Lost in Walmart

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Dick Grayson, also known as Robin or Nightwing, Protege of Batman himself. Dick Grayson is known for being hard to take down. People say he could even take down both the Justice League and Young Justice League single handedly. So what is this master martial artist's weakness?

Getting lost in Stores of course!

With the BatBoys

"Why are we here?" Damian grumbled. He and his older brothers had been sent to Target to get groceries for Alfred.

"Quit pouting Demon we just gotta pick up a few things." Jason said, looking back to the list they had been given. "Hey Dick can you hand me that dish liquid Alfred wanted a specific . . ." He trailed off as he saw the older man was no where to be seen.

The other boys looks around for the large child-man. But he was nowhere insight.

"Did he get lost?" Tim said, as they walked through all the isles they had previously been in.

"How does a grown man get lost in Target?" Damian responded sarcastically. But in all honesty he wasn't surprised. Dick was like a giant child, so him getting lost wasn't surprising.

Jason sighed as they walked towards the help desk. Then he suddenly stopped in front of the toy aisle. Tim and Damian were confused to why he stopped in front of the children's aisle. Then they saw it too.

A grown man. One who had saved them countless times, and saved hundreds of civilians. One who was feared by many low rank villains. Was sitting cross legged on the floor, in a toy aisle playing with Batman and Robin action figures.

Jason snapped a picture with his phone, then walked away. Leaving Tim and Damian dumbfounded at how this man survived this long.

Hiya, I'm Supergirl406!
And would ya look at that . . . Majestic. So this was stupid.

So a Question my friends who is your favorite
a) Dick                         b) Jason
c) Tim                          d) Damian

No real reason just wanna know. So Send me suggestions my fantastic readers so this book may continue!


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