Chapter 26

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when we got down stairs we could hear everyone talking in the kitchen already.we walked in and saw everyone sitting around the island while our mothers cooked dinner.
"Hey!" I called out walking up to everyone with Sebastian trailing behind me. 
"Sup munchkin"  Damian said walking up to me.
" okay we are the same height almost and your only six weeks older than me so sit the fuck down and stop calling me that jerkface" I laughed hugging him.
"....technicalities" he laughed.
"Whatever" I said pushing him playfully.
I walked up to my mom to see what she was making and it looked kinda like she was trying to make drunken chicken but she drowned it in tomatoes.
"Hey mommy...why don't u let me do that..." I said grabbing the pan off the stove I dumped the contents into the trash and started all over again.
"Okay...ill just start on the garlic bread then..." She said walking away.
I got all the stuff together and started working. I got about half way through when I realized I forgot to grab the wine from the fridge.
"Hey baby can you grab the wine from the fridge for me please?" I asked looking back at Sebastian.
"Yea sure" he said walking up to the fridge he opened the door and stared in for a second before turning and looking back and asking "which bottle is it...?" My brother laughed and got up walking over to the fridge.
"She's making drunken chicken's always going to be this when she's making drunken chicken" Sean laughed pulling out the bottle of White Zinfandel.
" this is like the kinda wine you drink though...why wouldn't you just use cooking wine? I mean it's is made for cooking..."
"Because" I said grabbing the bottle from his hand.  "my grandma always said 'if you wouldn't drink it don't cook with it' so I wouldn't drink cooking wine because it's nasty so I won't cook with it"
"Oh...I guess that makes sense..." He said going back around the island to sit in between my sisters.
"Hey so what's been going on with pack business while I have been out of commission?" Sebastian asked Kris.
"Okay can we not talk about this at family dinner please" Sebastian's mother Karen said giving her son a stern look.
"Don't worry about it man your girls been taking care of shit while u have been gone"  Kris said.
"Alright...we will talk more later after dinner lets go up to my office okay"
"Yeah I have to show u some things me and Victoria worked out anyway"
"Alright I'm sure whatever it is has been working out well"
"Sebastian! Stop discussing business at family dinner your mother is over here looking like she's gonna kill you" his father Michael shouted over to him.
Sebastian laughed "sorry ma I'll stop" he looked over at Kris and whispered "later" he looked over to Damian "you too I'm sure u have been involved some how"

Damian smiled "yeah...maybe just a little"
I looked back at them and laughed "yea dude that's the under statement of the century"
I finished up the drunken chicken and looked into the oven to see the garlic bread was done and there was a pan wrapped in tin foil sitting inside as well. I pulled out the bread and turned to place it on the island. As soon as I put the pan down on the table the boys reached out to grab a piece. I swatted their hands away with the oven mitts.
"Don't even think about it you'll have to wait until we are all sitting at the table"
There was a unanimous groan from the boys while we all laughed at their disappointed faces. I turned to look at Karen.
"What's in the pan in the oven?"
"Oh that's my baked should be done by now could you pull it out for me dear?"
" of course" I said smiling at her I grabbed the oven nuts and turned to pull the pan out of the oven.
"Boys can you go set the table please" I asked
"Yea we got it" Damian replied. They all got up grabbing plates and cups and silver wear and napkins try walked into the the dinning room to set the table up. When they left I turned to my sisters and my brothers mate "okay let's get this stuff ready to go out" I smiled at them.
"Okay Taylor can you cut up the loaves of garlic bread?"
"Yup I got it" she said jumping up and grabbing a cutting board and knife.
"Sami can you get dishes for the bread and the drunken chicken?"
"Got it" she said walking to the cabinets grabbing serving bowls.
" oh! Grab sieving spoons and stuff too please"
"Okay I got it" she called back.
"Alright Allie unwrap the ziti and make sure it's ready please...I'm gonna put the chicken in the bowl."
"Okay I got it Tor" she said walking over to the stove.
I grabbed my pan and walked over to the island where Sami had laid the bowls out. I set the pan down in front or where Taylor was cutting the bread and stared to spoon the drunken chicken into the bowl.
"Hey Tor pass me that tray over there please" Taylor said pointing to the serving platter next to the bowl I was filling.
"Yea sure" I said passing it over. She put it down on the island and started filling it up with pieces of garlic bread. Once I finished transferring the food I turned to Allie.
"Everything good?"
"Yea I just put in a few more seconds to brown the cheese a little" she said grabbing the pan back out from the oven .
"Okay let's get this stuff inside" I said picking up the bowl. "Mom can you grab the soda from the fridge and Karen can you grab the serving utensils from the island please?" I said walking out of the kitchen.
"Yea we got it" they called out to me.
"Thanks guys" I called back to them.
When I walked into the dining room and saw that the boys had finished setting the table I placed my bowl in an empty spot in the table and took a seat in between Sebastian and my brother. A few seconds my mother and Karen walked out of the kitchen and placed the soda and serving utensils on the table. Spoons for the drunken chicken and baked ziti and tongs for the garlic bread.
"Okay can we eat now?" Damian whined.
"Yeah you can eat now" I laughed.
There where cheers from the boys as they all started filling their plates. We spent the majority of dinner sitting around talking, laughing and telling stories about halfway through I looked over at Sami. I caught her eye and leaned back behind my brother
"Hey Sami wanna come into the kitchen and help me make desert?"
She smiled at me "yea lets go"
We got up and walked into the kitchen...normally I would have asked one of my sisters to come help me but I want to spend time with Sami...get to know her a little more I mean she is my brothers mate after all. When we got into the kitchen she jumped up on the island and looked at me
"So what are we going to make?" She asked.
"Umm...I was thinking chocolate cupcakes what do you think?"
"Chocolate is my favorite lets do it!!" She said excitedly.
"Okay can you grab the milk, eggs and butter from the fridge please?"
"Yeah" she jumped down from the island and walked over to the fridge to gather the ingredients I asked for. I turned to the pantry and grabbed the flour, sugar, vanilla, baking powder, salt and cocoa powder. Once all the ingredients where collected on the counter we began to mix the batter. It took us about 15 minutes to finish the batter and wait for the oven to preheat. Once all of the cupcakes where scooped out into the cupcake tins we put them in the oven and went to work on the frosting.
"Okay so do we want to make vanilla frosting or do we want chocolate?" I asked Sami.
"Let's do chocolate...there is no such thing in this world as to much chocolate"
"Okay let's do this" I said grabbing the ingredients for chocolate frosting. By the time the frosting was done the cupcakes had finished baking I took them out of the oven and Sami set up the cooling racks popping them out of the Tins and setting them out to cool. I went into the drawer and grabbed a pastry bag and a piping tip and set the bag to be filled with frosting.
"Sami can you hold this open for me so I can fill it" I asked holding out the pastry bag.
"Yea just let me put these last couple on the racks"
Once the last few cupcakes were set to cool she grabbed the bag from Me and held it open and I started scooping the frosting inside. Once it was done I twisted it shut and set it on the counter. I decided to talk to Sami a little while we waited for the cupcakes to cool a little more.
"So how are you liking the pack so far?"
"I love it everyone here is so nice...your family has been so all honesty when I first came here I was worried y'all wouldn't like me"
"Don't worry your Sean's mate us not liking you is one thing you will never have to worry about"
"I know that now but before I was a little worried....I think it might be time to frost the cupcakes" she said reaching out to test one.
"Yea they seem cool enough"
"Okay let's do this" I said grabbing the frosting I quickly iced each cupcake and when I was done we hid them away until after dinner and we went back into the dining room to finish eating. Once dinner was done we cleared the table and told everyone to go back into the dining room while me and Sami got all the cupcakes ready I dusted them with powdered sugar and we carried them into the dinning room. When we set them down everyone immediately reached for one.
"Omg YESSS Tor you made chocolate cupcakes!!!!" Damian said ripping the wrapper off and taking a bite . My sisters and my mother all rushed to do the same...they all love my chocolate cupcakes.
"Is there something special about the cupcakes I'm not noticing? I mean don't get me wrong baby they do look amazing but they are just cupcakes..." Sebastian said looking confused at everyone.
"Try them...I swear they are addictive"  Damian said ,his mouth full with his second cupcake already.
Sebastian pulled back the paper and took a bite.
"Holy shit these are good"
"Wow babe glad to see u had so much faith in me" I laughed.
"I thought It Would be a normal cupcake...this is not a normal cupcake...are you sure you didn't put crack in these cupcakes" he laughed reaching for another one.
I pealed back the wrapper of my own and replied "yea I'm pretty sure there is not illegal substances in my least not these ones" I laughed.
"I can promise she's not lying these are perfectly legal cupcakes...just u k slightly addictive these are good...did u put something in that I didn't notice?!?" Sami said laughing
We all continued eating cupcakes and talking for the rest of the night until I finally got up from the table.
"It's late and I'm tired so I'm gonna go up to bed good night guys" I said. I hugged my family and went upstairs. I could feel someone following me when I turned around behind me were Sebastian, Kris, and Damian.
"What's up guys?" I asked
"We need to go to the office and get Sebastian all caught up" Kris replied.
"Ugh can't you two handle that with out me I'm exhausted from today and I just want to go to sleep" I whined. I mean really I just took care of my wounded mate, killed a bitch, made dinner and a couple dozen cupcakes all in one day I should be allowed to go to sleep!
Damian gave me a sympathetic look "I'm sorry Vic but we need you for at least a little while"
"Alright lets get this over with" I said ,yawning, I turned back around and started walking to the office. When we got there I walked over to the desk and collapsed in the chair.
"Alright get the map...lets do this shit" I said.
Sebastian came into the office walked over to the seat I was in picked me up sat down and held me on his lap. I cuddled into him and waited for the guys to get the maps.
"Okay so what's up what do I need to know?" Sebastian asked.
Damian had spread the maps out on the desk in front of us.
"Okay so I reworked the patrol routes to cover more ground with more people out for each cycle. There were gaps that needed filling that's how Jacqueline and Justin got in, in the first place. I marked your old routes in blue and the pink is the routes that I have put in place now. This is the list of patrol groups" I said pulling the list out of one of the drawers in the desk. "I added a few extra people to each patrol group so they could cover more ground. I'm not letting Blake get close with out me knowing about it."
Once I had shown Sebastian all of the changes I made with the patrol routes I leaned back and cuddled into him  listening to them continue talking about pack business I closed my eyes letting sleep take over.

I finally got another chapter up yay! Hopefully y'all like it I know it took me a while to get it up but I have been really busy lately I'll post again soon promise ✌🏻️💙🍪

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