Chapter LXVIII.

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"We need to contact Bri's group," Miles said. "We need to get into the Vega Sector tower."

"You just said shutting down the Alteration is impossible," Aaron reminded him. "And why does Bri's group need to get involved, anyway?"

"Fuck it," Miles said. "Fuck impossible. We're going to try anyway. And even if we can't do it... I refuse to stop until I at least know who the hell created this virus in the first place. Or what kind of technology created it. I want to know the source of this. And if we shut it down while we're at it... good." Miles looked between his group, eyes resting on each of his friends for a few seconds each. "Bri's group needs to be involved because the more people helping us, the better."

"That makes sense," Lia said slowly.

"It's dangerous if we all leave this place," Miles said. "There's no point all of us going to find Bri's group. Half of us should stay here, and the other half should go get Bri and her group."

Aaron was shocked by this. "Right now? We're going to get their group right now?"

"As soon as possible. The trip there and back will take the rest of the day, so whoever is going should leave soon. We keep our bags packed all the time, right? It's not like it takes much preparation."

Aaron shifted uneasily from foot to foot. "Who's going to go?"

Eira, who hadn't spoken up in a while, volunteered enthusiastically, "I'll go!"

"If you go," said Aaron, "I go."

"I can take care of myself," Eira said, sounding offended.

"I know, but you're my sister."

"I'll go, too," Lia offered before Eira could reply. Lia glanced at Miles and Percy. "Are you two fine to stay here?"

"No," Miles said without hesitation.

At the same time, Percy spat, "Stay here with him?"

Aaron hid a laugh with the back of his hand, but Lia wasn't at all amused. "What are you, twelve? You can spend a day together, surely."

Miles' nose wrinkled. "You overrate my ability to tolerate idiots, Lia." Percy was far from an idiot, but Miles forgot that when he had to actually deal with the raven-haired boy.

"Well, you're going to have to do it anyway," she said, her expression unwavering. "Maybe you'll learn something."

"I think the real problem," Percy remarked, facing Lia, "is why you didn't just argue the fact that he called me an idiot."

Lia faced Percy. She folded her arms over her chest and gave him a meaningful look. "I wonder why."

While Percy frowned and tried to figure out what he'd apparently done wrong to make her think that, Lia turned around to face Eira and Aaron. Miles opted to ignore everybody else entirely and returned to the e-Screen, where the simple message was still displayed in code. There was some part of him that couldn't quite comprehend that his group had actually managed to decode it, and that it could be the key to finding the solution to everything that had happened.

What was confusing him most was the fact that there was somebody, or something behind all of this: the virus, the app, the code. There was something that had caused this and something that could put an end to it. The thought that that somebody or something was could still be alive and controlling all this from behind another screen just hurt Miles' head. He hoped desperately that whatever he and his group found at the Vega Sector Tower - whenever they got there - would provide answers.

He also hoped that they were the first to arrive. There were plenty of other people in this city that could have solved the puzzle earlier.

He slowly rose to his feet, still frowning down at the device. Miles' attention was drawn away from the screen when he felt somebody rest their chin on his shoulder, and then soft hair tickled his neck. He knew who it was even before they asked, "What's on your mind?"

Miles swiveled around to face Aaron, leaning back against the edge of a shelf. "The fact that we could totally be being killed off slowly by aliens right now and we don't even know it."

"You think the aliens caused the virus?"

"It's a possibility."

Aaron scoffed disbelievingly, but he was smiling. Miles poked Aaron's cheek, right where his dimple was while he smiled. "If it's not aliens," Miles said, "it's an evil mastermind."

Aaron pretended to be in thought. "I think I'd prefer the aliens."

Miles cracked a grin. "Me too. Way cooler."

Aaron didn't get the chance to respond before something landed on his back and he was tackled to the ground. Miles might have panicked if he hadn't heard Eira laughing as she tumbled to the floor, latched to her brother. "Eira, what are you doing?" Aaron choked through a sudden burst of laughter. When he tried to crawl his way back up, Eira grabbed him again and clung to him to ensure he couldn't get up.

"Stopping you two before you waste time kissing!" she announced.

A small dent formed on Miles' forehead as his brows knitted together. "How is that a waste of time?"

"You said it yourself, Miles," Eira said breathlessly, "those of us who are leaving to get Bri's group should go as soon as possible!"

Miles huffed. Though that was correct, the more he thought about how much time he'd have to spend alone with Percy, the less he wanted his other three friends to leave. No matter how friendly Percy had been to him for the few days after he'd killed Ty, Percy was still a nuisance. Miles had no interest in spending more time with the other boy than absolutely necessary, and he had a feeling that Percy felt the same.

Then Aaron grabbed Miles' hand and he lost his footing, pitching forward and toppling unexpectedly into the laughing tangle of siblings.


+1000 Words.

Chapters are getting shorter, eee! They'll get longer again soon. The end is nigh!

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