CHAPTER 7- Where is Riya?

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Hi everyone

I am sorry for not updating the very next day as my results were out on that day and then the time passed in a blur. So here is a long update for you guys. I really enjoyed reading your comments on the previous chapter but my silent readers I would really appreciate if you also share your views. Thanks for your support. Vote, comment and follow me on Wattpad. All those who want two updates a week will be happy to know that I am also thinking about the same but I would like to know your opinion first so please drop a comment if you want two updates in a week.

Enjoy reading......

Siddarth's POV

I was shocked like hell when I saw her huge office building decorated in a royal manner. I couldn't refrain myself from asking her the question "Is it the right address?" and she just nodded. As we went inside, I was amazed to see the respect that people give her in the company. I know she is the owner but directors are no less in showing attitude but here she or actually we are receiving wedding gifts from them. Her way of greeting them was not perfectly professional as she touched the feet of elder members of the board.

Damn......even their behaviour towards her at this point of time is not professional because marriage is a personal affair and ours was even more personal. Then she asked them that how did they get to know about our arrival and they all shouted in unison through their KHABRI and now my confusion was not hidden from her as she whispered that they were talking about Veena. Then we went towards her cabin and only a question ringed in my mind which was 'Why was Sanjay Bakshi so polite with her and wishing us with so much excitement?'

Confused about who is Sanjay Bakshi? Don't be because I will introduce him to you. He is my college friend and a director in Riya's company (Glamour Fashion house). He is rude, arrogant and a typical billionaire who never mixes personal and professional life and hates the word called MARRIAGE. He gives a damn about the owner or any other person of the company with whom he is dealing with. Even when he did a short-term project with our company he behaved as if he doesn't know me and when our second bestie Rajveer Seth got married he attended his marriage as if a kid is forced to drink milk. Instead of congratulating the couple he advised them to rethink and prayed god to put some senses into the couple (he really did that even after being the best friend) but here he was wishing Riya as if it was a great occasion for him to celebrate. He even asked Riya to give him a party as if she was her long-lost friend. Actually, I have not contacted him since a year as he was busy with a project in USA but he came to India occasionally and never got time to meet us (me and Rajveer).

As I entered her cabin all my thoughts came to a halt and I began exploring the perfect interiors of her cabin. As I remembered that how she greeted the directors and how the entrance was decorated I started shooting questions at her which came in my mind.

"Is this a company or some family function going on? Never in my life have I experienced any such thing. Moreover, I have seen that the boss greets the members formally and here you were touching the feet of directors as if they were your uncles."

She smiled at my question and answered "yes I consider them my family" in her melodious voice.

Wait did I call her voice melodious? What the hell is happening with me?

I shrugged these thoughts and a new question came in my mind and I started laughing and asked her "Do you even sign deals in this company if only friendly relations are made? This is silly." As these words left my mouth, I realised that I was questioning her way of business now and as expected she snapped at me and told me to leave and I obeyed at once knowing my fault. As I left her cabin, I realised that I don't know the way to parking lot and I am stuck.

I forgot to ask her even. Now what will I do. This is a huge complex. I sighed and started to look for sign boards to get out of this place and I was able to locate the lift. I pressed the last button hoping it to be the ground floor but landed in a basement (I know I am stupid but the names like G1 and I1 written on floor buttons are confusing dude and, in such situations, liftman are always absent).

I came out of the lift and went towards the receptionist to know the way out. The receptionist looked up as she saw me and then she was no more in this world as she had already reached her dreamland. Instead of getting charged up at the fact that she was openly ogling at me I was frustrated.

Yaa...Yaa if Riya was in her place, you would have been smirking. That's Right.

Shut up and behave.... Please ignore my stupid mind it keeps on giving commentary even when the cricket match is not going on.

Then I fake coughed to gain her attention but it was of no use so I went ahead and looked at a sign board stating 'Intern's floor – block 5' and I was going to go back towards the lift but stopped hearing loud voices coming from block 5 and I went towards the hallway and stood there as I heard Riya's name.

The interns were talking rubbish about her and I was getting angry that why are such useless people working here as interns. The conversation was making me angry as one Intern said "Uff! This boss is so cranky. She keeps a regular check on our activities even when we are just interns and as a result, Singhania never lets us rest. She doesn't even know how to run a company. That stupid lady..."

How dare he called my wife stupid...My wife .... I have seriously gone mad but anyhow they are talking about their boss, they should respect her. 'Is it the real reason of your anger' my mind mocked me. I shrugged it off and continued listening to others joining the conversation. Then suddenly the second man said that he pities me. Who is he to judge her and how does he know that Riya is not the one for me? Just one punch and he will never speak again. My blood was boiling with anger now and the worst part came when a girl started talking rubbish that Riya does not deserve to be married to me. What the hell...She is comparing herself with Riya and praising her non-existent beauty...huh! This is just impossible as I have never seen a girl more beautiful than her.

As their fashion parade started, I was fed up and was going to teach them the meaning of beauty when suddenly a hand pulled me back and I saw Riya going forward towards their cabins. When did she come? Is she going to confront them or fire them? The second one sounds better. As she reached there, she greeted them started discussing about work progress. Now I was angry on her ignoring attitude. She stays quiet at home but this is not the time to be quiet. No family session is going on.

As she started scolding them in her cold but calm tone, I was genuinely impressed. The people who were uttering nonsense against her are now begging her while she did not even raise her voice. Definitely SHE IS THE BOSS. This girl amazes me always and hats off to her patience. Her calm tone is very dangerous. As she finished the scolding session, she came to me and my eyes were full of respect, pride and pure adoration for the perfect lady standing in front of me. I have seen many ladies' CEO's but none like her. So simple yet so elegant. Cold tone yet grounded. Now I guess I am getting lost in reciting her traits and I should stop it. She gestured me to follow her and I did the same. She dropped me to parking and without even bidding a bye she left. I was a little bit disappointed but never mind we are on the first stage of our relationship.

I came home by 5 in the evening as mom had to discuss something really important. Her important discussion was that I should keep her daughter Riya happy. Really, I mean in a single day she is her daughter and she will punish me for her. This girl is really something. She arrived home by 7 and I was standing on the staircase when I saw Veena hiding behind the wall near the door.

What is she doing there and why is she hiding are the only thoughts that came into my head?

As soon as Riya entered the house Veena shouted "WELCOME HOME" in a voice that can make me deaf for sure. Riya covered her ears and she wasn't surprised at all. Riya hugged veena and I think this shouting prank was some sort of welcome ritual for them. I have never seen this playful side of Veena. They are definitely not maid and master but sisters or best of friends.

Riya was all exhausted and she went and sat on the sofa nearby. Veena came out of the kitchen with a glass of water and made her drink it. Then she sat next to her and asked "Why are you worried now? Tell me the problem?"

I frowned as I thought what problem as when she entered, she was smiling. She looked happy. Now I am getting confused but I think I should wait here only.

Riya answered "Can I tell you later? It's nothing much---" and she cut her off and said "Come to the point Riya. Don't start with nothing serious drama because I know that you can handle matters worth billions without a frown on your face. Till the time a matter is nothing worth stressing about you won't take stress. I know you can handle anything in a snap of fingers."

I was shocked to notice Veena's trust in Riya.

"Ok di, actually dad called me today afternoon and ordered me to help his best friend's son to get rid of a drug supply case. When he doesn't want to spoil his name, he tells me to do it. Why di?" Riya said and I could sense that Mr Shekhawat is not what he depicts himself. There is definitely a mystery beyond this little case.

"Riya, what's the issue in this? Call your poor bro cum manager dev and his one phone call and the case will disappear into thin air. Problem solved" veena answered in a casual tone.

"Di, you know I don't like to use influence and I will never use it to protect a criminal. Even if dev helps him, I have to get involved. I can't do it di but I don't like to disobey dad even. Why can't Neha di help him with this?" Riya asked veena and veena started laughing.

Why is veena laughing now and why is Riya caring about a father who said those harsh words to her, I thought in my mind.

"Riya, you are talking about Neha shekhawat. The Neha shekhawat who couldn't even save her lovely boyfriend when he did that cheap thing even after being a renowned model as she had to save her image. You have helped your father many times Riya, willingly or unwillingly and now you should stop feeling that you are disobeying him" Veena told Riya.

Riya asked "What should I do now?" and Veena answered "You should have your food."

"What are you saying di, here I am worried like hell and you are asking me to have food" Riya said frustrated.

"Yes, because thinking about this matter you would have definitely skipped your lunch and at this point of time only chocolates can calm your mood. So have your food and get a chocolate as your reward" veena said in her playful tone.

Riya smiled and nodded. Mom came down and started feeding Riya and I went back to my room thinking that this girl takes stress of every little thing.

After 10 minutes Riya entered the room while I was busy with my laptop and asked "Where should I sleep?"

"Of course, in our room" I answered without sparing her a look.

"Firstly, you said yesterday that I should leave your room" she said stressing on the word your and I could do nothing but feel guilty for being such a jerk.

"Secondly the couch is too uncomfortable for any of us to sleep" she said pointing towards the couch kept in the room.

"I am sorry for talking rudely with you yesterday but believe me I said all those words in anger and yes you are right so for today we have to adjust and by tomorrow I will arrange for something" I answered.

She nodded and said "It's ok and I will take the bed today and you sleep on the couch."

I shouted " I won't sleep on the couch in my own room. It's too small for my height."

She answered "As the room is ours so the bed is also ours so I have equal rights on it"

"Perfect businesswoman" I muttered under my breath and then said "then I also have equal rights" I said as I was in no mood to back out.

She sighed and said "Ok then I am taking the couch today." She seemed to be fed up and I said "Wait, I will sleep on the couch for today. You can sleep on the bed." She looked tired and I knew what was bothering her. She nodded and went to change into nightwear. She came back and crashed on the bed and soon fell asleep whereas I was still struggling to sleep as the couch was really uncomfortable. Having no work to do I stared at the sleeping beauty sleeping peacefully on the bed. She was shining under the moonlight falling on her directly through the window. She looked like an angel descended directly from heaven and I fell asleep admiring her beauty. Next morning, I woke up realising that I am sleeping on a flat land instead of a couch. I opened my eyes to see that I was sleeping on the floor covered with a duvet and a pillow under my head. I must have fell down during night and my angel covered me with the duvet. A smile crept on my face.

My angel.... really.... I am not in my senses...But where is Riya. She was nowhere around. I checked the time it was 7 a.m. and nobody was home as all went to attend a wedding in Jammu yesterday only except mom. I searched the whole house and even called her office but she was not there. Negative thoughts started clouding my mind and my heart was screaming WHERE IS RIYA? 

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