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10 years later

Mara- kids your going to be late for school I say from the bottom of the stairs. Michael- I heard you mom I say as I grab my keys and head down stairs Rory, Erika if you want a ride then you better come Dad not going in today I say as I start down the stairs. Mara- you going to pick Clara I say to Michael as he comes down the stairs. Michael- yes mom now what's for breakfast. Mara- It on the counter I say as he gives me a kiss morning what is your brother and sister doing there going to be late if they don't hearer up I say to him. Michael- well last I seen Rory was still in his room getting dressed and Erika was in the bathroom making sure her dress looked nieces I say as I get my plat off the counter and sat down at the table to eat my breakfast. Mara- I head up the stairs to get them as I get to the top I head for the bathroom to get Erika as I get to the bathroom it looks good on you sweetie I say to her. Erika- you sure mom. Mara- I now so now go eat your breakfast your going to be late after Erika heads down stairs I go to Rory room and what is taking my little Alpha so long this morning. Rory- mom can you quit calling me at. Mara- and why would I do that wane you are. Rory- I now but can you please quit . Mara- how about this next time I go in to have lunch with you I can tell all your friends all of your baby story's. Rory- fine mom I'm your little Alpha I say as we walk out of my room. Mara- I now I say as to him works every time I say to my self now how about some breakfast I say to him as we walk down the stairs as we walk in to the kitchen I see Michael and Erika finishing eating there breakfast you better eat for your brother is about to leave I say to Rory as he gets his plat off the counter. Rory- I now mom I say as I sat down at the table. Mara- well you should have gotten down here sooner I say to him after he get done I take his plat and put it in the sink have a great day at school I sat to them as they leave. Erka- cant I stay here with you and dad. Mara- no sweetie you have to go to school now give mommy a kiss good bye. Erika- ok mommy I say as I give her a kiss. Mara- you Rory and Michael. Rory do I have yes she tell me alright I say as I give her a kiss on the cheek. Michael- bye mom I say as I give her a kiss on the cheek. Mara- tell Clara I said happy birthday wane you pick her up also to day the big day I say to him. Michael- what do you mean. Mara- to day the day wane Clara finds her mate or not at way after they leave I go in to Eric office. Eric- good morning my love have the kids left I say as I get up from my desk and walk over to her. Mara- they have I say as I meet Eric half way and give him a passives kiss well we have the house all to are self's. Dwight- Clara happy birthday I say as I giver her here presents to her well to day my little girl will find her mate or not at that all I'm say. Clara- I now dad I just hope at its Michael you now his mom say at we are mates after opening my presents I hear a horn honk at most be Michael he is picking me up I say as I give my dad a kiss good bye as I walk out side I smell a heavenly scent I look around and see Michael standing there MATE I say to him as I walk up to him. Michael- as Clara walks up to me she says Mate to me well mom called it I say to my self well I guesses we better get to school I say as I hold open the door for her as I get in I give her a kiss I hear Rory and Erika say ehhh do you two want to walk to school I say as I put the car in to drive no they say good after dropping them off now ware were we I say as I go to kiss Clara again this time a bit more longer. Clara- Michael we need to get to school or we will be late I don't think your parents would approve of us being late. Michael- your right after we get to school I will see you late. Clara- I now my wolf is going to be sad we will see him at lunch and we have the last two class's together I say to her and with that she let out a soft growl as I walk in to the lunch room I look around for Michael I don't see him at want I fell some hands cover my eyes who is it. Michael- I walk up behind Clara I now she is looking for me so I put my hands over her eye who is this she ask well is at any way to speak to your mate I say to her. Clara- Michael I say to him why did you do at. Michael- well I seen you looking for me so I desisted to sneak up and surprise you at all. Eric- after are kiss lead us up stairs to are room you now I never get work done wane it is just the two of us I say as I finish outing on my clothes. Mara- I now I say as I put my shirt back on and at why I love it wane you work from home. Alex- as I sat in there living room I hear them come down the steps you now wane you ask me to help you with pack work I figured we would get some work done I say as I get up from the couch plus you to need to lock your door wane you guys go to do it. Eric- well it happens so fast at we don't have time to do any thing ales and I have told you to send a text before you come over. Alex- I now but Steve and kids had me up last night and so I need to get out of there. Eric- I guesses I need to have a talk with him about at now my love I have some work to do. Mara- I got what I need from you I'm going to spend some time with Kat I'll be back be for the kids get home Alex don't work him to hard he has a party to anteed this evening. Eric- I now they mite be mates I say as me and Alex walk in to my office. Mara- they are I just now it and with at I head to Kat and Barry. Kat- just as I go to sat down I hear a knock at the door at must be Mara she said she would be coming over as I open it I see at it is her. Mara- are you ready to go shopping I say as I hug her also how are your parents doing now at they have retired. Kat- yes and they love it they say it gives them more time with the grandkids plus I think Barry loves to be the boss and they send there love and is it the big day for Clara and Michael will we be hearing there kids call you and Eric grandma and grandpa. Mara- if they are mates they will have to wait at lest two years be for they can have kids now lets go I told Eric at I would be home be for the kids get home. Michael- at was a nice lunch don't you think. Clara- it was great Michael I have a question do you want to have kids some day. Michael- yes I do but lets wait a bit be fore we have some kids I don't think my mom would like to be a grandma too soon. Clara- your right I don't think my dad would like at too lets wait as we leave school don't you have to pick your brother and sister up as well. Michael- your right after we pick them up I drop Clara off at her places pick you up around five I say as she walks in. Clara- dad are you home I say as I walk in. Dwight- yes I say to her so how was school did you find your mate. Clara- yes I did and you will never guesses who. Dwight- let me guesses it's Michael right. Clara- yes  how did you now. Dwight- lucky guesses I say have you talked about your guys future. Clara- we have decide to wait to have kids. Dwight- and have you guys decided on ware you guys going to live I now your wolf wants to be near it mate what ever you guys decide I will support it now come over here and give me a hug so wane is your party. Clara- it at five as we wait for Michael to pick us up. Eric- I look at the clock well I guesses at will be all for today tell Steve at I want to speak to him. Alex- will do and I will see you at the office or here I ask. Eric- well the office we can finish this tomorrow evening as we walk out of my office I hear a car pull in to the drive way well it can be Mara or the kids as I open the door I see at it's Mara so how was Kat's. Mara- it was great and how was work I ask them. Eric- well we got half of it done will get the rest tomorrow evening now don't you have a party to get started the kids will be home soon. Mara- well then I better get started I say as I go to the kitchen as I get done I hear the kids come through the front door hey what's going on. Rory- it Michael he want tell us what Clara said to him this morning. Mara- well are you I ask him. Michael- well you called it mom ware mates. Mara- you mean I'm right ah I say to Eric I told you so. Eric- okay you ware right so have you guy talk about y 'all future should we be expecting grandkids soon and at eared me a smack on the head what's at for. Mara- at for saying at. Eric- I would like to now if we will be having grandkids soon or not. Michael- well we talked about waiting to have kids ok. Mara- as I finish getting things ready I look up at the clock and see at it is close to five Michael you better get going it close to five I say to him. Michael- crap I say as I rush out the door and in to my car and head for Clara's after getting them and heading back home. Clara- this is amazing I say as I walk through the front door your mom sure knows hale to throw a party. Mara- why thank you Clara and I heard the good news. Clara- you told them I say to him. Michael- well those two just keep asking me as we got home so I had to tell them. Eric- he right we did ask him now lets get this party started I say to everyone. Michael- I now the mating bond will start soon so one of us should move in with the other one. Clara- I like at I just have to talk to my dad first and with at I walk over to him excuse me Alpha but I need to talk to my father for a bit. Eric- sure it was nice talking to you Dwight I walk a way to let them talk. Dwight- what do you need to talk to me about. Clara-well you now the mating bond will start soon and Michael thinks one of us should move in with the other so if it is ok with you I would like to move in with him and his family you now I will visit you as much as I can. Dwight- well I would hate to lose my baby girl but if at what you want then at fine with me now go be with your mate I say to her. Clara- thanks dad hey Michael I just asked my dad if I can move in with you guys what do yo think. Michael- I love at lets go ask my parents I say as I take her hand mom dad we have something to ask you guys. Mara and Eric- what do you need to ask us. Michael- well we ware wandering if it was all right if Clara moves in with us. Mara and Eric- well if it is all right with your dad then sure. Clara- he said at he is fine with it. Eric- well this Saturday we will get your stuff and move you in to Michael room it shouldn't take me, Michael and Rory to long to get your stuff. Mara- as the party dies down and everyone leaves Eric comes up behind me are daughter wants you to tuck her in tonight he say to me well then it looks like you guys are cleaning this up I say to him as I walk up stairs I cant stop thinking at these last ten years have been something first I met Eric then the hole problem with my family, Draco and Leonard then there was the are wedding and then the birth of Rory and then a year later Erika was born and now Michael and Clara are mate I just cant think what the future hold as the kids find there own mates and leave us I'm brought out of my thought's as I get to Erika room are you ready for bed I say to her. Erika- not an tale you tell my the story of yours and daddy's wedding mommy. Mara- all right I say as I tuck her in. Eric- after we get done cleaning up we head up stairs as we get to the top I tell the boys to be quit and follow me as we get to Erika room I hear Mara telling her about are wedding. Mara- as I get to the part ware me and Michael walk down the isle I hear Eric say at I was the most beautify bride in the world you now at you don't have to say at every time one of us tell this story I say to him. Eric- well it is true I ay to her as I join her next to Erika bed. Erika- mommy you now daddy is right wane can I find my mate. Eric- never your to stay my little girl forever I say to her. Mara- you now she will find her mate some day now you boys better be going to bed same to you little lady I ay as I give her a kiss good night. Eric- sleep tight I say as I give her a kiss good night and remember no mate I say  to her. Erika- I will try daddy. Mara- you now you cant keep her here forever I say as I get ready for bed. Eric- I now but I just want her to stay here with us for as long as passably fine she can find her mate wane she is forty. Mara- she will find her mate wile she is still young I do want grandkids at some point. Eric- Michael and Clara will be having kids in a few years. Mara- I now I say as I get in the bed next to him I just want them to be happy. Eric- I now I want them to be happy as well. Mara- I guesses we will just have to wait and see what the future holds I say to him you love you I say as I go to sleep.


        THE END

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