The truth is reveailed

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Moon Goddess POV

I had enough of this petty bickering. It was time to set things straight before any unnecessary blood was shed. "Enough!"

"Moon Goddess?"

"Gustavo, you will allow Autumn to choose her own path."

"But you gave her to me." Gustavo whimpered.

"I warned you that if you ever did anything to hurt Autumn, it would be the day that you'd lose everything did I not?"

"Well yes, but...."

"Did you honestly think that I'd allow you to remain her mate when you forcefully marked her against her will on your wedding night? Not only that but you continually break her heart daily?"

"I... I never wanted to hurt her. I only wanted to make her wolf jealous enough to want to mark me and to accept my mark.."

Oh and how did that work out for you?" I replied sarcastically. "Autumn I'd like for you to meet your true mate, the Alpha of the Nightshade Shadow moon pack."

Suddenly Gustavo's wolf took control momentarily. "Wait! Please, Moon Goddess, I'm begging you, please do not punish me for my human's foolishness, no not foolishness, his stupidity... I love Autumn with all my heart, I always have and I always will. If she is given to another man it will kill me."

The Moon Goddess was silent for a few minutes before replying. "Perhaps there is a way, granted it has never been done before and it would be a very painful experience but there is something that we can try."

"However, it can only happen if  all parties agree. the Alpha of the Nightshade Shadow moon pack, his wolf, Gustavo and yourself are in complete agreement and willing to do the procedure."

"What must be done?" The Alpha of the Nightshade Shadow Moon pack asks.

"I can remove Gustavo's wolf from him."

"But then what's to become of him?"

"That would be where all parities must be in complete agreement. If the three of them can come to an agreement and your willing to lose your wolf momentarily , I will install your wolf into the Nightshade Shadow moon Alpha's soul. In other words, he'd have two wolves. His current wolf and yours."

"Not to seem self centered but if you separate my wolf from my soul what will happen to us? Specifically to me? Am I to lose my werewolf identity all together and become a human? Because it sounds as if I'm getting the short end of the stick here." Gustavo replies in disgust.

"I will give you the option to accept your wolf's wishes or to deny them. However, you must make your choice carefully, because each choice has consequences."

"Such as?"

"That depends."


"If you chose to disregard your wolf's wishes and refuse to be separated you will have to deal with consequences of  that choice."

"Which are what exactly?"

"Your wolf will become severely depressed and withdraw himself from
You. Eventually, You will lose all of your supernatural abilities. Including being able to shift and heal and eventually, your wolf will die. And you will not be granted another one."

"I see. In other words, either way I chose I will not win." Gustavo sighs.

"Before we finish this discussion, I must ask, do you Alpha of the Nightshade Shadow Moon Pack,  agree to the procedure?"


"And is your wolf in agreement?"

"I am."


"It doesn't sound like I have very much of a choice. If I agree to the procedure, I lose a part of myself and if I refuse the procedure, I will eventually lose my wolf entirely and become as weak as any human. That doesn't seem very fair now does it?"

"I do not want to lose my wolf he's a part of me and without him I wouldn't feel whole. However, I know that my actions have hurt him. He warned me not to bully Autumn, but I didn't listen. He pleaded with me to not reject her because it would be to painful for both of them but I chose to do so anyway."

"After that day He withdrew from me. He wouldn't talk to me. It was as if he was gone completely and in a way, he was. The reason my mark doesn't show on Autumn is because my wolf never marked her. On our wedding day, He did not forcefully mark you. Autumn."

"What do you mean he didn't mark me? I saw your eyes right before I was marked. They were black."

"The reason you saw my eyes go black was because he was fighting for control to stop me from hurting you. I scoffed at him when he refused to mark you. I wanted you to think he had marked you so I bit your neck. The truth Autumn is that I'm the one who has continuously hurt you in one way or another."

"My wolf never has and he shouldn't have to I suffer for my mistakes. As I said, either way I chose I can not win. If I chose to do the procedure I loose my wolf. If I chose to be selfish and refuse the procedure, I will lose him because he will die. He's already not talking to me again."

Autumn POV

"Now wait just a cotton picking minute! Don't I get a say in any of this? I'm not sure I'm ready to give up on my relationship with Gustavo and his wolf just yet. I hate to say it, but I think I'm starting to fall in love with Him." Autumn replies a look of confusion on her face.

"You've got to be kidding me! How could you even consider loving him after everything he's done to us?. Have you forgotten that he's bullied us our entire life?"

"Not to mention he rejected us and he continually cheats on us with other women. You may want to give him another chance, but I certainly don't." My wolf hissed at me.

"You never gave him a chance." I argued back.

"He didn't deserve one."

"Now who's being the hypocrite? I could say the same about the Alpha of the Nightshade moon pack. You refuse to give Gustavo a chance. He's someone we've know for years. Who even though you refuse to admit it, even you had a crush on him when we were younger. We use to pray to the moon goddess that he would be our mate."

"That was before I knew the truth about him. He's a too timing gigolo. Besides, the Alpha of the Nightshade moon pack is not a stranger, he's our true mate. We've seen him often in our dreams. Gustavo has broken your heart too many times to count. Starting with rejecting you."

"He's tried to make up for rejecting us, but you won't let him. It's your fault that he seeks companionship elsewhere."

"My fault? He continually chooses to sleep with other women, how is that my fault?" My wolf demands with a scoff.

"You refused to accept his mark. Your refusal to accept him, is why we can't give him the one thing that he wants. He wants a family. He wants to be a father. But until you accept him and we consummate our marriage, we can't get pregnant. So yes, it's partially your fault that he seeks companionship with other women. Women who can, and will fill his manly needs."

"If I recall, we both agreed not to have a sexual relationship with him. As we both wanted to remain pure for our true mate."

"Yes, but when the Moon Goddess told us that our original destined mate would never be released from his curse, I changed my mind. I agreed to have a full marital relationship with Gustavo. Your the one who refuses to submit to him. Your the one causing the rift in our marriage. It's because of your refusal to submit that his mark isn't permanent."

"I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer." My wolf replied angrily.

Gustavo POV

"I know that your upset Autumn but this  decision is mine to and mine alone to make. Why would you care?"

"What if I don't want you to lose your wolf?" Autumn asks.

"It's too late for that." Gustavo's wolf replies.

"What do you mean, it's too late?"

"Because of everything that Gustavo has done I despise him. I want nothing more to do with him. I'd rather die then be a part of him."

"If that's the way you feel then so be it. Go ahead, and die. I'd be better off without you."

"Is that your final decision?"

Before Gustavo could answer Geraldine spoke up. "No it's not. Could you all please excuse us for a just a minute?" Geraldine asks pulling Gustavo aside.

A second later we heard the sound of someone behind slapped. "How dare you speak for me!" We could hear Gustavo yell at Geraldine.

My mate's eyes went dark and he let out a deep growl. I backed away from him and let out a small whimper and began to tremble slightly. He glanced down at me his eyes immediately filling with concern. "Please don't be afraid my love. I would never hurt you." He whispered his eyes filling with sadness.

Meanwhile, Geraldine ignored Gustavo's reaction and frowns as she replies "I guess you don't want to hear my solution do you?"

"What solution?"

"Challenge him."

"I see where your going with this. Let me speak with my wolf for a moment. You love Autumn don't you?"


"You know there's a chance that this procedure won't work. There is another solution. Challenge her mate. Challenge him  for the title of Alpha and for Autumn. Winner takes all."

"If you want to challenge him for the title of Alpha that's your choice. However, I won't assist you in the fight."

"Not even if it means winning Autumn?"

"Autumn is not some prize to be won."

"True, but she is our wife and according to werewolf law, he had no right to mark her. Mate or not. It's within our rights to demand that the full extent of the law be carried out. Not even the Moon Goddess herself can deny our claim. After all, she's the one who created the laws. It would be wrong of her to break them. Autumn will be yours, I promise."

"Have you come to a decision?"

"I have and after reviewing werewolf law, I have discovered that Autumn's mate has broken it."

"What are you talking about? What law?"

The Moon Goddess's eyes went wide in realization. "Oh no."

"Would you care to explain Moon Goddess or should I?" Gustavo asks with a smirk.

"Please Gustavo, don't do this. This isn't the solution." The Moon Goddess replies with sadness in her eyes.

"It's within my rights is it not?"

The Moon Goddess sighed "Yes but...."

"Then I demand that he pay for his crime. My wolf and I are in complete agreement on this . We demand that the penalty for breaking this law be carried out immediately."

"Would someone please explain to me what is going on?"

"It's actually quite simple Autumn. Legally you belong to me. Well, to be more accurate you belong to my wolf. You are his mate and in marking you, the Alpha of the Nightshade Shadow Moon Pack has broken werewolf law and therefore must suffer the penalty. Is that not correct?" Gustavo asked and the Moon Goddess frowned.

"What penalty?" Autumn asks in confusion.

"First and foremost He is to be stripped of his rank."

"So the penalty of this so called crime is losing his title of Alpha?"

"Make no mistake Autumn, in marking you regardless of the fact that you are his mate, he has committed a crime. There's more to the penalty then just the loss of his title and rank. He loses his birthright."

"I don't understand...."

"It means that I will lose everything, including you. I am to be stripped of my identity as a werewolf. The moment the penalty is carried out our mate bond will be dissolved."

"My knowledge of the werewolf kingdom will be erased from my mind permanently and I will be human. I will no longer have a wolf to claim you. I won't remember you or even recognize you."

"There has to be something that can be done."

"There's not. The Moon Goddess knows that what is written in werewolf law can not be undone or altered. Not not even by the Moon Goddess herself. The Moon Goddess has no choice, she is required to carry out the penalty."

"The truth is, like my wolf, I too have fallen head over heels for you. Your my wife and I'd rather die then allow you to be taken from me and given to that monster." Gustavo replied.

"That could be arranged." The Alpha of the Nightshade Shadow moon pack replies with a sinister chuckle.

"Excuse me Alpha, but we have a problem."

"What is it?" Both Gustavo and the Nightshade Shadow moon Alpha Who's real name I had yet to learn, replies in frustration. "Can't you see that We are busy?"

"I'm sorry Alpha, it's just that..."

Before the messenger could finish his sentence Geraldine came limping towards us. "Please help me."

Gustavo face instantly changed to concern as he rushed over to her. "Shhhh. Hush now. Your safe. Everything will be alright." I heard Gustavo whisper to her she looked up at him and gave him a slight smile. Leaning her head on his chest.

To my dismay, he made no attempt to push her away. In fact, if anything his embrace on her tightened. I glanced away not wanting to give either one of them the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Unfortunately, this failed to work. My tears fell like raindrops because Geraldine's smile was so mean.

"I hate to say I told you so. I did try to warn you that he still loves Geraldine, I really did try but you didn't want to hear it."

"Shut up!" I replied irritatedly pushing my wolf to the recesses of my mind.

"What happened?" The Alpha of the Nightshade Shadow moon pack demanded angrily.

"A member of your pack tried to kill me." Geraldine whimpers her eyes filling with tears as she snuggled into Gustavo's protective embrace. I rolled my eyes and growled lowly in frustration. Geraldine always was a drama queen.

The Alpha of the Nightshade Shadow moon pack pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "And why would they do that?"

"They wanted to kill my babies. They said that my babies were a threat that needed to be dealt with."

"Why would your babies be a threat?" I replied with a frown.

"Because they are the Alpha's heirs." Geraldine replied with a smirk. "You won't let them hurt our babies will you Gustavo?"

"Of course not." Gustavo replies kissing her on the forehead. I frowned and let out a low growl.  Why hadn't he corrected her?

I sighed. Fine! If he wasn't going to correct her then I would. "Gustavo isn't the father of your children, right Moon Goddess?"

"Well..." The Moon Goddess bit her lip and then shrugged her shoulders."

I frowned. "If what you say is true and you do love me, then why are you allowing her to cling to you like that Gustavo?" I reply the hurt and irritation in my voice clearly evident.

Gustavo sighed and glanced down at Geraldine then back at me. " I do love you Autumn, however, for some reason that I can't explain, I feel extremely protective of Geraldine."

"Oh dear. I hate to say this, especially since I don't want to hurt you anymore then you already have been Autumn but.."

"What is it?"

"Since your wolf has continually refused to accept Gustavo as your mate and Geraldine's husband has been killed it means that the children she recently bore are now his to claim."

"What? No. This can't be happening. You said they weren't his." I replied with a moan. "

"I didn't say that they were. I said that they are his to claim."

"So what does this mean?" My wolf snarled.

"It means that Gustavo is my mate and that makes me this pack's Luna. You are just his mistress. One whom he no longer is need of, isn't that right Gustavo?"

At this, Gustavo groaned and his eyes flashed between colors his wolf fighting to come to the surface.

"Well aren't you going to answer her?" The Alpha of the Nightshade Shadow moon pack demanded.

"Stay out of this!" Gustavo hissed at the Nightshade Shadow Moon Pack's Alpha. "You are not my mate Geraldine. Autumn is my wife and this pack's Luna. Nothing not even the birth of these children will change that."

"You promised me that if I bore you an heir then the title of Luna would be mine." Geraldine replied with a whine stomping her foot in frustration and pouting like a toddler.

"I know but it's complicated Geraldine. I can't just push Autumn aside. I love her. I always have and I always will . I made a mistake the day that I rejected my mate bond with Autumn. The truth Geraldine, our so called mate bond means nothing to me. You mean nothing to me."

"Yet, since you supposedly bore me heirs and Autumn has remained barren the pack will demand that I make you my Luna in Autumn's place. This is something that I refuse to do."

"This whole situation is frustrating and I wish I knew what to do. If I insist that the law be carried out, then Autumn will hate me. If I go through with the procedure I lose my wolf, if I refuse the procedure then I lose my wolf. Either way I chose I lose."

"What do you mean you don't know what to do? Autumn is this pack's rightful Luna. You have no right to strip her of her title for that woman! I refused to allow you too!" My wolf snarled at me.

"Were you not listening? I refuse to accept Geraldine's claim to be our mate and her claim to the title of Luna."

"This is the woman you choose to spend your time with over Autumn? She's acting like a spoiled brat. She doesn't even compare to Autumn." The Alpha of the Nightshade Shadow moon pack replied laughing in amusement. I had to admit, that he had a beautiful laugh. He wasn't that bad looking either.

"Glad you think so." The Nightshade Shadow moon pack's Alpha said winking at me causing me to blush. How had he known what I was thinking? He just winked at me in reply and again I found myself blushing. "If this choice is so hard for you, then allow me to make it easier. I challenge you Alpha Gustavo for the position and title of Alpha of this pack."

"And why should I accept this challenge?"

"Don't tell me you're afraid." The Alpha of the NSSMP replies with a scoff.

"I am not afraid of anything!" Gustavo replies.

"If you accept this challenge you will fight him alone. I will not intervene nor will I help you win."

What? I won't stand a chance against him without your help."

"That's Not my problem. You lied when you said that I wanted Autumn's mate to be punished for marking her. That is not what I want. All I care about is her happiness. I won't help you take that away from her."

"I seem to have a bit of a problem."


"My wolf refuses to participate in this challenge. You would have an unfair advantage if I agreed to go through with it."

"Is that the only thing holding you back from
accepting the challenge?"

"You aren't known as the bloodlust Alpha for nothing. You have been known to murder entire packs just for fun. All I know is, that I don't want to die."

"Then let's come to an agreement." The Alpha of the Nightshade Shadow moon pack replies.

"What kind of agreement?" I ask with a frown not sure I'm liking where this is going.

"One that will be beneficial to us all. Provided your willing to accept my offer. First off though, you have to renounce your demand that I be punished."

"Why would I do that when once the penalty is carried out, I will receive everything that I desire."

"Please Gustavo, I'll do anything that you want but please don't demand this. Please..." Autumn whimpered as tears began filling her eyes.

"Please don't cry Autumn. I can't stand to see you cry."

"I can't help it. I do care about you, about us, but losing her true mate will kill my wolf."

"I could never do anything to hurt you. I care too much about you to cause you any harm. Alright. I renounce my demand for your mate to be punished and I'll go through with the procedure though it will cost me everything."

"Thank you. You don't know what this means to me."

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