Whats Were Pencils Supposed to do!?!

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Normal POV

"Dick I'm pulling you out of school for a couple of days." Bruce said over dinner. Dick looked at him oddly.

"Why?" It's not that he had to go to school. But nothing had happened that he knew about to cause this.

"There have been a string of invasion on private schools. I want to wait for someone to invade Gotham Academy and then we can go in and stop them." Dick nodded, putting a fork of food into his mouth.

"So when do you think whoever they are will invade?" Dick asked.

Bruce got up, finishing his plate, "3 days, if I'm correct."

Dick laid on the ground, throwing a ball against the wall in his room. He was extremely bored.

Sure he could still go out and be Robin at night. But during the day, he was Dick Grayson, who was supposedly sick with a bad case of the flu.

The ball flew in an odd direction, sending it flying to the other side of the room. Dick sighed, there went his only form of entertainment.

Dick heard steps walking up the stairs and stopping by his door. Bruce opened it and made a motion for Dick to follow.

The Boy Wonder happily jumped up and ran behind his Dad, ready for a little action.

The duo walked down to the Batcave and suited up quickly.

"So what's the plan, B?" Dick, now Robin, asked as he slid on his domino mask.

Bruce pulled his cowl over his face, "I'll search around the school, and you'll do the inside. Got it?"

Robin nodded running over to the Batmobile. Batman's hopped in after, and they sped towards Gotham Academy.

"It's pretty quiet in here, B." Robin whispered as he continued to roam the halls. He'd stopped and looked in a few classrooms but found them empty.

The school was in lockdown and no one was in the halls, making the job a bit easier for him.

Robin stopped in front of one of the classrooms he heard shuffling in. He quietly went over to the door and opened it slowly.

He stepped through quietly, but was assaulted by . . . pens and calculators?

And more school supplies kept getting thrown his way. He covered his face with his arms, making weird yelps of surprise as heavier objects started getting thrown. Whoever was throwing the supplies were all screaming, startling him more.

The attack stopped and Robin took a peak from behind his arms. A kid was about to jump on him, a fist flying towards him. He quickly side-stepped to avoid the hit, everyone was still screaming.

"Hey! Hey! It's me! Robin!" He yelled over them, finally making all their attacks stop.

His comm buzzed in his ear, he pressed a button and Batman started talking. "I got the guy, no ones inside."

Robin sighed, then looked back at the class. "What were pencils even supposed to do against a real guy?" He said, the class laughed a little standing up from behind their barrier of desks.

"So Batman got the real guy?" The teacher asked. Robin smiled and nodded.

"So your were attacked by school supplies, huh?" Bruce laughed. Dick crossed his arms.

"I mean it would've been a good distraction for a real guy!"

Weird (somewhat funny but made no sense) chapter. It was "inspired" by a safety drill I did at school the other day. The teachers had to instruct us on what to do if an attacker were to be in the school and come to our classroom.

And as my Math teacher put it,

"It's a flight or fight reflex." We we to board the door up with our tables, and if the guy got in to throw whatever was near us at the person.

My whole class through it was hilarious and kept thinking of ways we could get the guy. XD


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