Chapter 24

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"I may not have forced them to be here and do the things they did but I me reason they were forced by others to commit these actions"

"You can't think like that Victoria none of this is your can't control your uncles actions he's a sick twisted little dude he's gonna do whatever he feels he has to in order to get what he wants and I'm sure as hell not about to give it to him." I looked up at Sebastian....hes out of his mind he can't fight my uncle hell get hurt. its crazy of him to think that I'm going to allow him and our whole pack to be put in danger because of me.

"I'm not going to allow you all to be placed in danger because of I have to go down and deal with the prisoners and you need to lay down and rest I'll be back up in a little while please at least try and relax." I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss before jumping out of bed and running down the stairs. when I got to the bottom I ran into the kitchen to grab a snack before I went to the prison. I walked in and saw Mary and Rhiannon sitting at the island.

"Hey guys what's up" I said walking up to the fridge I looked inside and pulled out a container of left over Mac and cheese before walking over to the microwave and popping it in.

"Hey what are you up to today?" Mary asked.

"I'm gonna eat this Mac and cheese and then I'm gonna go kill some bitches" I laughed pulling my food out of the microwave, I sat down at the island across from them and began eating.

"Ooo sounds fun who's dying today?" Rhiannon joked.

"My dead best friends sister and mate....they attacked Sebastian and Sean last night."

"Oh hell no" they both yelled. Protectiveness for there alpha showing through

"Yea bitch is going down...jac used to be really close to me...i still can't believe my uncle convinced her to do this to me"

"Clearly he was able to promise her something that meant more to her than your friendship." Rhiannon said.

"Yea and I'm gonna find out exactly what the fuck was so damn special" I finished the last of my mac n cheese before washing my dishes and turning to the girls.

"Hey when this is all over lets go to the mall...maybe tomorrow morning?"

"Yea of course sounds good" Mary said

"Def I'm in text me later what time u wanna meet" Rhiannon replied.

"Cool I'll see you guys later" I called back to them as I ran out to the prison. when I finally arrived I ran down and headed to Jacqueline first following her sent to her cell. when I got there Damian and Sean were standing outside on guard.

"Has she said anything while she's been down here?"

"No all she's been saying is that she wants to see her mate"

"Yea well I'm gonna kill him so that's never gonna happen" i smirked laughing coldly.

"Yea well who are we dealing with first the whine you bitch in here or her blabber mouth mate?" Sean asked.

"He's been talking?"

"Oh yea he was all to willing to blame it all on your uncle and this one" he said pointing in to Jackie. "he says that your uncle forced Jackie into it and she made him come along and he couldn't say no to her because she's his mate and he would do anything to make her happy"

"Yea that's great and I'm sure my uncle did tell them to come here and attack but you know what that doesn't change the fact that they could have come to me and told me what was happening and we could have worked something out instead of them just blatantly attacking my mate and brother" I said beginning to get angry again.

"I understand your upset but maybe we should think about this logically..." Damian said stepping forward resting his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me.

"I think I'm thinking about this pretty logically she attacked my mate and now she dies" a small whimper could be heard from the cell we were standing in front of at the mention of her death...she's scared....good the bitch deserves to die.

"Yes I understand that you want revenge I would too if it was Taylor but maybe just maybe you should consider keeping her alive even if it's just for a little while. she can prove to be useful in bating your uncle clearly he finds her to be of some importance he will want her back." Damian said. I know he's right but I just can't shake this rage I feel towards her. Sapphire is furious with Jacqueline for attacking our mate and she's out for blood. but Damian is right I need to control Sapphire and myself and let the bitch soon as I have Blake here I'll kill her.

"Fine...but her life doesn't mean her mates life... I hope she wasn't to attached" I said smirking.

"NO YOU CANT KILL HIM" she yelled running up to the bars of her cell.

i growled walking up to the cell standing face to face with her "listen you pathetic bitch you don't just get to come into my life and attack my mate and my brother it doesn't work like that your just as bad as Blake which means you deserve to die the same way he will...and you will but not until i have him here..the only reason you live is so he can die and once hes dead you will follow so don't you dare start trying to tell me what i can and cant do. you are disposable and i will end your life right here right now and find myself another way of bating if you will excuse me im going to have some fun with your little mate Kay? bye" i smirked walking away from her. this is gonna be even more fun than i thought. once i got to the main hallway of the prison i approached one of the guards.

"i need you to retrieve a prisoner his name is Justin bring him to the cell directly across from the blonde bitch Damian is watching and make sure the cell is all set up we are gonna have a little fun with him...see what information he can bring me." the guard smirked at me

"yes Luna ill have it all ready for you" he said walking down the hall to grab Justin.


im so exited to kill my first character...i know that must sound super weird but i just feel like its going to be a really interesting scene to write. i hope you guys like the chapter...its almost time for you to meet uncle blake...just a couple chapters left.✌🏻️💙🍪

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