Chapter 16

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We have been driving for about 20 minutes and we still have about another hour or so until we even made it out of our own territory. I reached down into the purse at my feet and grab one of the cd's I burned and put it in the cars stereo. I pressed play and the first song came blasting through the speakers. it was "bouncing off the walls" by Sugarcult. I started singing along when Damian reached up and switched the song.

"You know I hate that song Vic" he said giving me a wtf look.

"Yea I know but I love it so I was hoping you wouldn't notice."

I listened to the intro of the song that came on next. it was "remember the name" by Fort Minor. The second the guys recognized the song we all started singing along with it. we continued doing this all the way out of our territory until I ran out of cd's. when the last song played I pulled the cd out and looked at my phone...we still had about another half an hour until we arrived at the pack house so I connected my phone to the Bluetooth in Sebastian's truck and turned on the pop punk station on pandora. we spent the rest of the drive talking about football and cheer and telling random stories...unfortunately enough for me Damian had to let a few of our childhood stories loose...i will have my revenge later. you know what they say karma's a bitch and so am I.

We pulled up to that pack house and parked in the driveway, as we got out of the car I saw the alpha and Luna coming down the front steps towards us. there was something familiar about the alpha but I couldn't seem to figure it out until he got a little closer and I was able to see his face more clearly. I dropped Sebastian's hand and ran up to hug him.

"Uncle Evan!!! I haven't seen you in so long I didn't know this was your pack! How have you been???" I was stumbling over my words in my excitement trying to get all of my questions out. I felt my uncle laugh as he hugged me.

"Calm down Victoria your going to give your self an asthma attack if you keep freaking out like that!"

"Your right I need to chill" I laughed taking a step back. as soon as I was out of my uncles arms I felt Sebastian's wrap around me.

"You know him?" Sebastian asked curiously.

"Yup" I said smiling. I turned around to face him. "this is my uncle Evan Petrova. he's my fathers brother." as soon as the words left my mouth Sebastian growled pulling me into him protectively.

"Calm down Sebastian he's one of the good ones...he is the alpha of this pack his mate was the Luna by birth."

I felt him relax and turn to face my uncle. "im sorry it's just...I'm very protective of her...especially with the things that happened at her old pack."

"That's okay, I understand, my brother and his alpha weren't exactly the best people in the world...what are you doing here Vic?" He asked.

"I'm here because I'm the Luna of the blood moon pack. this is my mate Sebastian. obviously the alpha and you know Damian already he's our TIC and this is Kris our beta."

"Congratulations I always knew you would find your mate before that bastard got to did you manage to get away anyway...?"

"Evan why don't we get them inside and settled in and we can talk about this in your office this isn't really the best place for these conversations to be taking place." a woman who I'm guessing is my uncles mate said. I have only met her once and I was pretty young so I don't really remember what she looks like.

"Yea your the way Victoria this is my mate Melanie" my uncle said pointing to the woman who was standing next to him. she was small maybe 5 foot with long straight black hair and bright green eyes. we shook hands and went to the car to grab our bags before walking into the house. Melanie lead us down a hall to our rooms, and told us where we could find my uncles office. we went into our rooms and put our bags away quickly before going to find Evan and Melanie.

"so why didn't you tell me this was your uncles pack?" Sebastian asked me while we walked down the hall.

"i didn't know...i knew he had left to become the alpha of his mates pack but i never knew what pack it was." i told him.

"well i guess we know we aren't going to have any issues with this pack anymore." he laughed.

"what do you mean? what was our issue with this pack ?" i asked him.

"there is a small area of land that separates the boarders of our two packs this meeting was to form a treaty dividing the land between us. my father suggested sending the guys with us as back up just in case something went wrong, but now i don't think we are going to have a problem." he replied.

"there is nothing to worry about my uncle is a peaceful man he was never one for violence."

"that's good to hear" he said grabbing my hand as we walked through the door of my uncles office. it was a big room with a big wooden desk that had 2 leather chairs in front of it. the walls where lined with book shelves and there was a black leather couch pushed up against one of the walls where Kris and Damian sat talking to Evan and Melanie. as we entered the room everyone turned to look at us. my uncle came up to me and gave me a hug.

"okay spill what happened" my uncle said leading me to sit in one of the big leather chairs in front of his desk, Sebastian followed sitting in one of the chairs. he pulled me down to sit in his lap and i started telling my story. by the end of it my uncle was enraged. he had always known about the plans but he never knew the full extent of the things that would happen, now that he did he wasn't very happy. once we finished discussing the joys that are my past pack experiences we started working on the treaty. after a few hours of looking at maps and retracing boarders we had finally written up and signed a document that divided the land between the two packs evenly.

"well now that all of that is out of the way why don' we go rest for a little while before dinner," my uncle said kissing my cheek and leading his mate from the room.

"okay what time should we come down?" i asked

"i will send someone to get you when the time comes." my uncle responded. with this plan set we left going upstairs when we reached our rooms the four of us went our separate ways. me and Sebastian in one room and Kris and Damian in there own separate rooms.when we got into our room i walked over to our bed and moved moved our bags off of it. i was standing in front of our bed sending a text to my mother letting her and Karen know that we had arrived at the pack house safely and that i had something really cool to tell her about when we got home. i heard Sebastian lock the door and come over to wear i was standing. he moved my hair to the side and started kissing down my neck to my mark.

" you know i distinctly remember you mentioning something about us locking our selves in a room for the whole weekend..." he said. i swear to god i could hear the smirk in his voice.

"i remember the same conversation, nut i also remember it taking place before we got sent on this trip. we cant exactly lock our selves in this room. we are in my uncles pack house Sebastian that would be wrong!" i said turning to face him.

"maybe not all weekend but maybe all night i mean we have plenty of time before we have to be downstairs." Sebastian said leading me over to the bed.


yay another chapter done! i had the worst writers block for so long and now i cant stop writing its magical. im hopefully gonna have another chapter up soon. i hope you guys like it.✌🏻️💙🍪

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