Chapter Two

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"As much as I love the random visit," I started as I attempted to slip into the outfit she had thrown at me, "I'm curious as you why exactly you're here at this time of night." The dress she tossed me was a bit of a tight squeeze. I really had to suck it in for the dress to slide over my stomach. 

The moment I was fully covered, I walked into the clearing and faced the Alpha sitting directly on the border, her feet dangling on my side. She grinned at me and said, "I was doing a patrol for my brother and got bored. While I was running along the river I caught your scent and decided to pay you a little visit. Is this a bad time?"

"No," I laughed as I leaned against one of the many trees, "Perfect timing actually. I could use a friend."

"Having big brother issues?"

"When isn't it him?"

"I don't understand why you won't just claim the pack already?" Eloise sighed as she jumped from her spot on the broken tree stump. "You have so many packs that would support you. Hell, over half of your own pack would be on your side." 

There was no denying her words, but there were still issues that needed to be resolved before I started a civil war within the pack. On top of that, I know that there were other Alpha's that would take advantage of a fight between my brother and I. They'd swoop in the moment we were at our worst and destroy everything. I couldn't risk it. Too many wolves would loose their lives.

"Well for one, he's still my brother. I already lost one. I'm not really in the mood to lose another."

"Trent was a sweetheart Cara. Titan is a raping, murderous bastard who deserves to rot in hell."

"Could you kill your own brother?" I growled. 

I wasn't trying to be mean, but as cruel as Titan was, he was still my brother, and that was the hardest part of it all.

"No," She snorted, "For one, he'd squish me like a bug. Two, pregnant Isadonna make my worst nightmare look like a unicorn prancing around in a field of daisy's while being surrounded by puppies. And lastly, if he was gone I'd have no one to make fun of whenever I get bored. By killing him, I'd basically be handing my life over to the devil himself."

"Look," I yawned as my body began to register how long I'd actually been out, and the strain from fighting against her control, "I know Titan is a horrible man. You know that I still believe he was responsible for Trent and Hannah's death, but as of right now, there are still issues I need to figure out before I can take control. Not to mention, I don't think I can kill him. I'd much rather send him to the Black Garden." Eloise flinched at the name. No Alpha wanted to be sent there. Death was more welcome then being locked up behind those silver coated walls.

"Well, if you ever do need help, I'm a simple phone call away." I started to thank her but stopped. If I was right about Titan's part in Trent and Hannah's death, then that meant they weren't the only targets.

"Actually," I smiled, "Can you deliver a message to my sister?"

"Of course I can. Maybe it will get me out of nursery duty." I would have laughed but the mission was just too serious. So I told her what I thought Titan was up to and why. I explained what I wanted done and the risks involved. She never even let me finish my explanation; she was on board the moment I asked.

"I will deliver the information. See you later Cara."

"Bye Eli."

Eloise turned ready to leave but stopped mid-stride. "Oh before I forget," she turned back with a Cheshire cat grin plastered on her face, her pink, cotton candy colored hair wiping around, "Ty sends his love."

She was gone before I could even begin to form a coherent sentence.

Behind me, my men began to snicker loud enough for my ears to register the sound. It took everything I had to keep my blush at bay.

Inhaling deeply, I rolled my eyes and growled out a quick warning, "Shut your traps. Time to go home boys, it's late." Shifting, I grabbed a hold of the dress from Eloise and took off for the main house.

Half way to the pack house, I slowed my run down to a trot. Sniffing around, something odd caught my attention. I didn't bother warning my guys, instead I took off towards the eastern border doing my best to track the source of the smell.

Once at the border I came up with nothing. Everything looked like normal, and when the patrol unit for the area came by, the report thy gave me was the usual, normal everyday speech. The place was clear. Besides Eloise, no one had crossed over who wasn't welcome.

I stalled for a few minutes longer, searching through the shrubbery in the area. Still, there was nothing to be found. 

With a huff of annoyance, I turned around and trotted back home.

The moment I slipped on the dress from Eloise for a second time, I stepped from the woods with my pack members following close behind. Titan was waiting by the front doors, his blue eyes attempting to burn a hole in my head. Approaching him I could see the stress lines around the eyes. "Awe you look tired. What's wrong? Would you like to talk to your little sister about it?"

"Where have you been?" He snapped. 

My eyes practically rolled into the back of my head.

"Nowhere that concerns you."

"Don't," he grabbed my arm as I tried to pass by, "Disrespect me in front of my pack members."

"Don't," I mocked as I ripped my arm free, "Touch me. I don't want your sickness infesting my beautiful soul."

"I could smell her you know!" He snapped as he followed me inside, "Why was she on my territory?"

"Because I let her?"

"So you're just going to let another Alpha walk onto my territory without so much as a little heads up?"

"Yup." I said emphasizing the 'P'.

"Do I need to remind you who is the head Alpha around here!?" He hissed. From the yard, wolves began to growl. I practically laughed as I faced my brother.

"No, because I'm beginning to think that you don't even realize who is in charge here!" Titan stood his ground as I took a step towards him. It was smart on his part really, backing down would look bad as the supposed 'head' Alpha. "Now I'm going to bed. It's 2 in the morning and I have a little girl to protect. Goodnight brother." Giving his cheek a few good pats, I turned away from him and marched up to Faith's room. Sarah was just closing the door when I appeared behind her. "She okay?"

"Holy Moon Goddess," Sarah practically jumped out of her skin. I grinned as her heart began to race, "Never do that again!"

"I'm sneaky, what can I say?"

"I didn't even sense you..."

"I move quickly. Anyways how is she?"

"She's asleep. She's been waking up randomly asking for you. She'll sleep better with you in the room."

"Thank you. Now go back to bed. I owe you one."

"It was my pleasure Cara." I didn't even watch Sarah leave. I was in the room before I even took a single breath.

Faith was passed out in her bed. Her chubby little arms were wrapped around the stuffed panda that her father has given to her two years ago. It was the only thing she has left of him, and it was hardly ever out of sight. Standing at the edge of her bed, I let a soft sigh push through my lips. Faith was my everything. Out of all the things Trent left me, his daughter meant the most to me.

Since the day she was born, Faith felt like she was my own. The arguments her mother and I would get into had always been ridiculous. I couldn't even begin to count the amount of times Trent had to rip me from her room at night because I wanted to sleep with Faith instead of being alone. She was my everything, and everyone here knew I would shed as much blood as possible if it meant keeping her safe.

Tucking away a soft piece of golden blonde hair, I gently picked her up and moved her to the side of her large bed. After loosing her parents, Faith started having nightmares and could almost never sleep by herself. She would often sneak into my room, but after I moved out, the only thing I could think of was getting her a much larger bed so that when I was over we could both fit.

I quickly switched my dress for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and slipped under the covers next to her. The moment I got comfortable I felt her roll over and wrap two little arms around one of my own. I couldn't stop my soft chuckle. She always knew when I slipped into her bed. 

The darkness was quick to come. Between what happened with Titan and the run in with Eloise, the night had been exhausting. The last thing I heard was Faith mumbling about thin mints and then everything disappeared.

What do you think the plan was that Cara told Eloise?

Who is Ty?

Who do you think is really the head Alpha of the pack?

Please remember to comment and vote on the chapter!

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