CHAPTER 11- She fights back??

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Siddarth's POV

As we entered after a long tiring yet beautiful day we were greeted by a sight of Diya and Jiya shouting

"How did you all let this happen?"

"We don't accept this marriage"

"That lady is nothing more than a girl desperate to become a ROY"

My mind questioned who they were talking about?...Is it Riya?...If yes, I can't believe my sister's calling their bhabi desperate and such stuff and don't they know she is already too rich to play tricks to become a ROY....huh!!!

We entered and they all looked at us with gloomy faces and as Diya and Jiya turned around they narrowed their eyes at the girl standing beside me with a blank look at her face.

"How come our sweeter than bitter gourd Bhabhi is early to home today?" Diya asked with her voice laced with sarcasm looking at Riya.

We took a step inside and chachi closed the door behind us sensing that today the fight is going to deepen.

Jiya marched towards Riya and stood before her crossing her hands against her chest and in a harsh tone she spat

"We have heard that you are a working woman or probably a businesswoman, so what happened? Your company drowned or your employer fired you that you grabbed the opportunity of marrying our rich and handsome brother"

What the hell! Is my sister mad. I know there is no picture of Riya in the media except for an interview but if she doesn't know her she shouldn't utter rubbish. I wanted to laugh out loud because the girl they are insulting can wreak havoc in seconds because she is the queen of business that every newspaper talks about.

She was listening quietly and Jiya and Diya were getting louder by every passing minute. I was almost preparing myself to lash out at them as she won't fight against family.

"This family was a priority for Neha Di but you don't give a damn about us. You just care about the business contract" Diya passed the rude comment.

"You are a gold digger and one of those who are never satisfied with their life. That business deal must be really important that you forgot that he doesn't love you. You just run behind money" Jiya spoke again.

Now they are crossing their limits and calling her names. I am fuming with anger now but she was standing there blankly looking at them, never breaking eye contact with them.

"Leave it Jiya, you are wasting your time on this cheap girl who put her life at stake for a business contract" Diya said.

I was going to speak but suddenly the door opened and Veena came running inside with a huge grin on her face which was lit up like a Christmas tree. Riya was still looking at the twins. Veena rushed to Riya and stood between the twins and her and said "Shreya is doing extremely well in London and she has excelled in her class. Thanks Riya, it's all because of you."

Veena bent down to touch Riya's feet but she held her by shoulders and pulled her in for a bone crushing hug. Riya said in her ears "Di, I am so happy for you and dare you pull this foot touching stunt again" which was clearly audible to me as I was standing next to her. They both giggled and pulled back.

"People bring jewels or luck to their in-laws ' house but she has brought another burden called Veena. A worthless servant" Jiya eyed veena with disgust.

I can't handle it anymore now and suddenly I heard a loud voice booming in the hall

"CONTROL YOUR TONGUE, MS JIYA ROY" Riya shouted making everyone flinch. Veena gasped and I looked at Riya whose eyes were red in anger and shooting daggers at the twins.

I was surprised that the girl who was extremely calm when my sisters' were insulting her was now answering them back for Veena that too courageously. Everyone's eyes were wide as saucers by now and Jiya and Diya looked afraid. They shouldn't have used such words.

"You are talking to Veena and she is not a servant. She is my elder sister. I was tolerating your nuisance without a word but now I have had enough. I was certainly respecting you both more than required but now I guess you need to know who you are talking to" Riya said in her fearless angry tone making the twins avert their eyes from her.

"What did you say about gold diggers? Right this was the term. MIND IT, you are talking to the owner of GLAMOUR FASHION HOUSE...RS or you may call RIYA SHEKHAWAT" she spoke.

Everyone gasped and I was admiring the girl who was stating her achievements proudly just to stand up for her sister. My mind mocked "you admire everything she does" and I nodded inwardly.

"I am not here for any sort of business merger or contract. WAIT, I will clear all your doubts today and tell you how business is done" Riya continued. She took out her phone from her pocket and called someone, probably her manager and put the phone on speaker.

"Hello, Yes ma'am?" the person on the line asked.

"Dev, how many shares of our company are owned by me?" she asked and he gasped.

"Ma'am 60%" he answered in a confused tone. Maybe he wasn't expecting this question.

"What does it mean?" she asked as if asking him to tell in layman's language for beginners standing in the house of businessmen.

"Ma'am it simply means no decision can be taken without your permission and you own the company" he explained. She is surely teaching a lesson to my sister's who were now more than shocked.

"Ok, but how many shares are owned by Mr Veer Shekhawat in my company?" Riya asked. He giggled as if it was a joke and Riya just smiled but quickly hid it realising that she is angry.

"Ma'am this is not even a question. Sir, doesn't own even a single share in the company" he answered as if the statement was more than obvious.

"Why is it so?" Riya asked.

"Ma'am when you started the company you did not want any favours and did it all by yourself and moreover you did not want his company to face loss in case of failure. Your family remains out of business" he said.

Riya just glared at Diya and Jiya and they were already looking down in embarrassment. Then he went on to say

"Ma'am the industry knows that you don't mix personal and professional life"

Riya just kept on staring at the twins and raising her voice a bit she said "PLEASE REPEAT"

"Ma'am the business world knows that your personal life stays out of your professional life. You even met Mr Siddarth Roy today in a formal manner after taking an official appointment and the deal was signed officially even if he is your husband" he said and I smiled proudly at this statement because being my wife her one call would have been enough to get the contract but she chose to remain professional.

'She doesn't consider you her husband' my mind told me.

'Yet' I added and then pushing all thoughts aside I focused on the current situation.

Then she went on to clear everyone's doubts, even mine.

"Dev, do I or my company have any official link with shekhawat Industries?" she asked and to everyone's shock he said

"NO ma'am"

"Dev, I have one last question. Does glamour or Riya have any link with the business venture between Roy group of companies and shekhawat Industries? Will our company gain anything in case this venture is successful?" she asked.

"No ma'am, how can we gain anything if this venture is profitable as we are not related to them in any manner" he said.

I knew the answer but I don't know why even after being the daughter of Mr Shekhawat she doesn't own even a share in his company. Anyway she has surpassed every industry in her field be it Roy's or Shekhawat's.

Then she didn't ask anything but he told

"Ma'am the sole owners of shekhawat industries are Neha shekhawat and Veer shekhawat from shekhawat clan"

Praise the great Neha shekhawat more. Note the sarcasm.

She immediately muttered a "thanks" and cut the call as she realised that his revelation could give rise to serious questions.

" Are your doubts cleared or any written proofs are required?" she asked glaring at Diya and Jiya.

They both looked down clearly ashamed of their actions. Veena ran towards the kitchen and brought a glass of water for Riya and said " stop fighting for me, Riya" but Riya seemed to be unstoppable today.

" My sister Neha shekhawat is precious and nobody can compare her with me but my this sister is my lifeline and if anyone dares to look at her with evil intentions, I can destroy them" Riya was breathing fire now.

My entire family was shocked to see their bahu (daughter in law) who was always quieter than expected, speaking in such a tone. They were shocked to see her bold avatar just like I was shocked to see it in her office for the first time.

"I did this marriage for the sake of two families whose reputation was at stake. I am not some selfless creature boasting her achievements but I just can't bear a word against Veena and if I don't answer you back today you wouldn't stop taunting her behind my back for your silly assumptions" she said

Then she raised her index finger and warned "Moreover my sister is not a burden as she eats what she earns by working for me so don't you dare repeat this mistake again" she said and then Veena lightly hugged her and she closed her eyes and sighed. She again became the always calm one and went towards mom and dad.

She held mom's hands and said "I know I have crossed my line and I am ready for its consequences. I will leave this house right away if you say" she said and mom frowned. Mom was looking at her proudly a moment before but now her eyes grew teary and even I can't imagine her going away.

I don't know why but I just can't let her go away just for a silly fight. I may not be in love with her but I definitely would like to have her by my side in the future as my life partner. How can she get this silly idea of leaving me?

Without waiting for a response from mom's side she started taking little steps back and called someone and said " arrange the car for me, I want to leave" and cut the call and gestured to Veena to pack her stuff.

Veena nodded with a gloomy face but mom stopped Riya and said " I know they have committed a mistake but please don't punish us by going away."

Riya was shocked for a minute but then she said "Mom how can a daughter punish her mother? I just don't want to hurt your family anymore."

Your family? It's also her family and it's her right to scold her sister in law's if they are wrong. Why should she leave the house for a casual cause? I am getting restless now.

"You are not hurting anyone and this is your family too. You were just putting the facts straight and there's nothing wrong with it. You are our daughter and I am proud of this fact so don't ever talk about leaving this house or us" dad interrupted and I was spellbound to see his love for his daughter who just joined the family recently. He almost keeps silent when there is any small fight or issue in the family and lets mom handle it but today he is stopping her daughter from going away. Happy tears glistened in my eyes and everyone got emotional.

I saw the hard core girl as she hugged my parents and a lone tear escaped her eyes which she quickly wiped away and promised them that she wouldn't talk about leaving them again with her cute gesture of hugging them. 

I was extremely angry at the stunt she pulled downstairs and as we entered our room I smashed a vase on the floor breaking it into pieces in my rage. 



Hello Readers!

This short (yet hopefully interesting) update is just the result of your beautiful comments. Thanks a lot. For an early and longer update you have to continue with the same zeal. So please vote, comment, follow and share. 

I hope you liked the update. What do you think is the fight going to repeat?....

Do you like the way their relationship is stepping forward?...

Do you want character aesthetics from my side??? This is a really important question revolving in my mind since long so please answer it for me.

Thanks once again and how many of you are missing the POV of the lioness?


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