Chapter Six

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Saying goodbye to Tiberius was both a heartache and a breath of fresh air. Being around him but having to keep my distance, felt like I was letting someone shove two knives into my back and then doing nothing as they twisted the blades around and tore me to shreds. I was never relaxed unless he was gone. Even with that being said, I liked having him near. Whenever he was gone, I always felt as if something was missing, and when he's around me, even with the pain, that empty void in my heart was filled and a part of me was much happier.

Isadonna and Faith on the other hand felt like death. I hated seeing Faith being driven off in Eric's car, but I would accept the pain if it meant that she would be safe from her uncle.

Before our goodbyes, Isadonna promised I could visit when ever to see Faith. I thanked her for the offer, but admitted that it probably wouldn't be happening any time soon. With Faith gone, I could roam a little more freely and start figuring out how I was going to handle the growing situation within the pack.

Walking back into the house, I found find Titan sitting on the entry hall sofa. He looked like he was up to something, but when his gaze landed on me, his emotions grew raw with anger.

"Someone looks a little upset" I smirked as I poked at the beast, "Don't tell me that you are already missing your precious niece?"

"She is the heir to this pack. Everyone is upset." Titan snapped. 

I shrugged his anger off like it was a piece of dirt. "She is too young to even be considered for leadership, besides father was given to his uncle's pack to be raised, after our grandfather passed away. Everything turned out fine in the end for him."

"Times were a little different back then."

"And how was that? Didn't they have murderous, traitors running a muck in their packs?" The challenge in my voice was quite clear. Unfortunately Titan didn't succumb to it like I had hoped. Instead, he responded as if I was an overly cautious child.

"Oh Cara....I wish I could show you that this pack is so much safer then you think. You need to have trust in those around you. This is my biggest fear for you. Always watching over your back, it must be difficult..."

"Oh Titan," I mocked in a sickly sweet voice, "If anyone should watch their back, it's you."

"Threatening your Alpha?"

"Last time I checked, I am, my own Alpha-"

"Not that I don't love to watch you two fight," Lucas cooed as he appeared from a shadow filled corner, "But I need to talk to my Alpha. If you'll excuse us Titan." Grabbing my arm, Lucas pulled me away from my brother and into my office. He didn't stop moving until he was sitting comfortably in my chair, his feet kicked up on the desk like he owned the place. "I received a message today...I took it during your Summit meeting...just in case you're wondering, it's the reason why I wasn't there."

"You didn't happen to know about the date change, did you, Lucas?" I asked as I sat on the small leather love couch next to the office door.

"Actually that had been kept a secret from me too. It annoyed me, but there is now nothing I can really do, and you should know that one of my sources called, and it's actually kind of important."

"Alright then, let's here it."

"Victoria was spotted three towns over." Hearing that the blood queen was around made me laugh. Titan and every other Alpha around here would be throwing a fit if they discovered anyone from the horde was around, especially now with the missing Alpha's. It was no worry for me though; I knew it wasn't her.

"And did your source happen to know why the Queen of Night was snooping around so close to wolf territory?"

"Apparently we aren't the only ones having some issues..."

"What's going on?"

"Twelve dead, their throats missing."

"So we now have three missing Alpha's and twelve dead vamps?"

"Seems like it. Going to make the call?"

"No." I growled, "Besides I don't even really believe it's them. They are way to loyal to him, and if one had decided to go rogue, he would have told you already. I honestly just didn't want to see what would have happened when the Alpha's started suspecting each other of this crime, so I brought them up to add some doubt. " At least that's how it was in the past, things could have changed with him, but seeing that Lucas was still here I was doubting that there was any change.

"Should we see what they have to-"

"Cara!" Exploding through the doors, one of my hunters crashed into my desk, his hands lurching out in front of him to keep himself steady. I pushed myself from the couch and met Lucas beside the kid.

"What's going on, Logan?"

"'s Emily." He gasped as he tried to regain oxygen in his lungs, "Her and Courtney...they're fighting!"

"Stay here!" My command was for both of them. Lucas tried to reject but he was cut short by the door slamming shut behind me.

Rushing into the front yard I was met by the largest group of shouting wolves I've seen in quite some time. They were all gathered around in a giant circle. Somewhere in the middle, I could make out the growls of two girls. Their growls were deep and murderous, the two clearly not fighting for fun.

"Move out of the way!" Without warning I started shoving the members of my pack out of the way. Face first into the ground, I shoved everyone as hard as I could until I was standing front row to, two she-wolves tearing at each other as if it was life or death.

They were both full wolf. Blood was dripping from multiple wounds through out their large bodies. Emily was limping on her back leg, but Courtney seemed to be struggling in keeping her eyes open.

"Alright! Enough!" Walking directly in the path of their fight, I grabbed onto Emily's scruff and threw her behind me. Courtney tried to slither past me, but at the last second I got my hands on her and shoved her to the ground, "Shift, now!" The wolf below me started snapping. Her large white cabinets were inches from my face. "I said shift!" I growled, letting my wolf slither towards the surface. Something must have clicked because very slowly her wolf dissolved away leaving a very pissed off human. "Now, get up!" Switching my grip from her the back of her neck to her arm, I forced her off the ground and then threw her into the arms of two others. "Now, who wants to explain this?"

Everyone stayed quiet. Dragging my eyes along the line of wolves, I ran my fingers through my hair with an exaggerated exhaust escaping my pursed lips.

"Alright. So you guys want to stay quiet-"

"This isn't your problem, Cara!" Courtney snapped. 

The look that she received made everyone around her back away. The world around me started to go sharp. The colors came alive as the blue of my eyes slowly turned gold. Every smell on my territory became distinguished and suddenly I knew exactly where everyone was. I could hear ever single heartbeat of the pack around me.

"Not my problem?" I barked, the sound followed by twisted laughter, "What do you think about that?" I asked as I turned and faced the person behind me. He didn't say anything; he didn't even move. "Not going to answer either?"

"I...I'm not scared of you-" her shaking words cut off with a high pitched yelp. I held her so her feet were just off the ground. Fear was swimming in her eyes, and my wolf was loving every moment of her struggle.

"You should be scared, Courtney. You should be very scared." My wolf hissed hungrily, "Do you know what happens when you piss off a female Alpha? When you piss off your own Alpha?"

"Cara..." someone seemed worry. I wanted to turn around and see who was calling out to me, but I couldn't move an inch. My wolf had slipped past the gates that kept her locked down and took the drivers seat, I was merely a passenger being forced to watch as my own body held Courtney off the ground.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't teach you a memorable lesson?" My wolf growled, something dark lurking behind her tone, "Hell, I could teach everyone a lesson with you!" Her laugh made me shiver from the inside out. After keeping my wolf pushed down from so long, I sometimes forget how tyrannical she can get.

"P...please...A...A..." Courtney was a sobbing mess.

"What was that?" She smirked, "I don't quite understand babble?"

"Cara!" My wolf knew his voice, but it only made her squeeze harder.

"Leave, you useless mutt." She spit as Titan rushed up to us.

"Drop her!"

"Make me." As if proving that she wasn't threatened by Titan in the least bit, she lifted Courtney higher off the ground. The act made her tremble, at this point I was even scared to see what my wolf is going to do.

"I swear to God Cara! If you don't-" Off the eastern border, a scent drifted over in my general direction. My head snapped to the right, and my wolf began sniffing the air. From the corner of my eye, I watched as Titan turned towards the smell. Our gazes met and suddenly I was in full control. I dropped Courtney and shifted.

A/N: Such an evil little wolf isn't she? Think of it like this? Females are pretty protective over what is there's, and everyone knows we can over react a little. As an Alpha, a female's emotions is amplified by like 110%. And then there's the fact that Cara's wolf is really that dangerous. Remember though, Cara and her wolf have been through a lot, and her wolf really just doesn't like Titan.

So this chapter allowed you to see that the pack really is split. Some support Titan while some support Cara, they just sometimes forget to realize that when they go against Cara they are going against another Alpha, and you just DON'T do that.

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