Countdown to 100!

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In this Dick is in college, but still the Young Justice team leader. (Don't question me, just be happy I actually updated)


Normal POV

"Hey Dick can you look over this file for me? Me and the team were just trying to," Tim continued to drone on about how he and the team just needed to be sure all their info was clean. But Dick was to tired to honestly pay attention.

Dick grabbed the decently full file lazily. "Yeah I got it, Tim."

"Thanks!" Tim smiled as he left his brothers room. Dick ran a hand down his face and sighed. He needed to make a to do list, or some sort of schedule for all he had to do.

He had to study for college (The dreaded finals had come far to fast for his liking) Which would take a good amount of his day. Only a few of his classes had decided to have a test. But of course, they were his most mind numbing classes.

Then he had his own cases to work on from Bludhaven. He was only staying at the manor to kill some of his ever piling bills.

And he couldn't skip out on patrol. No, he wouldn't miss that for the world.

But he also had to help Bruce with a few of his cases. He couldn't let himself forget that.

Oh! And the team, he needed to keep an eye on them. He couldn't just let his duty as team leader fly out the window.

Now there was Tim's file. Which should be properly read through.

Dick snuck a glance at the size of the case again.

He did not want to go through that.

He needed to write this all down somewhere.

Dick rubbed his eyes and took a swig of his coffee. He could do this, as the mantra said in his head. All he had to do was study, and focus, and get things done efficiently. If he made a schedule he could get this all done in a few days or less.

The avian stared down the massive amount of work that stared right back at him. Dick huffed at it annoyingly then got to work.

"Master Dick, will you be joining us for lunch?" Alfred knocked on the door, startling Dick awake. His face was smashed done on Tim's case file.

"Lunch?" But it was just 10:00? Why would they be having–

Oh no.

Dick grabbed his phone in a panic, seeing it was 1:10.

"Shit." Dick cursed, pushing himself away from the desk. He fell asleep, that's not what he needed. He was supposed to be at the mountain at 12:30 for a mission debriefing.

The 'I can do this' mantra has been replaced with a continued loop of 'crap. crap. crap.' As Dick rushed pasted Alfred with a quick sorry.

He threw on his Nightwing suit and ran through the Zeta-tube.

"Hey Dick." M'gann greeted as he finally came through. He shot her a quick smile before running to the debriefing room and trying to set up before anyone came in. He had almost finished when M'gann flew in.

"What's got you in such a rush?" She asked, looking over his quick work.

"Fell asleep while doing some work. Didn't even notice my alarm." Dick laughed sheepishly, this was not what he did. He was the leader for Pete's sake, he made sure everyone else was on time.

Soon enough everyone came filing in after M'gann, luckily Dick had just finished.

Tim raised an eyebrow at him, "What took you so long?"

"Just lost track of time while I was working." Dick got to work of assigning everyone their roles for the mission. Trying to get himself off the spotlight from Tim's question.

"Ok, good luck teams." Dick ended, they all began to split up and head to their designated area. Tim, however, stayed behind for a moment.

"You good?" Tim checked Dick over, in all honesty he just seemed off his game. Tired, burnt out.

Dick straightened out, finally noticing Tim hadn't left. Dick turned back to the case and started filing things away, checking over other cases. "Yeah I'm good. Why do you ask?"

"Because you can almost see the dark circles under your mask."

Dick froze at that. He didn't think he looked that tired.

"I've just had some extra work. Now hurry up before your team leaves you." Dick said absently, continuing to work. Tim looked him over once more before running to the tube. He didn't miss Dick's defeated sigh before he stepped through.

"Dick?" Bruce said gruffly as he stepped into the Batcave. He hadn't expected to see his oldest already down there working on the bat-computer.


"What are you doing down here? I thought you'd be finishing up some cases upstairs, maybe finally catching some sleep." Bruce said as he looked over the computer. "More cases," he noted. Some of them weren't even his.

"Well I still have to patrol, don't I?" Dick let out a tired and short-lived laugh, which only made Bruce want to send Dick straight to bed. But Dick was an adult, he couldn't order him around like that anymore.

"I have to get back to Bludhaven." Dick said standing up with a grunt, pulling Bruce out of his thoughts of when his ward was younger.

Bruce held his tongue, wanting to tell his son he should just go and lie down. But Dick was an adult, Bruce reminded himself, he made his own decisions.

Besides, with the way he had been working, he'd probably just stay up all night studying or working on another case.

"Be careful." Bruce said before Dick stepped through the zeta-tube. The man paused his step for a moment before continuing on.

"Did Dick just leave?" Tim said, walking over to Bruce, just catching the light of the tube die down. Bruce nodded. "I'm worried about him, he's been working super hard lately. And he seems . . . I don't know, just off. Slow and tired."

Bruce just nodded again, so Tim noticed too. It wasn't just his overprotective parental instinct screaming at him.

"So?" Tim said with a click of his tongue, "Are we going to intervene?"

Yes, "We'll check on him tomorrow. If he's still working we'll get him to take a break." Tim smirked, he knew Bruce cared just as much as he did.

"Almost done," Dick whispered to himself as he looked over the last few cases. He wanted nothing more then to just curl up on the bed and sleep for a day or two. Just lay under the sheets without patrol. Dozing contently for the next couple of days. Watching TV, catching up on his social media, just–

He was getting sidetrack.

After patrol Dick had came right back to the room and got back to work.

It was around nine o'clock when Dick's phone went off. He grabbed it quickly, the sharp noise worsening his once minor headache. "Reminder? For what?" He opened his phone and looked over the note he'd written.

"Tests? Tests!" Dick was definitely prepared (if possible, over prepared) for every test, but the reminder that they were in a week sent his nerves on a spike. He hadn't been studying as much due to all his other work.

Dick grunted as he pushed himself up. His vision went swimming for a second and he had to squeeze his eyes shut. Dick shook his head, trying to make the dizziness stop. That did nothing but make his headache worse.

"Curse you too, universe." He muttered as he stumbled out of his room. He had to go the library.

Dick walked down the stairs of the manor uncharacteristically slow, almost falling halfway down. He'd thrown on some sweatshirt, feeling that was the comfiest at the moment. Dick reached for the door-

"Dick?" Tim stopped him, all he wanted to do was go to the library to finally finish his work.

"Yes, Tim?" Dick sighed exasperatedly, he had no energy to hide his annoyance. He didn't notice how Tim recoiled back a bit.

"Are you going out?"

"Yeah," Dick rubbed his eyes. "I just gotta run to the library and grab a book."

Tim stood up, "What book do you need?"

Oblivious to himself, Dick let out a small yawn and stretched. "A biography by some guy, 'How I Conquered' by something something Musk." (AN: I don't know)

"How about I go and get it?" Tim offered, standing up. Dick raised an eyebrow at him. "I have to go to the library anyway to get a book for English. I can just grab it while I'm there."

"Uhh, sure?" Dick shrugged as he turned to walk back upstairs. But again, Tim stopped him.

"Wait, Dick." Dick turned around, not even bothering to talk. "Can you come and look this over, its a small case."

Ever the pleaser, Dick walked over and sat on the couch. He took the file Tim held in his hand, he got a smile in return.

"Ok, thanks. I'll be back in a minute." Dick heard the door shut and got to work.

The case was as boring as watching grass grow. Slow and far to long. Dick caught on that it was just a simple house robbery someone had put to much thought into.

And despite his efforts to stay awake until Tim got back, Dick squished farther into the couch cushions. His sweatshirt was warm, the pillows were soft.

And with that Dick was out.

Bruce walked into the living room, only to see his son asleep on the couch.

The Dark Knight smiled and walked over to him.

Dick had a file on his lap that was at risk of falling on the floor. Bruce grabbed it and looked it over. There was a little red 'f' in the corner of it

"A fake file." Bruce thought. It was one he had used for training. It was overly detailed so it was a little easier. Everyone could solve this in a heartbeat now. "Tim."

Tim had given Dick a fake file to bore him to sleep. And it appeared his plan had worked. Bruce let out a small chuckle before grabbing a blanket and throwing it over the man.

He turned to walk out, there was no need for him to be in here. He shut off the lights when he reached the doorway.

"Good Night, Dick."

Bruce didn't miss the quiet "night" as he walked out.

I don't really like this one. I wrote part of it a while ago and just never really knew what to do with it.

But I updated again! That's all that matters!

Don't forget to ask questions and leave suggestions!


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