You need my Help

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"You obviously need my help, Jay. Stop being so stubborn, your not a five-year-old anymore. You and your stupid ego." Dick said, leaning against a door frame, to the one and only Jason Todd.

"What help? I've been doing things on my own ever since I came back. Bruce never cared about me. Why would you?" Jason spat back coldly.

Jason rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand as tears began to form in them. "If I'm stubborn . . . fine! I like to do things my own way."

Dick sighed, "Jay, I'm already hear. Just . . . let me help you."


"I really mean it. Honest."

Jason sighed angrily. "For the last time, Dick . . ."

"I can cut these onions myself!" Jason exclaimed as he sat on the floor with the knife in his hand.

"Can I at least watch before you get hurt?" Dick shouted back.


Hey guys! This story is at 6K reads! That's insane! Thank you guys so much!

Have a Star Stellar Day Week Month and Year!

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