Duck Song

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I'm sorry for not having updated anything in a very long time. I'm trying but my writing is not working. So bare with me amazing readers and when I do return you shall not be displeased!

Also this request was from @2625SnowQueen and Immature_Potatoe

(Play song at any time. It goes with the story and is for your enjoyment)

Normal POV

Dick was walking around in the park (wearing a bright yellow shirt for some odd reason). Then he saw his pal Wally, standing behind a lemonade stand.

Dick said to his friend, running the stand, "Hey! Got any grapes?"

Wally walked around the stand and said, "No, I'm just selling lemonade. But it's cold, and it's flesh, and it's all homemade. Can I get you a glass?"

And Dick said, "I'll pass."

Then Dick walked away.

Then Dick walked away.

Then Dick walked away.

Until the very next day . . .

Dick walked in the park and saw a lemonade stand. And he said to his pal, running the stand, "Hey! Got any grapes?"

Wally looked at Dick weird, "No, like I said yesterday, I'm just selling lemonade. Why not give it a try?"

The bird just spun around and said, "Good bye!"

Then Dick walked away.

Then Dick walked away.

Then Dick walked away.

Until the very next day . . .

When Dick saw his pal at the makeshift stand, he said to the speedster, running the stand, "Hey! Got any grapes?"

Wally frowned at the bird and said, "Look this is getting old. I mean lemonades all I've ever sold. Why not give it a go?" Dick looked at the glasses on the stand, then said.

"How about . . . no."

Then Dick walked away.

Then Dick walked away.

Then Dick walked away.

Until the very next day . . .

When Dick walked up to Wally's lemonade, he said to the teen, running the stand, "Hey! Got any grapes?"

Wally snapped and said, "That's it! If you don't stay away, Dick, I'll glue you to a tree and leave you their all day, stuck. So don't get too close!"

Dick just said, "Adios!"

Then Dick walked away.

Then Dick walked away.

Then Dick walked away.

Until the very next day . . .

Dick walked up to the lemonade stand, and he said to his friend, running the stand, "Hey! Got any glue?"

Wally (who was fuming) relaxed and looked at Dick, confused, "What?"

Dick repeated himself, "Got any glue?"

"No, why would I- oh." Wally started.

Dick smiled, and walked behind the stand, "And one more question for you." There was a long pause as the two started at each other.

"Got any grapes?" Wally just froze, and started to smile. He even started to laugh, he laugh for a while.

"C'mon, Dick. Let's walk to the store, I'll buy you some grapes so you won't have to ask anymore."

So they walked to the store, and Wally bought some grapes. He gave one to Dick, and Dick said,

"Mmmm, no thanks. But you know what sounds good?"

"It would make my day."

"Do you think this store . . .

"Do you think this store . . .

"Do you think this store . . .

"Has any lemonade?" Then Dick waddled away.

That was as strange as it was stupid. AND I HOPED YOU LIKED IT SNOWQUEEN! (Hope it satisfied your standards also sis) I had literally NO clue how to make a one-shot for the duck song, but this was fun!

Again sorry I've been gone so long, I don't think I'll be back to my regular updating schedule very soon. But I'm trying to get things out.


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