Happy Holidays!

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A very festive Holiday was being thrown at Mount Justice. The Young Justice team was there, the Justice League, and some other heroes. It was Christmas Eve, who wouldn't want to throw a party?

The Young Justice team had played secret Santa and were about to exchange gifts. Robin got up and gave Artemis her gift first. Inside the neatly wrapped green box was a new quiver. Artemis had broken her old one. She thanked him and they moved on.

Artemis got M'gann a few new cookbooks and some bright pink nail polish. M'gann was ecstatic and hugged Artemis in thanks.

M'gann was next, she got Connor some new tools since he was like to work in the garage. He thanked her and even smiled.

Connor gave Kaldur his gift. It was a few new books, some series Kaldur had been reading.

Kaldur gave his gift to Wally, it was a new science kit. Wally kept blowing his up somehow. Wally thanked him then got up to give Robin his gift.

Wally walked over to Robin and gave him his hand. Robin took it and Wally easily pulled the bird up to his feet. Wally spun Robin around and held him close to his face. Robin's pale face had a dark red blush on it.

"Merry Christmas birdie." Wally pressed his lips against Robin's then after a minute they pulled apart. Robin had a far out look his eyes, and Wally began to blush. The rest of the team cheered, they'd been trying to get a kiss from the two for weeks!

Robin recomposed himself, "Who told you to stop." The bird wrapped his arms around the speedsters waste and pulled him closer for another, longer, kiss.

Ahhhh Birdflash it's what every holiday needs.

ALSO HAPPY HOLIDAYS MY FRIENDS! Comment what you celebrate and if you don't celebrate anything happy Tuesday!


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