Countdown to 100!

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You guys wanted a part 2 of the thing I did with Spyral. So your gonna get a part 2!

(And remember all those who have read the Grayson comics I am pretty much just using the basic idea of the Grayson comic run. I'm screwing with a it's timeline a lot. So don't come at me for it being a bit odd! Thanks!)


Normal POV

Damian was alive.

It was a simple sentence that Dick just couldn't seem to understand.

How long had he been alive? Did he actually die? Why didn't Bruce tell him that Damian was alive?!

He was seated with his back against the dresser where the clock sat. Holding the small communicator in his hand while he stared out the dark window.

If Damian was alive, and surprised to hear him, that meant he was mourning him too!

This was not a fun undercover mission.

Faking his death, infiltrating this weird place. Having to be ok with killing.

He just wanted to go back home and see Damian.

And Tim, and Jason, and Alfred, man he missed them. And they had to mourn both him and Damian! 


Why did he do this? Why wasn't Bruce contacting him? Why was he still here? Why couldn't he just go home?

Dick's grip on the communicator tightened.

No one was stopping him from going home. Technically, Bruce hadn't denied him coming home.

But Mr. Minos wouldn't let him leave that easy, he'd sick Helena or Agent 1 on him. They'd find him in Gotham.

Oh screw it!

He wanted to see Damian! He wanted to see Tim, and Jason, and Alfred, and Bruce, and Barbara, and the rest of the Justice League.

He wanted to go home!

So he was going home.

Damian slammed a fist on the desk.

Bruce had Dick out there. Bruce made Dick go and be his spy.

Bruce put Dick in danger, dammit!

They said he was dead! They said some crime syndicate revealed his identity as a hero to the world then strapped him to bomb connected to his damn heart!

They said Lex Luthor killed his little brother! His boy!

Bruce lied!

Bruce hid him, put him in some unknown place, then abandoned him!

Amnesia or not, Damian was ready to punch his father who didn't remember him.

Damian took a breathe, violence wasn't needed at the moment. Dick needed help.

He was with Spyral. That was for sure. Where they operated and how he could get to Dick were the questions.

The communicator crackled, Damian scrambled to grab the mic. "Dami?" Dick said shakily.

"I'm here, Gra- Dick."

"I wanna come home." Damian's heart tugged for the boy.

"I want you home too."

"Can I come home now? Bruce won't be mad?"

Bruce doesn't get a say because of his condition. Even if he did, it wouldn't matter.

"You can come home."

Dick had never been more grateful for Zeta-Tubes in his life.

Never had he been so happy to see the dark bat-filled cave. Or the giant penny, or the T-Rex, or the infirmary.

Never had he been so happy to see all his brothers standing around the bat-computer.

They all turned around and locked eyes with the boy.

"Dick?" Jason said, a small crack in his voice. Dick swore his eyes were already filled with tears.

He didn't even speak, he ran straight towards them. Jumping up and grabbing them all in a hug the best he could. They caught him easily, grabbing onto one other.

"I'm so sorry." Dick said, not caring about the shake in his voice. "I'm so so sorry."

They pulled apart a bit, but were still surrounding each other. Jason looked down at the boy who was still clinging to Damian. "What for, Dickie?"

"I left you guys." He said, burying his face farther into Damian's chest. "I faked my death, and ran away. I was a spy, I killed people!" Dick started to say franticly, looking up at Damian with noticeable tears.

"They made me take people's organs! ORGANS! And they have info on everyone in the hero community, and they made me use these Hypnos that can mess with people's heads and-

"Grayson, stop." Damain said forcibly, Dick snapped his mouth shut and grabbed him tighter.

"Dick," Tim said, placing a hand on the boys shoulder. "We don't care what you did while you were there."

"You should . . . I did bad things."

"Bruce sent you out there. You didn't have a say." Jason added.

Dick sighed. "I guess," he didn't sound convinced, but it was a problem for another time. "Where is Bruce?"

The question was inevitable, they knew it was. It didn't make answering it any easier.

Damian sighed. "In a fight with the Joker, father lost his memories." He may have left out the bit about Bruce almost dying (and actually dying for a few minutes) but that wasn't important. "He doesn't remember any of us."

Dick to in a sharp breathe, face becoming an almost blank slate. "All of us?" They nodded. "So that's why he wasn't contacting me."

"We're sorry we didn't get to you sooner. Bruce never told us anything."

Dick nodded, "I know he didn't." He let go of Damian. "So, if he doesn't remember you, do you still live in the manor?"

"Big D got a place for us all to stay in Bludhaven." Jason nodded towards the older. "But Tim stays with the Titans and I stay with the Outlaws. Alfred comes by too sometimes."

Dick nodded, he'd missed a lot. "Can I see Alfred than?"

Tim looked around the cave, "I thought he was down here."

The sound of a tray falling made them all look towards the cave stairs. "Master Dick?"

A smile erupted on Dick's face. "Hey, Alfred!" He sprang forwards, almost knocking the old man down. Alfred caught him quickly. "I missed you."

Alfred was silent, to shell shocked to do much other than hold Dick tighter. "I've missed you too, Master Dick."

"Sorry I've been gone so long."

"That doesn't matter, as long as you do not do it again."

"I won't." Dick chuckled quietly. "Trust me." He let go of the older man, quickly helping him pick up the things he'd dropped.

"So what now?" Dick asked, hand folded behind his back while he bounced on the balls of his feet.

"Doesn't matter," Damian said, cracking a rare small smile. "You're home and that's what matters."

"Awww look at Damian getting all emotional." Jason joked, dodging as Damian went to slap him on the back of the head.

Dick laughed along with Tim as they watched Damian and Jason get into a small hitting match. (more like Damian swatting at Jason, while Jason messed with him).

But a sense of dread bubbles inside of him and his smile dropped.

Spyral would realize he was gone soon.

And the world knew he was Wing, and thought he was dead.

Even if he did live in Blüdhaven with Damian, how was he supposed to really . . . live?

Tim tapped him on the shoulder. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Dick shook his head, "Only if I can have that one." He said, gesturing to the giant penny. Tim chuckled. "But Spyral may come after me. I don't think spies can just quit."

"We'll figure something out. If a 13-year-old squirt can infiltrate them it can't be hard to take them down." Dick scoffed, he was about to open his mouth to voice his other concerns but Damian beat him to it.

"Grayson." Tim and Dick looked over at him. He had Jason in a headlock, but continued to speak as if he didn't. "You know you can't operate as Wing anymore, correct?"

Dick nodded.

"So, would would you like to become Nightwing?" Dick raised an eyebrow at him.

"But you're Nightwing." He said. Had something else changed?

Damian sighed. "I can't be Nightwing anymore." Something had changed.

"Someone has to be Batman while Bruce is out of commission. And until-" the if went unsaid, "- He gets his memories back I have to be Batman." Dick nodded slowly, the statement was simple. And Damian had told him that he was the first, the blood son. He was to replace Bruce if something were to happen, it was his 'destiny'. But Damian had gotten out of it, tried to set his own course. Not become what he was made to be.

But now he had too.

"So," Dick looked back up at Damian. "Do you want to be Nightwing?"

"I-" Did he have any complaint against being Nightwing? No. Absolutely not. "Yeah! I'll be Nightwing." Damian nodded, finally releasing Jason who had been squirming relentlessly.

"I'll get to work on adjusting your new costume, Master Dick." Everyone nodded towards the man as he walked off.

Dick smiled again, another idea forming.

"Does this mean I get to patrol Blüdhaven by myself?!"

"Absolutely not."

Yay! Update! I don't have much to say today but I did read the last chapter and it wasn't as bad as tired me thought it was, but it definitely could've been better XD.

Also I've gotten way better at drawing bodies (most of time I've spent in between updates (which is a lot) I've been drawing and working on unpublished books. So I may give you all a sneak peak of some of those) also watching the Sanders Sides videos and loving them more than I thought I would.

But here's your update! Enjoy!

Don't forget to ask questions and leave suggestions!


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