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"Are you sure, Lisa?"

"Yes, of course! I am more than ready to be your wife."

"Lisa, I might hurt you in future."

"Francis, I love you. I accept you for whoever you are. Don't worry about it."

I look deep inside his eyes. I know he must be really worried about this. He hold my hand firmly. I know he want to say something but I cut his word first.

"Francis, we know we could make it. You just have to put trust on me and everything is gonna be fine."

"The point is that I can't trust myself, Lisa. You know what's happened between me and Camila right?"

Speaking about Camila, I remembered that Francis once married to another woman named Camila. However, for the reason we are now discussing, they divorce. Interestingly, they only married for three months before it was ended.

"I am not Camila. You don't compare me and her."

He remain silence for a while. His hand still on my hand. He then smirk. I'm not sure for what reason he is smiling but it must be something stupid.

"Lisa, I trust you. So, can I repeat my proposal?"


He kneels besides me. He took out a small box from his pocket and opened it in front of me.

"Lisa Nicole DeCuamor, will you be my wife? Spending all your lifetime with me? Going through thick and thin together with me? Accept me for whoever I am?"

I burst to tears. I gave him my finger.

"Put a ring on it."

He insert the ring to my finger. He then kissed my hand affectionately. I feel like I am jumping up on the cloud nine along beside the rainbow.

We proceed with eating and continue or romantic night with strolling at the park under the moonlight. We lay on the grass and holds each other's hand.

I still remember the first time I know Francis. I knew him when I went to a book fair and I'm looking for his latest book titled 'The Beastly Besties'. From that moment, I keep bothering him online until one day we decided to meet up.

"You looks like one of my novel character, Lisa." That is his first ever compliment to me.

However, at that moment, I still dated my ex named Jack and he still with his wife, Camila. Coincidentally, few days after I broke up with Jack, Camila divorcing Francis.

"Lisa, let say that I can't control myself after we married, would you still love me the same?"

"Mark my words! I will always love you till the end of time. I will forever by your side and always be your companion."

"Lisa, I love you!"

"I love you too, Francis."

I'm 26 and he is 30. We meet each other four years ago and dated each other since two years past. He reveal me his secret last year. I'm ready to faced it last week.

Because not everyone can be The Alter Ego's wife...

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