chapter 6

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i walked out of second period and Victoria still isnt here Allie and Taylor said she would be here when 2nd started .Oh my god what if something happened to her!  i pulled out my phone and called her. it ranga a few times and then went to voice mail so i tried a few more times but she still wasnt answering. maybe if i text her i will get a response. i texted her a few times but still she hasnt answered. im getting really worried now, i think im going to go over to her house and see if she's there.

i ran out to the parking lot and jumped into my truck. i pulled out my phone just to check one last time if she had answered me but she hadn't . i threw my phone onto the passenger seat and pulled out of the parking lot and speed to her house. 

when i pulled up to her house i parked in her drive way, jumped out of the car, and ran up to her door. i banged on the door and i could hear people in the house . after about 30 seconds someone opened the door . it was her thank god i was so worried. once the initial happiness that she was safe passed i was extremely pissed . why the fuck didnt she come to school and why was she ignoreing me.


she looked at me and came closer and hugged me.

"I'm sorry baby i didn't know you were trying to call me my phone was on silent and i haven't really been looking at it and i was going to come in at second but I'm in heat and i was in to much pain you have no idea how horrible it is to be this close to you right now." 

i could see a few tears sliding down her cheeks and she took a step away from me. oh my god why shes in pain why didnt she call me i would have come over . shes been suffering through this for god knows how long today and i had no idea.

oh my god Vic are you OK why didn't you call me i would have come over !"

"yea it hurts like a bitch but I'm fine and i didn't call you because my mother is here."

" oh shit she is"

a woman who i guess is her mom came up behind her and put her arm around her.

"yes she is" her mom said.

crap she looks pissed. i looked over at Victoria and she gave me a look that told me i should be very afriad.

" so your my daughters mate?" she asked me .

"umm... yes ma'am my name is sebastian salvetore im going to be alpha in a few weeks."

" yes so i've herd. why dont we go inside and have a little talk sebastian ." she said steping to the side and gestering for me to come in. i just realized we had this whole convorsation standing in the doorway. i herd her mom close the door and felt Vic come up next to me and whisper in my ear.

" be nice and keep your temper under soon as this stupid little talk of hers is over she's gone and your all mine."

 she took a step away from me and lead me into the living room and we sat on the couch. her mom sat on the one directly across from us. she looked at me and started talking.

"so Sebastian you mind telling me why you tried to kill my daughter?"

when she said that i looked at her like she was crazy i cant believe she thinks i was trying to kill Victoria i would never do anything to hurt her.

"im sorry mrs.petrova but i dont know what your talking about i would never do anything to harm her."

" well Sebastian im afriad you did. she told me you were going to leave her all alone through her heat and as im sure you know that would kill her."

shes right it would kill her, but i didnt know that when i said it! i didnt find that out untill i saw her in class after i had marked her and it was to late at that point she wouldnt even talk to me.

"at the time i didnt know that it would kill her. by the time i found out it was to late and she wouldnt talk to me anymore."

" yes well now you know and you better fix this i can see how uncomfortable my aughter is and how much pain she is in so im going to leave ill make sure the house stays empty tonight but we will be continuing this convoration later "

with that her mother got up and walked over to Victoria kissed her forehead grabbed her bag and left. Victoria stood up grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs when we got to her room she threw the door open, pushed me in and turned to look at me .

"are you sure about this because you have about thirty seconds to run before saphire takes over and then its all down hill from there." she laughed

i looked at her and laughed " i should be asking you that question ."

"so is that a yes"

"yes its a yes"

it took her all of 30 seconds to walk up to me n push me down on her bed.


and there it is another chapter finally done. so the pic on the side (or on top if your on the app) is of Sebastian and Victoria together. the song is greenlight by 5 seconds of summer (one of my favorite bands) i thought it was fitting for the last part of this chapter. i havent decided if im going to write a like detailed sex scene or if im just going to leave it like it is because im sure you can all figure out whats happening here all on your own :-) im in the hospital right now waiting to go into the O.R while im writing this lol so when im out and awake im going to start writing the next chapter.

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