Chapter 14

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we walked into the office and his parents were sitting in the chairs in front ofhis desk, we walked up to them and they stood and hugged sebastian. his parents looked at me and smiled.

"hi im sebastians mother karen, and im his father michael . we are so happy that he found you. your going to be a great luna i can feel it."

"its nice to meet you both, im victoria, i hope i can be as good of a luna as you beleive i can."

" well you handled your first rouge attack pretty well." she said smiling at me.

i looked at sebastian and he gave me an apologetic smile. i opened the mind link.

"you are so lucky they arent stupid enough to lie to me"

"im sorry but i coiuldnt risk you getting hurt and i knew if i told you what was going on you would want to come with me. it was too dangerous, i was only trying to protect you."

"next time at least tell me whats going not promising im going to stay behind and let you do it alone but you have a much better shot at me not running out after you if you tell me the truth"

" fine, next time i promise i will tell you when something like this happens but please if i tell you its too dangerous i need you to listen to me and stay just trying to keep you safe."

"ok i promise"

"im guessing by the argument you were clearly having that you didnt know about the attack..." michael laughed.

"oh i knew about it but this dumbass wasnt the one who told me, in fact he told everyone not to tell me. for his sake he should be greatful our friends and my sisters arent stupid enough to lie to me." i said looking up at sebastian.

"dont feel bad sweetie..michael did the same thing to me when we first mated. " karen said looking over at michael.

"and how did you handle it?" i asked her

'i threatened him with celibacy u would be surprised with how far that will get you."

"oh i think i know very well how far it would get me i was just kinda hoping i wasnt gonna have to use it on him." i laughed.

"yea you now i was kinda hoping you wouldnt do that to me either" he laughed looking down at me.

"well make sure we dont have anymore of these little issues and it wont be a problem"

"I promise next time I will tell you as long as you promise to do whatever it is I tell you to in that situation ok"

"I promise I will try super hard to do that ok?"

"That's as good as it's going to get"

"Yup" I laughed

"Then I guess it's a deal" he laughed shaking his head

" was there a particular reason we were called here or....?"

His father laughed "yes there was a particular reason we called you in here's time for Sebastian to fully take over alpha are fully mated now so it is time for the two of you to step up and fully take over the roles of alpha and luna"

I looked at Michael and then at Sebastian,he had a huge smile on his face, he looked like a toddler set loose in disney world. so I guess this means he's exited to fully take on this not sure how I feel about it...I mean I know everyone thinks I'm going to be this amazing luna but I'm not really sure if I can do it...but I guess I don't really have a choice...I love bas and he's an alpha which means he needs a luna I have to do this...and even if I suck at it I will have him to help me so everything will be okay in the end I guess...

" what do we need to do?" Sebastian asked his father.

"We will need to have a ceremony introducing you to the pack as the new official alpha and luna of the blood moon pack" Michael replied.

"When?" I asked

"2 weeks from today...but that doesn't mean that you won't have to fulfill your duties until then in fact you can start right now." Michael said grabbing a folder off of his, now Sebastian's, desk. Michael handed the folder to Sebastian and he opened it and started reading. I stepped next to him to read as well and saw what the task inside was to visit a neighboring pack, the blood rose pack.

"When do we leave?" I asked

Sebastian kept reading and looked up at me.

"We leave tomorrow morning for 3 days." he replied.

"Well I guess we should go pack then shouldn't we."

We said good bye to his parents and walked up to our bedroom, when we entered the room I saw 2 suitcases sitting on the bed one pink and one black...i guess Karen and Michael planned a head I laughed to myself.

"Let's get packing" Sebastian said opening the black suitcase he began stuffing it with his clothes. I walked into the closet and picked out a couple pairs of jeans n some t shirts but I then decided to put them back...this is our first time visiting another pack as alpha and luna I feel like I should dress a little more presentably so I grabbed a couple of skirts and crop tops and a dress and threw them in my bag with my doc's and a pair of black heels. when all my clothes where packed I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my makeup bag and straightener and stuff and got them together, I would pack them in the morning after I got ready. when I was done I walked back into the room and saw Sebastian fighting to close his suit case.

"Jesus Christ bas what did you do pack everything you own!?!" I laughed walking up to help him.

"No...I just like to be prepared for anything..." He replied still struggling with the zipper.

"Here why don't I sit on it and you zip it closed...or you could just not pack like a girl I swear to god you actually packed more then me."

"Oh shut up and sit on the fucking suitcase" he said glaring at me. I laughed and hopped up on the suitcase and he zipped it quickly before throwing both of them onto the floor next to the bed. we had to leave early the next morning so we both decided that it would be a good idea to just go to bed. I walked into the closet and put on my pajamas before walking getting into bed and cuddling up to Sebastian. I fell asleep thinking about the next day and our first trip as the alpha and luna
And here it is chapter 14 I know it took me forever to post but honestly it's because I got halfway through this chapter and then couldn't think of wtf I was going to say next.....after being yelled at by a couple specific readers I finally sat down n fought with my brain for an idea and now here it is for u to read 😇 I hope u guy like it in gonna try n get the next chapter up soon ✌🏻️💙🍪

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