Chapter 2

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Mara- all this week ever time I walk throw the club door gabriel just hands me big fat wad money and tell to go home as i get in to my car my phone start going of i look down and see where it is kate calling (hey you at work no they told to go home again what do you need can you pick something up for desert for dinner due you need me to pick up anything aloes not that I can think of anything ales)  I look up to see Ben my gamma coming in did she it yes but it took a little longer to leave today I checked with Steve he said she gets in her car and leave it looked like she was talking on her phone to someone did you happen to overhear her conversion no sir I did not think it was my place to eavesdrop on are future Luna conversion no you are right Ben it would be wrong next time I will listen to her conversion sir no you will not am i understand  yes Alpha now if you pardon me I have to get ready for dinner with my Brother and mate at her places. I walk out of Wal-Mart and places the cake on the front seat and head to Michael school to pick him up. Michael- mommy what are you doing here shouldn't you be at work yes but I get off early so I decided to pick you ok. As we get home I hand Kat the cake and show her the dress I hade gotten a light purple oh my god it will look good on you Barry told me that he has a brother and he is single of you catch my drift. Brother hear up we have to swing by mothers  places and pick her up ok so why dent you pick her up first she told me to get you first alright I guess so. On the way there me and Barry in engage in conversion over are mindlike (so do you want to tell me what's bean going on both Steve and ben have bean leaving and going cross town and account 4252 has bean very active so what are you not telling me I have found my mate ok just don't tell mom ok I don't think she would approve of her ok let's get this dinner over with first then i will tell you more alright yes brother) the rest of the drive was boring with little chatter as we get there I see a frimalye car aponia seeing it Thor starts going wild again he also starts rambling at we found ware she again and near my brothers mate. I look at my brother when I see him pull in to the driveway of where mate live I open a mind link with him (why are we hear this is ware my mate live we both can't have the same mate what are you talking a bout we are at my mate place oh I think your mate might be her roommate she will be joining us for dinner so you will get to meet her in person but I muse tell you something what is that she has a son he is 5 well he will be 6 soon so she have a boyfriend no she won't speak ablate his father) As I walk out of my room I hear the doorbell I hear Kat say there here as I walk in to the living I see the most handsome man next to Barry. I look at him and think there is no way a guy like him would go out with a girl like me wane I look back at him an see at he is making his way over to me. I see my mate standing there looking at me the way she looks in that light purple dress has my heart racing to the point at I block everyone but her as I listen to the way she brides and to the sound of her heart as she looks me Barry tells me go over there and intro dose your self to her ok. Hi I'm Eric I say to her I'm Mare that is a lovely name I say as I take her hand and give it a light kiss, My god he is such a gentleman. Kat- Dinner will be ready soon Mara can you give me a hand in the Kitchen ok I say. Boys what is going on what do you mine, you both now what I mine as I look at them, ok mom Mara is my mate I just learned her name just now but I seen her Monday at her job and who less now's just Steve and Ben you both will have to tell them about us yes mother. I guess I bather go get to now my new grandson. Dinner is ready as I walk in to the living room to tell them I see there mother siting there playing Michael it makes me wish my own mother was here playing with him as I start to cry I fell Eric places his hand on my shoulder. Eric- as I leave the bathroom I see Mara starting to cry I hate to see my mate cry so I places my hand on shoulder. I spin her around ask her what is wrong I ask its nothing I look past her and see my mother playing with Michael, dinner is ready I tell are gusts Michael have you washed your hands yes mommy. All throw dinner I catch Eric looking at me I don't now why but ever time I look at him I fell sparks and butterfly's fill my stomach. So Mare what do you do for a living, I wash dish and strip I now some people don't approve of what I do but I don't care what people think. Eric-There is something I need to tell  you three wane ware done I say. As me and Kat finish washing the dishes we walk back in to the Livingroom I call Michael over to me and have him sit beside me so what do you need to tell us. We are Werewolf's I say to them do y 'all have question I say to them, why are you guys telling us this. That is a good question I say as I look at Kat, Mara is my mate and you Kat is Barry's mate so what happen now you and Kat will move in with us ok. NO I will not I say to Eric and why is that. You too will be in danger if you stay here I will not put my mate in danger ok I say my pack can protect you both it is a big pack. I just cant up root Michael his school is here and so are his friends. We are not talking about moving to a nother state just arose town alright. If you stay here my enemy's will tri to attack you to get to me I cant let that happen to you. I think there may be a way brother and what is it brother the condo complex of course its near the center of the pack. Why did I not think of it. Dose that sound ok to you my love yes that dose but I do have question what aboult are stuff. A good question it can come you can bring client too I can have some movers here in less then half in hour. Half in hour lather i see to moving trucks pull up to in front of the house next i see Eric go out to them. Eric-I go out to meet some member of my pack that I called for. Alpha my I ask why we are here to move both my brother and my mates to the pack  yes alpha good truck one will take my brother mate stuff to his places and truck two will take my mate stuff to the condos ok but shouldn't her stuff go to your places alpha. Her stuff will go to the condos and at is finel now get to work. Mare this is Emma she will help you pack your thing the rest will pack Michael stuff up ok. Mare- as me and Emma walk in to my room there is not much stuff in my room ware would you like me to start Luna let start with my bed and you can call me Mara ok. I did not now you like star wars Mare, oh I stay as I relise at she is talking about the chewie plushie that Michael got me last year for Christmas. It disunite take us to long to get my stuff packed up not at I have just a few book some makeup here and there as walk back in to the Livingroom Kat stops me hey do you guys want the furnisher sines Barry already has furnisher Eric says that the condo is empty ok I say. Sir all the stuff is loaded good we will fallow you back to the pack alright. Mara I will go with you two so I can show you guys the pack, ok but I'll drive alright. As we get in my car I ask Michael if he has put on his seatbelt on I hear a yes mommy as I start the car so how big is your pack its over 5 states long. What is all I can say the rest of the drive was quite accepted for the radio it doesn't take us too long to get there. So what do you guys think it is huge I say be for we go to y 'all new places pull in to that manor house why for it is my house I just want to show my places first as we walk in I'm takin back at hale gouges on the inside over there is my privet offices over there is the kitchen my god this kitchen is huge up here there is at least 5 rooms 2 bathrooms pulse my room. I see Eric get out of some car so I head over to his house he mused be a new maid.  Oh Eric your back and I see you got a new maid hi I'm Raven the future Luna if you stay on my good side I may talk Eric in to keeping you on Raven what are doing just telling the new maid who is the boss that is your future Luna you are talking I say to raven what this weak human can't be a Luna. I rise my hand to smack this weak human when I fell something grab my arm I look to see what has my arm. Eric I see Raven about to hit Mare inanity Thor takes over. Mare as I prepare for what about to happen when nothing happens I look up and see Eric eyes go dark as he grabs her arm tell her to leave now in a commending tone. I'm sorry for that she will get over it now it's time for me show you two to your new places. After a 15 minute drive from Eric's place he tells me you will quit your jobs WHAT I say while keeping my eyes I have bills to pay so hale am I to pay them. I hade my beta and Gamma pay your boss to cover your shifts all week that was you. Yes it was me that mused have cost you half an fortune a small one yes my I ask what you did with it, I put half of it in Michael collage fund. Who would hire a high school drop out I ask him, come work for me as my assistant. Wont people think something is going on between us, most of my employees come from my pack the rest can talk for all I care I tell her as we pull in to the parking lot at the condos your on the second floor right there I say as I point to there apartment, why dose it look so empty it is for the single parents in the pack and why is that some have lost there mate to rogues so places like this are for them to have a support system that sounds right to me. As we walk in I see a little girl playing in the hall but she stopes and bow her head as Eric walks in rise your head little one you don't have to do that but daddy told me to all was show you respect well you should all was listen to your father who is she alpha she is my mate little one. Your people shore work fast it took me and Kate near a whole week to put are places too gather as I walk in to my room I see my bed already put to gather and the boxes with my and Michael clothes still in there as I walk out I decide to check out Michael room, man both are rooms are a little bit bigger then are old ones so do you like it Eric asked me as I walk back in to the Livingroom it dose good I will see you tomorrow good night my love  

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