Number 100!!!

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It's number 100 guys!!! We made it all the way here! Thanks for sticking with me and joining me on this weird journey to 100 chapters!!!

I love you all! Thank you so much!

Now let's get into the story!


TW: There is the use of a not common but not uncommon drug called Scopolamine, or the Devil's Breathe. If that's unsettling or triggering please don't trigger yourself or make yourself uncomfortable. Nothing like rape or anything horrible is done because of the drug but its used, just letting you all know!

Thank you!


The feeling of waking up in a place you aren't supposed to was still something Dick wasn't used to. He didn't think he'd ever get used to it (and he hoped he never did). And the feeling of waking up after being drugged or hit in the back of the head to hard was never all that fun in his opinion.

But where did he find himself? Waking up on a bed that didn't feel like his own. And feeling the after affects of a drug he still wasn't sure about.

What'd be awesome was if he could remember what happened before this. Or at least why he was drugged to unconsciousness and kidnapped.

First things first, check the surroundings.

Dick cracked his eyes open and felt the soft sheets he was under. He was surprised to even find himself in such a comfortable space after a kidnapping. His gloves were gone, along with his boots, but he wasn't in any restraints so there's a plus.

His movements were sluggish as he pushed himself up to look around the room. The walls were simple, a bland dark-grey with nothing on them. He also took note that there weren't any vents or windows anywhere, so whoever took him wasn't an amateur. The room was empty besides a desk with nothing on it by the door.

Dick's vision was to out of wack for him to even think about getting up to check it. He was sure it was locked though.

Whoever took him meant business and probably had a plan for him. Which was never good for him.

Dick laid back down as his vision took a dip a few seconds longer than he would've liked it to. Whatever drug was in his system was still hitting him. He needed to figure out what it was, or how to power through it to get out of here. Whatever it was - was definitely wearing off some. His limbs weren't as tight and his mind was less muggy.

He was close to falling back asleep when a creak from the door stirred Dick from his almost unconsciousness. He kept his eyes shut and made himself look as relaxed as possible. They stepped in and stayed quiet. Dick could hear their soft - near silent - steps walk towards him.

"I know your awake, child."

If Dick had any less self-control he would've sputtered and shot up in an instant. But this guy wasn't an amateur and may just be trying to trick him. So he kept his breaths shallow and slow, making sure to stay still.

"Get up, Grayson."

Oh no.

What kind of idiot doesn't make sure their mask is still on! Bruce was going to kill him! Heck! Damian would make him give up his cape in an instant! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Dick opened his eyes, looking over to where the voice had come from with a glare.

Double oh no.

Bruce and his brothers had warned him about this guy. Wilson? Something Wilson was . . . Deadpool? Deadshot? No, Deathstroke? Deathstroke that was it.

Oh no, it was Deathstroke.

Bad news, that's what he remembered clearly. And to stay away and call for backup if he ever saw a black and orange mask.

But he didn't have his gloves! Which meant no holo-computer, which meant no calling.

Man, he is such a useless hero. You'd think after turning 11 he'd finally get the hang of it. But noooooo, he goes and gets captured by the one guy he's supposed to stay far far away from.

Dick moved to sit up and the mercenary made no move to stop him.

"What do you want, Wilson?" Dick spat, his glare never faltering. He was almost glad the mercenary was wearing the mask; he didn't know how cool he could keep himself if the man glared back.

"You may not understand yet, child," He said, the one white on his mask staring right back at Dick. "But the rest of your family knows what this is about."

"Don't by cryptic." Dick said, resisting the urge to hold his arms over his chest. "Just tell me why I'm here."

"To become my apprentice." Slade answered coolly, as if the fact was already determined. Dick tensed.

"N-No! No way!" He shouted, jumping out of the bed in front of the man. "And how does my family already know about this?!"

"They have known for a long-time. I see they have failed to tell you that." Slade took a step back, wiping a finger over the clean desk by the door.

Dick clenched his fists at his sides, not wanting to think about how Bruce and his brothers didn't tell him about this. That wasn't a priority, and Slade was just using it to try and get inside his head.

"Come with me," He said, turning around towards the door. Dick watched apprehensively as the mercenary reached for the door. "Try to escape and I will not hesitate to break your legs."

There goes all his confidence.

Slade opened the door and walked out. Dick followed; he didn't really have much of a choice.

The halls were dark, the only lights dim, small, and far spaced. And no one else was there. No talking or quiet footsteps from different directions, just stagnant silence and dead air.

No- now there was some noise. All it was-was heavy, muffled breathing from behind the door they'd stopped in front of.

Dick preferred the silence.

Slade opened the door, and the dim light of the hallway made the man (who was tied up and gagged) visible. Dick knew who he was in an instant.

"Tony Zucco," Slade said, waving a hand towards the man as if he was some sort of prize. "He killed your family didn't he, Richard?"

Dick ignored the choked whimper that came from Zucco as he focused on keeping his anger under control. He didn't want to give Deathstroke what he wanted. And Deathstroke wanted him to erupt, react, lash out. True, Dick wanted to more than anything, but he wouldn't give the mercenary the satisfaction.

Deathstroke must have excepted the silence as his answer. "You and Batman put him in jail just 2 years ago, correct?" Dick didn't respond. "But he was let out thanks to bribes to judges and prison guards." Dick knew that, he had nearly run away to hunt down Zucco by himself after he'd heard the news.

And if they didn't leave this room soon, Dick might do what he wanted to do the day Zucco was released.

"Kill the man, Richard." Man did Dick want to. All it'd take was a weapon, heck! He'd do it without the weapon! He'd mangle Zucco until the mobster couldn't breathe through his own blood. Dick took a step forward–

Anger, control the anger. Dick stopped, taking a long, slow breathe.

He wouldn't, he couldn't. Heroes don't kill. And that wouldn't be justice, it'd be revenge. He was supposed to be making his parents proud while wearing their colors and using their name for him. He'd never be able to call himself 'Robin' if he killed Zucco.

"No." Dick said tightly, clenching and unclenching his fists as he tore his vision way from Zucco. "No, I won't do it."

Deathstroke hummed besides him. "I see they've drilled their rules into your head." Dick looked up and glared at Deathstroke's mask. "No matter."

The mercenary raised a closed fist up to Dick's face, not fast enough to be a punch but Dick still blocked his face in defense. He peaked through his fingers to see the fist still sitting right there. Deathstroke opened his fist and a clump of some white powdery substances sat there. The mercenary moved it around with his finger.

"Do you know what this is, boy?" Dick didn't, but he didn't need to tell him that. "It's a drug called scopolamine, or the Devil's Breathe." He threw it into Dick's face and Dick went to quickly hold his breath-

He'd already breathed in whatever the heck Devil's Breath was.

"This is the last hideout," Tim said, dropping onto the roof of the building. "What are we supposed to do if he's not here?"

Bruce retracted his grappling hook and clipped it to his belt. "Then we keep looking."

Damian squoze his fists beside the Caped Crusader, keeping silent to keep in an outburst. They should have told Dick that Slade was looking for him. Dick would've at least been a little more aware of the mercenary that way.

"He'll be in this one." Jason added optimistically. "He's gotta be."

Bruce sighed and walked over to a vent on the roof. Grabbing a small kit to get the locks and screws off. He made a motion for the others to follow after he jumped through to the floor.

They each jumped down, landing besides each other as they waited for Bruce to give his orders.

"Hood, Nightwing, go left. Me and Red Wing will go right. If you see anything, call over the comms for back up. Got it?" They all nodded before racing off in their designated directions.

Damian and Jason ran until they reached a few doors, silently looking inside for anyone or anything.

"What if he's not ok?" Jason asked out of the blue, making Damian freeze. What would they do? Damian knew he'd destroy Slade before the mercenary got to speak in that awful nonchalant tone he always used. But Damian hadn't thought about what they'd do if Dick wasn't alright.

And he didn't want to think about it either.

"I'll destroy Deathstroke if he's harmed him in anyway." Damian said sternly, moving to keep looking.

There was nothing. the rooms were barren and looked untouched. Like every room had been copy and pasted into a different spot. Damian wasn't ready to admit the place look abandoned.

They kept going, Jason checking the rooms on the other side of the hall. Nothing had changed for what felt like hours.

Damian saw Jason freeze in front of the door the boy had just opened. Damian turned around and saw Jason press a finger to his lip.

"Do you here that?" He whispered, walking away from the room silently. Damian walked to where Jason was standing.

Now he could hear it. It sounded like muffled whimpering.

Whatever it was-was near.

Damian put a hand on his ear, "We've got something, proceeding with caution." He said, getting a sound of affirmation from Bruce to keep going. "Let's go." Damian motioned as they continued down the hall.

It was getting louder and talking could be heard now. They couldn't hear what they were saying, but it was loud enough to at least here the noise.

A gun shot cut through the quiet. They both froze as the noise echoed.

"You don't think-"

Damian cut him off, "Come on." They ran towards the noise, seeing an open door. They looked through it, one fear being replaced with another.

Dick stood there, posture the most relaxed they'd ever seen him in a situation like this. His arm was just dropping to his side, a gun held in his hand.

There was a body across the room with a bleeding hole in between their eyes. Right between Tony Zucco's eyes. Slade didn't bat an eye at their arrival, and neither did Dick.

"Kill them, Richard." Dick didn't even hesitate to turn around and cock the gun. Damian shoved both he and Jason out of he way as a bullet hit the wall where Jason's head would've been.

"Dick?! What's wrong?" Jason said, scrambling to his feet as Dick continued out of the room with the loaded gun in his hand. Dick didn't respond, just aimed again and Jason rolled away, just narrowly missing getting hit twice.

Dick spun around towards Damian who had come up behind him and raised the gun again. Damian almost froze at the sight of the boy raising the gun with such little expression. The cold look didn't fit on Dick's face.

Damian dodged another shot as he ran up to Dick, thinking of a way to stop the boy without injuring him. Slade had done something, there was no way he'd get Dick on his side in such little time. There was no way he'd get Dick on his side at all.

"Something wrong!" Jason shouted into the comms, "Hurry up and get here!"

"We're here!" Tim yelled back into the comms and from the end of the hallway. Damian saw Slade leave the room and looked between Dick and Jason. Jason noticed Slade leaving too and ran towards Dick from behind, making Dick turn towards him. Damian took the opening to run towards Slade.

Bruce and Tim didn't ask questions when they got there, they just joined the fight. Bruce went over to Damian while Tim helped Jason with Dick.

Gun shots and heavy breathing was all that could be heard. Bruce and Slade were engaged in an intense hand to hand, with Damian getting punches on Slade's opened sides and when Bruce faltered from a hit. It was lasting to long, and the inability to really stop Dick without hurting him was getting hard while he had that gun.

"Grab him!" Bruce and Damian heard Tim yell, before Jason grunted and the sound of someone dropping was heard.

"Go to the car!" Damian yelled, watching them restrain Dick out of the corner of his eye. They nodded silently and ran.

"Go with them," Bruce grunted, receiving a punch in the gut after getting a hit against Slade's head. Damian hesitated, but they didn't have time for arguing, so he nodded and left.

Dick was their priority now.

And we did it! CHAPTER 100 COMPLETE!
I love you so so so much! Thank you!

Also we're at 50K!!!! YOU'RE ALL SO AMAZING!!


Don't forget to ask questions and leave suggestions!


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