Suspended and the challenge

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The next day at school things seemed to change a little. The boy's who usually delighted in torturing me, wouldn't even look in my direction. I smiled. For once, things seemed to be going my way.

I let out a low growl and frowned when I saw Geraldine hanging all over Gustavo. I clenched my fist resisting the urge to deck her. Why was I so possessive over Gustavo all of a sudden? It's not like we were actually mates. Why should I care who he hangs out around?

"Your the one who seems to be possessive of him. I already told you, I want nothing to do with him. He can do whatever he wants, it doesn't bother me in the slightest..."

"So your saying that Geraldine hanging all over Gustavo doesn't bother you at all? Your telling me that you don't feel like ripping her to shreds for touching what belongs to us?"

"Not in the slightest. That is all you.... I must admit, that your jealousy is quite interesting.... You've never been one to be violent.... I think I'm going to enjoy this..." My wolf said with a laugh...

"This isn't funny..."

"It is to me..."

"Gustavo my love, we should make sure we wear the same colors for prom. I'm thinking a red and gold. Or perhaps a purple?" Geraldine said holding onto Gustavo's bicep.

"Geraldine, quit hanging all over me. I told you, I am going to prom with my mate."

"That freak is NOT your mate!" Geraldine's wolf growled as she pointed at me.

At this, Gustavo's wolf growled in irritation and he grabbed Geraldine by the throat. "Don't you EVER disrespect your future Luna like that again! "The next time you do, I won't hesitate to kill you."

At this, Geraldine whimpered and then began to pout like a little kid who has just been told they can't have a new toy or candy. "You promised that we'd be together forever. You can't do this to me!"

"I can, and I have." Gustavo replied walking away without looking back.

"He will realize his mistake and come crawling back to you, just you wait." One of her friend's replied but Geraldine refused to be comforted.

I couldn't help but smile. Gustavo had just defended me in front of the entire cheerleading squad. I sighed, as I spotted Geraldine with tears streaming down her face. Upon seeing me, she glared up at me anger flashing in her eyes. This couldn't be good.

"You! This is all your fault!" One of her friends said glaring at me angrily Slapping me across the face. "Gustavo and Geraldine belong together!"

"How DARE you steal him away from her!"

At this, I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed in irritation. "What makes you think that I'm happy with this arrangement? I don't want Gustavo for my mate."

"Yeah right. Admit it, you hated seeing them together. You've always been jealous of their relationship. If you couldn't be happy why should they be right?"

"Look, how many times must I tell you, I don't like this any more then you do? However, I can't change what the Moon goddess has decided."

"We were supposed to be together forever. We were going to be the prom king and queen. We were going to go to the same college and get married after we graduated."

"Now all that's ruined because of you! How could he choose you over me? I'm everything he desires and your well, your a freak." Geraldine demands as she rushes towards me.

For the first time ever, I lost my temper. I was done playing nice. A few seconds later, we were torn apart by the teachers. "Enough! Ladies please, settle down! This is a school not a circus. I run a school of repute. Deal with this vice Principal and be as patient as you can."

"Now, someone tell Me how this began."

"It's all her fault." The girls replied pointing to me and I sighed. "She causes trouble wherever she goes. You should suspend her."

"Ah, yes, the virtuous Autumn. Who keeps herself so pure and clean. You'd be the cause I had no doubt of any trouble hereabout. What do you have to say for yourself young lady?"

"Nothing. I'm not going to explain myself to you or anyone else in this school. I did nothing wrong."

At this, the vice principal slapped me across the face leaving a red mark. "Pack your school supplies and leave this property at once. You are expelled for violating school rules and regulations." The vice principal hissed at me.

What's going on here?" Gustavo demanded. The vice principal gulped and looked down at the ground refusing to meet his gaze. "I asked you a question."

"My mother was just permanently ridding the school of an unwanted trouble maker." Geraldine replied with a smirk.

At this, Gustavo cocked his eyebrow "is that so?" The vice principal nodded and Gustavo shook his head in disappointment. "Tell me, what did Autumn do that warrants being expelled?"

"She attacked my friends and I without provocation." Geraldine replied and Gustavo sighed.

"I highly doubt that." Then turning his attention to the vice principal he frowned. "I'm sure that you have been informed that directly after the graduation ceremony, the Alpha and Luna will be handing down their positions to Autumn and I."

"I can assure you, that the Alpha will be furious to learn that the proceedings will be unable to take place because you have suspended his daughter over something as trivial as an argument. An argument, that I can assure you was instigated by your daughter and her friends."

"Are you blackmailing me young man?"

"No. I'm only warning you of the consequences of suspending the Alpha's daughter just because your slut of a daughter won't accept that we aren't mates."

"That's it, your both expelled! Gather your things and leave this property immediately!"

"As you wish, but don't say I didn't warn you." With that Gustavo shifted and headed strait to the Alpha's office.

"Gustavo come in my boy. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"I'm afraid I've got some bad news."

"Oh?" The Alpha replied cocking his eyebrow.

"Autumn and I won't be able to get married after graduation."

"Why not?"

"Because we have both been expelled and forbidden to attend the graduation ceremony."


Upon hearing my father growling my mother immediately walked into his office. Her presence instantly calming him and he sighed in irritation. "What has gotten you so upset my Dear?"

"Our future son in law tells me that the school's Vice principal has expelled the both of them. That as a result, they won't be allowed graduate."

"Oh Autumn what have you done?" My mother groaned.

"She didn't do anything."

"She had to have done something to get expelled." My mother replied.

"Actually Luna, Autumn did absolutely nothing wrong. As you are well aware, the school's vice principle is Geraldine's mother. She was looking forward to having me as her son in law. She even made all the preparations for our marriage ceremony. So when I informed her that Geraldine and I were not mates she was naturally upset."

"Even more so, when she was told that I was to be married to your daughter. She thinks that I'm choosing your daughter just so that I can become Alpha. She wants to force your hand. Pack law requires a future Alpha and Luna to have graduated."

"She's under the delusion that if she expels us, then we can't graduate and that maybe I will come to my senses and realize that Geraldine is my mate. That I should be making Her daughter my Luna. I'm sure if I agree to do that, she will revoke her decision to expel us."

"Wait a minute back up. What do you mean you could choose Geraldine to be your Luna?"

"The moon goddess informed me that I could take Geraldine as my mate and Luna, if I so desired since she was originally going to be my mate. However, even though Autumn wasn't my predestined mate, I still care deeply about her and would be proud to have her as my mate and Luna."

Two months later June 12th.

"Today we gather together to celebrate a momentous occasion. As our young graduate into their new lives. I'd like to welcome to the stage your Alpha and Luna."

"As you all know, it is time for my wife and I to step down and make way for the new generation. My daughter's true mate is being punished by the moon goddess. However, the moon goddess in her great wisdom has not left us weak. She has graciously chosen Gustavo to take over as Alpha in my place. With my daughter ruling by his side as his Luna."

"That s*u* is not Gustavo's mate nor is She worthy of the title of Luna." Geraldine yelled out shocking the crowd. At this the Alpha's eyes flash in anger but my mother put her arm on his shoulder in an effort to calm him down.

"This isn't our fight dear. Let Autumn deal with this foolish girl."

Just as Geraldine was about to say something else Gustavo stood up and addressed Geraldine. "Don't make this harder then it has to be Geraldine. While I do care about you, I must do what is best for this pack. Autumn is the rightful heir to the pack, and I will not take that from her."

"Your my mate. I won't let you take another! I challenge Autumn's right to rule and her claim to be your mate."

"You can't do that." Gustavo replied.

"I can and I have." Geraldine replied with a smirk. "The challenge has been set and by pack law, it can not be revoked. Autumn must answer the challenge or forfeit the right to be Luna." Geraldine replies the smirk never leaving her face. Gustavo's face immediately filled with concern as he looked in my direction before returning his gaze to Geraldine.

"Please don't do this Geraldine. Please take back your challenge before it's too late." Gustavo begged but Geraldine refused to back down.

I looked at him in confusion. Did He truly love me or was this just a game to him?"

"The answer to your question is yes. Yes he does truly love you child. I allowed him to choose who he wanted to have for his Mate. He chose you."

The Moon Goddess said to me in my head. "He chose me?"

"Yes child, he chose you. He didn't have too choose you, but He did." I glance over at Gustavo in confusion.

"Please note, did not have too but did..." Gustavo replies and I nod. "You don't have to do this.."

"Yes, I do."

"This is a fight to the death. Or until one of you submits to the other. I want a clean fight."

"Your going to regret ever laying eyes on Gustavo." Geraldine hissed at me and I rolled my eyes and sighed.

After several hours had gone by, there was still no winner and neither one of us showed any signs of relenting. "Enough. I declare this challenge a stalemate."

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