly, I would believe that it was a Hybrid before one of us."

"Well, why don't we send you to go find out if it was one of them?" Alpha Zack sneered. 

"Here let me just dial the number they gave to me from tea last Sunday..." I sneered back. Neither him, nor Alpha Jackson agreed with the whole female Alpha ordeal. In their minds, women were meant for taking care of the household and making an heir for the pack. Truthfully, most of the Alpha's really didn't agree with us being in the positions that we were in, but Zack and Jackson were the only ones who weren't respectful enough to keep their thoughts to themselves.

"Enough you two! This isn't the time to be fighting! Either shut up or leave." Zack took the threat to heart. I, on the other hand, decided to go back to my original thought.

"I'm being serious about the hybrids, Tiberius." So maybe using our bond to help strengthen my point wasn't the smartest thing in the world, but I couldn't stop the way I said his name. It just came out that way; there was no stopping it, "I know a lot you guy's don't really believe in them, but I do, and I also believe that they might have a hand in this. From the look he gave me, I knew that I was beginning to tread through dangerous waters, but there was no stopping myself now, "I'm not saying it's all the of them, but we all know that the rogues are easily paid off, and if there are rogue wolves, I'm sure that there are rogue Hybrids. They are stronger and faster then us, and who ever doesn't believe that is just going to drown in their own stupidity."

"Say Hybrids are more then just a scary story that we are told as children...why would they-"

"Why wouldn't they?" Eloise cut in, "Cara said it herself. They are stronger and faster then us. I mean, for all we know this is just their way to showing up that they are real. You can only be ignored for so long before you decide to lash out. I also agree with her when she says that it isn't logic for another Alpha to do such a thing. If it is an Alpha, then its one that we haven't met yet, which also doesn't sound very likely. There are too many of us to have a new Alpha go unnoticed."

"So how do we hunt them down?" Titan finally decided to speak. He stood from his chair slowly, his hands clasped behind his back as he started walking towards my side of the room. "The legends say that Hybrids always stay hidden, and that the only time there's ever been an encounter with one of them, was when they hunted us down. Do you just expect one of us to act as bait for them?"

"That's sounds like a perfect plan!" I beamed. "I'm glad you volunteered."

"This isn't funny Cara."

"I never said it was. I'm just so proud that you would willingly give up your pack to help find three missing Alphas."

"Cara. Titan." We both immediately shut our mouths and gave out attention back to Tiberius, "I know you two don't necessarily enjoy the company of each other, but now is not to the time to display the way you feel. The matter at hand is much more serious then the petty issues you two have at the moment. If you can't keep yourselves under control, then leave." Like a good little Alpha, Titan turn with his tail tucked between his legs and marched back to his seat. I, on the other hand, gave Tiberius's little warning a good thought, and shot from my chair. "Alpha Cara?"

"See you all later." Giving the whole room a two fingered salute, I turned on my heel and practically skipped from the room.

I started off towards the kitchen where I knew my sister would be, but stopped when I realized someone had followed after me.

"What in the world were you thinking, Cara?"

Groaning as I turned, I faced my sisters mate. "What do you want, Eric?"

"Why in the world did you just walk out like that?"

"Tiberius did tell me to leave."

"You know that's not what he meant."

"Look," I growled, "I understand that the situation is serious. Alpha's are going missing and that's a big deal, but you and I both saw the looks I got in there. All of them are convinced that this was done by another Alpha. I know that you are taking my situation to heart, but your grandfather had the unlucky fortune of running into an actual Hybrid. It's different for you, me, Eloise, and even Tiberius. To top off the current threat to us Alpha's, I also have to deal with  running half of a pack, and making sure that those Alpha's in there don't realize just how bad the situation is because we both know that they will take advantage of it the moment that catch wind of it, which is a little hard to do with Titan swerving me with every chance that he gets. God forbid Zack or Jackson ever find out, because you know that they will do what ever it takes to keep me from being the true Alpha. So yes, I stepped out, because right now it is the only thing I can do to keep my pack and Faith safe." My words came rushing out, the stress that had been pent up for the past couple of weeks was finally sick of being held down.

Hybrids are just a bedtime story for the Alpha's, so how is it that Cara actually knows that they are real?

Who or what do you think is responsible for kidnapping the Alphas?

In case you didn't notice, Tiberius and Cara are actually do you think the two of them feel about this? (No, they have not actually mated yet...)

Please remember to comment and vote.

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