The "Touching"

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Now I'm not a big fan of physical contact. Like at all. Sure I'll hug people and stuff. But I really really don't like skin on skin. Waaayyyy to much heat. Just uhhhh.

This Chapter has a lot to do with touching. But to fully understand what I mean YOUR GONNA HAVE TO READ AND FIND OUT! (

(Don't forget to leave suggestions! Have a Star Stellar Day Week Month and Year!)

Normal POV

Bruce had just adopted a newly orphaned Dick Grayson. And mind you, Dick came from the circus. Where touching each other was the basic way of saying 'I love you.' His family having the most contact because their whole act relied on it.

But Bruce, he wasn't a very touchy feely person. He didn't really do hugs and cuddling. So when Dick suddenly joined the family that didn't hug as much as his did. It was a drastic change.

"NOOOOOOO!" Dick screamed as he woke up from yet another nightmare. If he ever had one back in the circus his parents would come and cuddle with him until he went back to sleep.

But his parents were gone. There was no one to cuddle him and tell him it was ok. Alfred has come in a few times and helped him. But he wasn't here too. Tears rolled out of the 8 year olds as he pulled his knees to his chest and silently cried.

After a few minutes of quiet weeping, Dick's door opened. And in came the billionaire play boy, Bruce Wayne. A concerned expression plastered on his face. The man came and sat next to the crying boy.

"What's wrong Dick." Bruce said in a comforting tone.

"G-Gone." Dick cried, unable to form full sentences.

"It's ok Dickie." Bruce said pulling Dick into a hug. Dick was shocked, Bruce had only hugged him two other times. Dick welcomed it though, he loved hugs.

Bruce however was slightly uncomfortable at first. Hugs weren't his thing. But when he finally felt the boy relax into his touch, he relaxed too.

They stayed together for a long time. Bruce was making sure Dick was fine before finally letting him go. What he didn't expect was that the boy had fallen asleep against him. A small smile on his face. Bruce smiles too, glad he made the boy feel better.

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