CHAPTER 15- Party #2 : Unknown Feelings

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Hello guys!

I am a bit late due to my ongoing exams so I am giving you a long update with 5000 words...phew...Happy reading and I hope you like it. Please share your views in the comment box. Motivate me with your votes and comments to get the next update soon. Follow me on Wattpad.

Grab your snacks because the chapter is quite long....enjoy!


Riya's POV 

"Dare" I answered as Di asked me 'truth or dare...There are too many truths that have to remain hidden so dare is better.

"My sweet sister, I would like to give you a dare. Any issues?" Neha Di asked over sweetly. Something is fishy! I smell trouble but it was nothing new so I did not spare her a glance and instead looked at the fairy lights decorating the garden as if I have never seen them before but nodded anyway.

"No way! I will give her the dare as the other side of the bottle faces me" spoke Alisha. She and Di are best friends. Partners in a crime or you can say partners in troubling me but it's all like a regular thing. Today is different because we aren't in the Shekhawat villa, we are in an official party and they have no right to play their tricks and spoil my reputation. My self-respect comes first guys...As they both started their fake drama that who will give the dare, Meesha (another friend of Neha Di) smirked and said "You both can give her a dare each as our sweet Riya won't mind at all"

I could see three men...sorry four men clenching their fists. A few minutes back Kunal and Tanisha joined the party so I don't know why even Kunal clenched his fist. I sighed and said in my fake sweet yet calm tone "No issues" and their famous smirk didn't go unnoticed.

(Kunal & Tanisha 🔼)

Suddenly Barbie chuckled and said "Princess, you are the best. See, even they know that one dare is a cakewalk so they both want to give you a dare. They know that if it comes to them they would fail in the single one"

Neha Di and her friends glared at Barbie and I hated it. I hate it when she looks at Barbie like that. All chuckled hearing Barbie's comment. I just smiled faintly as I knew what was coming next.

Superman suddenly got up and said "I have an urgent phone call to make" and I could easily sense their masterplan. I knew .....I knew that they wouldn't be quiet.

I saw superman was on a call with Abhi who was holding his phone in his palm tightly.

"You have to flirt and fix a date with any random person that we call," Neha di said smirking.

While Abhi and Siddarth both were going to say something when I held their hands and they looked at me. I just looked at Di and blinked my eyes giving an I-am-ready look.

'So sweet of her to give such a comfortable dare' (note the sarcasm) my mind mocked.

I just forwarded my palm indicating her to pick up my phone and dial whoever she wants. She did as expected and dialed a number after thinking deeply. I know that she isn't going to dial some random number, it will be someone with an extremely dirty mind but she doesn't know what's going to happen next. Thinking this I smirked back at her. She forwarded me the phone and I took it gladly.

"Hello" a husky male voice spoke on the other side of the phone.

"Hey, handsome" I spoke in a bold sexy tone and all others looked at me with their jaws dropped to the floor.

"Hi beautiful but may I know who's speaking?" he said and I know it's all planned.

"Baby, how can you not recognize my voice? Have you forgotten me?" I asked sweetly and from the look, Siddarth gave me I knew he would have buried that man under the ground.

" I know you?" he stammered and I know this is all the effect of my superman.

"Handsome, believe me you know me more than I know myself. Remember the beautiful time we spent together" I said and chuckled inwardly at my cheesy lines.

"I...sorry...I don't know are...talking about?" he said.

"Don't worry, I will remind you of everything slowly and smoothly baby. Just meet me once at our secret place handsome" I said seductively, focusing on words slowly and smoothly. I know superman would have increased his torture listening to my words *wink*.

"Yes...yes.I will meet you but which secret place?" he stammered.

"Haww, you forget our place so soon. Shona, meet me outside the berry fashion house and we will have a cup of coffee in the café nearby" I said sweetly and everyone gasped. I know me and this tone doesn't match.

"Sure...sure...bye," he said.

"Byeee" I stretched it and cut the call. Di and her group were looking as if they had seen a ghost.

I know it was Jack on the other side. He is Di's friend who loves to flirt with me and irritates me. I know that my superman is behind his weird behavior because the man who didn't leave any chance to do dirty talks, actually stammered and did not utter something indecent from his mouth. I chuckled at her face and my complete gang joined me except my poor husband who is looking at me like a raging bull.

'What happened to him and why does he look so affected?'

'He should give you a standing ovation right for flirting with some other man' my mind taunted back.

'Why does he care?' I retorted.

'He is your HUSBAND' my mind answered.

'But isn't it just for a year' I stated?

'He is your husband, Idiot. And your friend too who doesn't believe in this one-year thing' my mind shouted.

'Fine, but he looks so angry' I said

'And sooo hot,' my mind said.

'SHUT UP!' I shouted.

'It's true babe....anyway he doesn't know about your brother and your plans' my mind answered and I just agreed, annoyed at my inner conscience.

I looked around to see superman coming toward us smirking and others were clapping and cheering for my bold act. Dump it guys, it was no fun. It was very uncomfortable.

Neha di's group smiled again and said "You did well girl"

"You rocked it babe" Tanisha shouted and I just passed her a smile 

Barbie shouted "Told ya" making me chuckle at her behavior.

I looked at Abhi who was smirking like superman. Ugghh...these people.

Siddarth snaked his arm around my waist and leaned closer towards me and I gave him a blank look whereas I was frowning and shivering inside at his behavior.

He whispered in my ears " Sweetheart, I would like to hear your sexy voice when we are alone" and I shivered a bit. 'Damn his effect on me' and he moved back, smirking. All hooted and said "LOVE BIRDS"

I blushed and looked down and I knew Di was fuming but I ignored it thinking 'when is she not? Siddarth just smirked. Idiot.

"Stop it guys, let's give her the next dare", Alisha said.

"Sure," I said in my cold tone. She deserves it. She got intimated a bit and Di shook her gently to bring her back to normal.

"*(cough)* Uhh....Yes, I was saying her next dare is she has to sing a song for her husband using some musical instrument" she said looking at di. Sorry nodding at Di.

Di got up and stood before me. I also stood up and she said "Wait I will help you choose an instrument" and went away.

She came back with a guitar and gestured for me to take it from her. My hands trembled and memories came back flashing like it all happened today itself. The fact that my sister is doing this to hurt me deliberately pinched me but I shrug it off as this is nothing new. I just pushed back the tears that were pricking my eyes and was going to say something when Siddarth beat me into it and said "I don't want my wife to use this instrument"

My mind went blank hearing this. He understood my discomfort without even me saying a word. I really got lucky to have a husband like him who reads me like a friend and supports me. It's dangerous that somebody is understanding me more than required but I can't stop myself from being elated at this feeling.

"Riya, sing a song but skip the instrument part," Abhi said in his dangerous tone. I know he is worried and even I felt weak for a moment seeing this guitar but I won't give these people victory over me. I won't let them win so easily without putting up a fight.

"Riya skip this dare, princess you have performed one already," Barbie said.

"Why? You were so sure about her capabilities. Right" Alisha taunted looking at Barbie making me go angry like hell. 

Wait and watch Alisha on...I am not called a lioness without any reason.

I looked at Superman and he just blinked at me reassuringly as if giving me a go-ahead. He understands me so well...More than anyone else in this world.

'Your husband understands you too' my mind said and I agreed. 

I just nodded and said "Di, you said musical instruments and guitar are not the ones for this moment. So wait I will get the right one for this moment" 

I turned to get the instrument I smirked and superman smirked looking at me. I went to the music room and gestured to a servant to get the instrument and came out to see the setup ready as lights were off and I went and sat on the stool kept beside the piano. Yes, I chose the piano.

My fingers automatically started to play the melody that came into my mind as I closed my eyes and thought about my sweet friend and I will wholeheartedly dedicate this song to him.

The lights came back the instant I started singing.....

(A/n: Content in bold are the lyrics of the song)


If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea

I'll sail the world to find you

If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see

I'll be the light to guide you

We'll find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need

I sang and looked at him to find him looking at me only. Our eyes met and he saw me as if he was reading me. All raw emotions hidden in my yes...I trust him...I don't know when and why but I see him as a friend... He will always be a friend whom I can trust and any relationship that has trust blooms automatically. Friendship will be the base of our relationship He smiled at me adoringly and ufff....his smile makes me go crazy...Something is wrong with me

You can count on me like one, two, three

I'll be there

And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two

And you'll be there

'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeah


Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah

If you tossin' and you're turnin' and you just can't fall asleep

I'll sing a song beside you

And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me

Every day I will remind you, oh

He got up and sang these lines with me and if I go by his eyes it feels like he means every word.....His tone is giving me Goosebumps...Stop Riya...Don't hope against hope.....Maybe he still loves Di...Whatever it is but my heart says his friendship is true and I am going to believe it. Maybe I mean something to him...I know I am selfish to think this but I want to be his priority.....But this teeny-weeny concern will work as it makes my heart flutter.....

We'll find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three

I'll be there

And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two

And you'll be there

'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeah


Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry

I'll never let go, never say goodbye

You know...

He sang alone as I was busy in my world and raised his brows questioningly. He looks 'cute' doing that and I just shook my head indicating nothing...His presence is enough to make me feel things that I avoid.....I hope our bond remains strong always.....I am wishing this even after knowing that he does not belong to me.....

You can count on me like one, two, three

I'll be there

And I know when I need it I can count on you like four, three, two

And you'll be there

'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeah


Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh

You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

We sang together and our voices tuned perfectly as if we were meant to be...I don't know why but I like this feeling...We were lost in our one world when the cheers from the audience brought us back. We thanked everyone and he hugged me tightly. I was shocked at first but then I responded and hugged him back. He whispered "Thank you my lovely friend and wife" and stepped back. I blushed looking away and I don't know what happens to me when he is around. I don't know anything about these tingling sensations and unknown feelings.

I looked at everyone and they were staring at us in awe and then I looked at my fuming sister and her gang. Now, this party is getting on my nerves. I really have to sneak out but before that let's teach Alisha a lesson. 

"Alisha darling, I hope you liked my performance," I said faking a sweet tone and spinning the bottle which stopped exactly at her and I got the chance to give her a dare. I smirked and Abhi said "I also want to give you a dare...Will you mind doing two dares, Alisha?

We both smirked as she nodded in a 'no'. We played her trick back on her.

"You have put a blindfold and find your boyfriend amongst these men and if you fail you have to become Srishti Manav Raheja's helper for a day," I said innocently and Siddarth giggled.

As planned she failed and now she will become Barbie's helper for a day...Payback time witch.

She had to realize that she taunted my barbie and this is the best way. She can't even back out because we posted this dare on Instagram and now she has to post the completed dare back for the sake of her reputation.

Abhi said "Your second dare is have to dance to the song 'Ek chatur Naar'"

I giggled and she looked at us shocked and then at Di for help...It's of no use baby because you were messing with the wrong people. We practically made a joke out of her as she danced with her high heels and tight short dress. As this drama ended I was satisfied

 I gave Abhi an I-wanna-run-away look and he winked at me. I looked at my husband who frowned at this gesture. He looks like a huffing kid. I winked at Barbie giving her the signal and suddenly the lights went out and I got my cue to run. I firmly held the hand of Siddarth and ran away towards the back door. Poor him...he had to run with me as I dragged him along...It is so much fun...

We stopped reaching the back door and we both were panting hard. We were joined by superman and barbie and I could sense the presence of two more people. The light came back and the first thing I noticed was our intertwined hands. I tried to take my hand back but Siddarth did not leave it. I didn't try again and looked around to see Kunal and Tanisha taking long breaths to calm themselves. Come on...I wasn't expecting them to join us so I looked at them shocked. One more question was disturbing 'Where is Abhi?'

"Where is Abhi?" I asked no one in particular. Barbie huffed and said "Idiot, moron, stupid man...where is he left...he will spoil the plan"

All looked around and Manav said "he will spoil our sneak-out plan"

Siddarth looked at us shocked and asked "why are we sneaking out?"

Superman gave him a look and said "princess was getting bored and we do the same if she gets bored. We can run in three-piece branded suits and look like fools but can't let her suffer from boredom" he said dramatically. I punched his arm, giggling, at his dramatic self. Abhi came running and after composing himself he smirked and said "Angel, yeh le tera badla (here is your revenge)"

I huffed and asked "now what did you do?"....Di will start with her revenge game if he does something silly.

"Check yourself," he said and passed his phone to me. I gasped seeing the picture. What the heck! Di looks so funny that I want to laugh out loud but this isn't right. Siddarth took the phone from me then blinked twice looking at the picture and burst out laughing.

It was a picture of Neha DI looking like a clown as her face was painted in a rainbow and her black dress was turned white as something like fevicol (glue) maybe was splashed on her.....Barbie took the phone from him and she laughed hard showing it to Superman. Superman was controlling his laughter by now as he was looking at my stunned self. Siddarth, Barbie, Kunal, Tanisha, and Abhi were already sitting on the ground laughing hard. I giggled seeing the picture again as I couldn't stop myself from laughing and Superman also burst out laughing. I am happy to watch Superman laugh. I laughed harder seeing him laugh. We both also sat down laughing. After composing myself I said "Abhi there was no need for this" and he said "angel, stop being goody two shoes now...she deserved it for planning such dares for you to make you uncomfortable. It's just due to Bhai that the flirting thing didn't last long or else you know it wasn't right on her part"

This time I agreed with Abhi....but I know tomorrow Dad is going to call me and Neha Di's revenge plan will start.

Barbie said "princess we should have a small dessert party before going home"

I nodded and said " Barbie, let's get out from here first"

They all agreed and we went outside to the parking lot. I asked Tanisha "How come you joined our plan?"

"My friend did not involve me but you forgot that even Abhijeet knows me," she said dramatically.

What's with everyone doing the overreacting drama...I huffed and looked at Abhi who scratched the back of his neck and grinned sheepishly. His antics are out of this world.

"Superman, where to?" I asked.

"Wherever my princess says" Barbie, Abhi, and Superman spoke together and I chuckled.

Superman just shrugged and I looked at Siddarth and Kunal Bhai and asked "Where do you wanna have your ice cream?"

I expected them to tell me their preference as I don't know if they would like mine. My gang won't judge me and I don't care what these people will think about my choice but I would love to ask for their opinion.

"Wherever you say, Mrs. Roy" they three sang in unison stressing at Mrs. Roy. I can't help being formal guys so your cute antics aren't enough to tease me. I again chuckled at their behavior.

I smiled and before I could say something "We can't go to the willow garden, Right now Riya" Siddarth said.

I nodded and said, "I was planning to go to Shyam Ji kulfi wale". He frowned at first and then smiled and nodded. Bhai coughed and all raised their eyebrows. I mouthed "What"

"Angel, he knows about willow gardens?" Abhi asked and I gave a curt nod.

"How," Barbie asked.

"Why did you go there?" Superman asked worriedly.

"Calm down all of you...We both went to eat Ice cream at that place together" I said and they all nodded and Kunal, Tanisha, and Siddarth looked at us confused.

I just shook my head and muttered "Nothing"

"Yay!!!!!kulfi party...Riya your choice is the best" Barbie squealed and superman covered his ears.

"Riya is the best," Superman said, smiling, making me grin.

"Meri Sangat ka hi asar hai (It's all a result of my companionship)" Abhi said and all chuckled.

"Kulfi is the best idea Riya...Come on, let's go" Tanisha shouted.

"Riya, it's not even a shop...Will they mind?" Abhi asked getting all serious and indicating toward Siddarth, Tanisha, and Kunal.

I looked at Siddarth and he blinked at me and said "Well if my wife suggests a place, it will be best"

"Dukan ho na ho, kulfi honi chahiye (It doesn't matter if there is a shop or not, kulfi must be there)" Kunal said. I told you everyone is getting dramatic now and then.

"Chalo yaar jaldi(Let's go fast)" Tanisha snapped, getting impatient.

We all went towards our cars and I asked Siddarth to let me drive. He gave me the car keys without a word and I expected him to create a fuss.

As we sat inside he said "Drive my baby, carefully"

I guess I said those words soon...he actually said these seriously.

I just nodded and drove to the kulfi corner. We all got out of our cars and went towards his stall.

"Namaste Kaka" I greeted him. Even, though he knows me as I am a regular customer. I used to come here in my college was a problem for me as I always spent my earnings wisely and this kulfi became my love at first sounds funny.

"Namaste be.....It has been long since you came here" he said.

"I was out of the city, kaka, now give me your famous pista kulfi and...." I said and looked at them for their orders.

"Same" all shouted together. I covered my ears and said "Spare my poor ears"

They all chuckled and kaka gave us the kulfi.

We all were enjoying our kulfi when Siddharth's kulfi fell as Kanhaiya bumped into him. Kanhaiya is Kaka's son. He apologized heavily and Siddarth forgave him at once. His coat and kulfi both got spoiled yet he did not scold the boy and I like his humble behavior.

"Hold my kulfi," I told Siddarth and he frowned but held it.

I ran and got tissues from Kaka and started cleaning his coat while he was savoring my kulfi. I looked up to see him smirking and having my kulfi. 'Damn this handsome man....e is eating my kulfi.

I threw the tissues and said "I told you to hold my kulfi, not to eat it"

"I was just preventing it from melting", he said innocently and all chuckled.

He gave me the left kulfi and said "You can have it, now"

I pushed his hand back and said "You only have it now"

"Khalo Riya...Jhoota khaane se Pyar badhta hai (Have it increases by eating each other's leftovers)" Tanisha said smirking.

I just ordered one more kulfi and had the one Siddarth gave me. Come was melting in our fights...

I finished it and was going to throw the stick when Siddarth held my wrist and pulled me closer and his hand was dangerously close to my lips. I was still anticipating his move when I realized his fingers wiping the kulfi from the edge of my lips and could feel butterflies in my stomach.

He licked his finger and smirked at me...How much I want to break his face to wipe that smirk off...huh!

I looked away and went to get his kulfi.... handed over a fresh kulfi to him and he said "You can have half of it as I had it from yours"

I denied and Kunal said "Bhabhi Ji have will increase ten times more"

I blushed looking away and they both smirked. Abhi said "If you are done teasing and blushing then please have the kulfi or else I will have it...It tastes yummy"

Siddarth instantly started eating and I chuckled at their childish behavior. Superman said "Princess, let me pay the bill this time," he said and I nodded smirking.
Superman raised his eyebrows questioningly and Barbie and Abhi coughed loudly. Barbie asked "Are you allowing him to pay the bill?" and I nodded innocently.

"Am I dreaming?" Abhi asked, rubbing his eyes. Abhi and his drama.

Superman went to pay and came back glaring at me angrily. I burst out laughing. All looked at me confused.

"Princess, that's not fair" superman whined and I continued laughing.

"Did you pay the bill?" Kunal asked.

Superman only glared at me in return. Barbie asked, "Stop glaring at her and tell me what happened?"

"She never lets me pay the bill," Superman complained.

"She gave you the opportunity just now...which is shocking but anyways," Barbie said.

"I couldn't pay the bill even this time" He sighed.

"Why?" Abhi asked curiously.

"Why don't you ask your angel?" he said

"Stop beating around the bush and tell us what happened," Barbie scolded.

"I went to pay the bill and he said 'Ham aapse paise nahi le sakte (I can't take money from you). Riya has always been a blessing to us. Her men handled the stall when I was ill and she has taken care of all the schooling of my son and she doesn't let me repay her. So we have made a pact that I will never take money from her for the kulfi she and her relatives buy. She wasn't ready...Par main bhi kaka hu uska....Uske jaisa ziddi (But even I am her uncle...stubborn like her)" he said.

I started laughing again when he ended up mimicking him. He glared at me and said "You are so mean" and I giggled.

"She won't let you pay the bill ever" Barbie sighed.

"You pulled this stunt on your superman....ha..ha..ha...This is why you allowed him to pay the bill" Abhi laughed and I joined him. Others laughed seeing us but Siddarth looked confused.

Barbie said, "I will clear his confusion" and turned towards him.

"She always pays the bill whenever we go for outings and doesn't let my dear husband spend a penny which irritates him. Today god knows how she allowed him to pay and rest he told you"

He giggled hearing her words. We all decided to go back to our homes and barbie said "Call me tomorrow morning"

"Sure Barbie, but promise me that this time you will meet me soon," I said.

"Promise" she answered.

"Superman vaise even if you go missing this time I won't mind because you know that I will find you....let me meet fairy first and then go to London" I ordered him.

"Princess, I know I can't hide from you and we just go on business trips and as you know I can't live without your barbie and fairy so I take them along," he said

"Without telling me I must add" I glared at him.

"Fine" he muttered defeated.

"Princess, talk to me have a lot to explain," he said as we all got up from the bench and started walking.

"Talk to us" Abhi corrected.

"Fine Alina as well and skip dev," she said.

All the people halted in their steps and looked at me with raised eyebrows and I bit my tongue. 'Where is your brain Riya?' I muttered to myself.

"What," I asked

"Does that idiot know everything already?" Barbie asked.

I nodded and said "obviously, he stays with me for more than half of the day"

"I will not spare that idiot," Abhi and Superman said together.

"Please forgive that poor soul...I told him to keep his mouth shut" I said

"No way....he shouldn't have followed your orders", Abhi said sternly making me sigh.

"spare him this time superman," I said as it was the last resort to save him.

Superman nodded and Abhi sighed and said "as you say"

We all reached our cars and bid each other goodbye except me and superman. We don't say bye to each other as I hate it. I hate going away from him and this 'bye' word only makes it difficult. I hugged Abhi and superman. I was going to hug Kunal Bhai as well when Siddarth pulled me back and said "Enough of you hugs and bye's...come let's go"

I waved at Kunal Bhai and he chuckled and shook his head.

As we reached home and entered our room he told me "we need to talk"

I nodded and said "but not here, change and meet me in the garden"

Garden is the place that provides me peace and I know this night is not going to end without his inquiry session.

He agreed and went to change and I went to the other room to change the party dress. I wore my night suit and went directly to the garden and sat on the swing feeling the cool breeze. I don't know what he wants to know and if I will be able to answer him. This is going to be a long night......


What is Siddarth going to ask Riya?.....

(Alina - Riya's friend 🔼)

(Dev Sharma & Shivangi Sharma 🔼) (A/n: Riya's manager cum bro and his wife)

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