Chapter 22

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A couple hours later the new patrol plans were completed and I said goodbye to Kris and Damian heading up to my room. when I got there I saw it was still empty I guess Sebastian was still out with Sean...i hope Sean hasn't done anything stupid I'll have to kill him. I decided to get into the shower while I waited for Sebastian to get back. 20 minutes later I came out of the bathroom and headed to the closet putting my pajamas on, when I came back out Sebastian still wasn't back. I got into bed looking at my phone hoping to see a message from either my brother or my mate but unfortunately there wasn't anything. I looked at the time and saw that it was already 1 am...they should be back by now...I'm going to call Sebastian. I picked up my phone and dialed the number it rang a few times before ultimately going to voice mail. I'm starting to get kinda worried they have been gone for a while now and it's getting really late. I decided to leave him a voicemail hoping he would get it and call me back.

"Hey babe it's getting kinda late and I'm starting to get worried you guys have been gone for a while now...i hope your okay please call me back and come home soon." I hung up the phone plugging it in on my bedside table I curled up in my bed with my teddy bear. the bed suddenly felt so big and empty with out Sebastian laying next to me. After spending some time lying there in bed waiting to see if he would call I finally drifted off to sleep missing the presence of my mate.

Someone opened the door to my bedroom stumbling in noisily, I sat up and turned on the lamp on the table next to my bed looking to see who it was. looking up I noticed it was Sebastian accompanied by my brother. for some reason my mate was shirtless and covered in claw marks and the strong smell of stale beer emanated from both of them making me sick.


"I didn't do it" Sean responded helping Sebastian to the bathroom. I followed them in grabbing the first aid kit out of the drawer. Sebastian was sitting on the counter next to the sink leaning back against the mirror, a pained expression on his face. I pulled out gauze and peroxide and began to clean out the claw marks on his chest. I turned and looked at my brother.

"Okay start explaining...what the fuck happened tonight?!?"

Sean took a deep breath before answering my question.

"We went for a run and ended up at this lake we both shifted and started talking I gave him the normal hurt my baby sister and I kill you speech and he told me he loved you more than anything in the world and would never do anything to hurt you...and I believe him I think you two are going to be very happy know if u don't die and all..."

"That's real sweet and all Seanie but you mind skipping to the part where my mate got mauled?!?" I yelled at him.

"...Oh yea...sorry...okay so after our little talk we decided to head to a bar near by and have a few beers we were sitting at the bar talking for a little while when I smelled someone from our old pack I started looking around when I made eye contact with Madison's sister Jacqueline she started heading towards me with a man following her it turns out he's her mate his name is Justin we talked to them for a while and they seemed to be fine I didn't tell them I knew where you were but I guess she must have smelt your sent on us because when she walked away to go to the bathroom I heard her on the phone with our uncle telling him where we were so I told Sebastian what I heard and we both got up to leave and come warn the pack we got about halfway back to the pack house when Jacqueline and Justin finally caught up with us and attacked us we faught with them until they finally ran away back to our uncle...the only problem here is that now he knows where to find us..."
I looked at my brother slowly coming to terms with the things he said. once I was calm enough I turned back to Sebastian and helped him down from the counter putting away the first aid supplies I helped him back into the bedroom and over to our bed. once he was in bed I shut the lights and led Sean down stairs.

"Go spend some time with your mate Sean...i have a feeling there is a war coming you're going to want to spend as much time with her as you can until the time comes." he nodded leaving to go find Sami. I went up to the office and mind linked Damian.

V: Damian...we have a problem, come to the office now...please I need you

D:are you okay?!? What happened?!?

V:Sebastian was attacked it's all my fault please just come

D:of course I'm coming right now

About five minutes later Damian was entering the office he sat down at the table across from me he looked at me and sighed.

"okay Vic im sure this wasn't your fault but why don't you tell me exactly what happened and we can try to work this out."

"i wasn't there with him so im not really sure about the exact details i only know what Sean told me Sebastian was in no condition to be telling stories but it is my fault because i brought them here...its our old pack they found me. Jacqueline and her mate Justin found Sebastian and Sean at a bar and figured that my brother would lead them to me so they called my uncle to tell him they found me and i guess he ordered them to attack and locate me because they followed the boys out of the bar and back in the direction of the pack house before jumping out and attacking them...if i had never run and just accepted my fate none of this would be happening right now this is entirely my fault"

" everything is going to be fine clearly if Sebastian isn't in the hospital than the wounds couldn't have been to severe so hes okay and please Victoria don't blame yourself for this. you had every right to run from Blake he was cruel and evil and the things he had done and planned to do are things i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. now that we know that he has found you i think its time we let Kris in on the secret though...we are going to need the beta to assist in any precautionary measures that are to be taken in protecting you and our pack. i know you are not exactly looking forward to having to tell him or anyone at all for that matter the things that lead you to run from our old pack but it has come to the point where it needs to be done."

" i know i have to do it i really didn't want to have to but i do."

Here it is chapter 22 finally completed. i should have the next update up soon im going to be working on it right now. ✌🏻️💙🍪

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