Chapter 30

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The next morning the members of my old pick slowly began showing up scattered along the borders of our land. The warriors began filing people into the pack house where they were questioned before being assigned to their new rooms. it took most of the day for us to get everyone settled into the house but by dinner time the pack house was buzzing with members of both packs interacting.

At around six that night Kris came in to the office looking exhausted and sat down in the chair across from me. i looked up from the paper work i was filling out to see him watching me.

"hey how did it go in the cells?"

"Everything went well it took fucking forever but we got it done"

"have they all been moved into the rooms?"

"yea i set everyone up before i came in don't worry so much Vic i took care of it."

"alright thanks Kris"

"anytime, hey I'm gonna go for a run you wanna come?"

"yea sure just gimme a sec to run upstairs"

"alright ill be down in the kitchen"

After he left I shut everything down and ran to my room to change into comfier clothes. as i was leaving to go meet Kris this sudden feeling of nausea over whelmed me and I quickly ran to the bathroom locking the door behind me.

after about fifteen minutes I finally came out as Sebastian was entering the room.

"hey Vic where have you been Kris is looking for you," he said not taking his eyes off his phone screen.

When he got no response he looked up at me and i guess i must look as awful as i feel because he immediately ran over to me.

"okay come on Vic time to go to the doctors you look like hell."

"yea I'm sure i look just about as good as i feel right now."

he laughed and picked me up calling the pack doctor as we ran down the stairs. when we walked into the office i could see Marissa sitting behind her desk filling out paperwork. Sebastian set me down on the examination table and she quickly approached asking me what my symptoms where. after i explained to her what had happened she ran a few test and eventually came back in carrying a older i assume contains the results.

"alright i have some good news for you two."

"what is it?" i asked curiously

"you're not sick at all you are actually pregnant! isn't that exciting?"


hey guys so this is it this is the end of the alphas mate! i know its kind of a cliffhanger ending but don't worry I'm going to be writing a sequel. it feels so weird to be done with this book after all this time. i really hope you guys have enjoyed reading this book and will continue to read about Victoria and Sebastian's adventures in the next book. Im gonna start the second book really soon so watch out for it

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