Origins (Part 1)

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Welcome to the first ever chapter of Spider-Drift. We'll be, of course, going back to beginning where it all started...


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Blake (V.O.): "Who am I? You sure, you want to know? Of course, you do. My name is Blake Riley and this is my story. By now, you've probably know a bit about me: Had a nice simple life for a time, both parents die, taken in by my godfather, trained in SHIELD, and became an Avenger. Well, this is similar to that, but different. Let's start at one of the mission I taken in my early days at SHIELD."

Location: Unknown.

It was nighttime, in a large jungle with animal sounds heard in the distance. Then, an alarm had sounded off. A figure wearing a large trench coat, mask, and hoodie was running across the jungle. He kept running, panting from how long he was going, and he looked back to see many flashlights, as people were chasing him with guns.

Captain: "In pursuit, sir! He has a good lead!" He yelled out in comms.

???: "Stay on him, Captain! He must not escape with that data!"

Captain: "Yes sir!"

The person that was being pursued was of course, Blake or Hot Shot. He jumped over a log, doing a front flip, and kept on going. He dodged every bullet that was being fired upon.

Blake (V.O.): "Yep, that's me. I used to go by the codename, Hot Shot. I was sent by SHIELD to recover some stolen plans and I did, but I was spotted..."

Blake: "This is Agent Riley, I got the plans but I need assistance!" He yelled through his earpiece.

Voice: "Copy that, help inbound!"

A set of bright lights shined right in front of him. A big vehicle drove towards him, and from the back, a man stood up. He aimed his bow and released several arrows, which electrocuted the bad guys. The vehicle stopped as the passenger's seat door was opened. The driver was one of Blake's friends, Bobbie Morse, aka Mockingbird, and the other was Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye and his best friend.

Bobbi: "Come on, Blake! Get in quickly!" She yelled towards him.

Blake quickly entered the passenger's seat, while Clint went in the backseat. Both closed the doors and Bobbi immediately drove off.

Captain: "I'm sorry, sir, but he got away. He had help..."

???: "He will hear about your failure, Captain... He simply replied.

Blake (V.O.): "Interesting way to start, huh? Those two people that saved my life were Clint Barton and Bobbie Morse, aka Hawkeye and Mockingbird. They're my closest friends I had when I joined SHIELD. I'm very lucky to have met these two in my life."

Location: SHIELD Helicarrier

Agent Riley was currently in Director Nick Fury's office with Commander Hill in the room with them. He hands him a USB, which contained the plans.

Fury: "Impressive work, Agent Riley. Reckless, but still, a job well done. Go on ahead and take some time for yourself. We'll call you up when we need you." He said as he was looking over the USB

Blake: "Yes, sir." He said as he left.

He looked back to see Hill waving goodbye and he couldn't tell, but he swore he might've saw the commander blush.

He was walking through the corridors and some of the agents were either greeting or waving at him. As he went over to his room to relax, he accidentally bumped into none other than Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow.

Blake: "Oh my god, Natasha. Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I should've looked where I was going." He apologized, rambling on and even blushed.

Natasha: She chuckled. "I'm fine, I was actually on my way here to check on you. Heard what happened on the mission you and the others took."

Blake: "Oh, oh yeah, t-that. I'm completely fine, totally fine. No bruises, no cuts, no nothing. I am all good, hehe." He rambled, scratching the back of his head.

Natasha: "Okay, well, just checking. I'll leave you to get some rest. Oh and I was hoping would join me for some coffee?"

Blake: "T-that would be great!"

Natasha: "Great, I can come by around 2, perhaps?"

Blake: "Yeah, sure!"

Natasha: "See you then." She said as she walked away, swaying her hips.

Blake couldn't help but stare a bit as she walked away. As she was out of site, he went into his room. All the time the two were talking, two other people were observing.

Clint was smirking, seeing his friend being asked out by the Black Widow while Bobbi frowned, feeling jealous that Widow was making the first move. Bobbi had a crush on Blake for some time, now she will not get the chance....or so, she thinks.

Blake takes off his uniform and puts on a SHIELD shirt and some sweatpants. He was planning on heading to the workout area but first, he sat down on his bed and look out the window, just to only see that the helicarrier above the clouds. He stares for quite some, sighing and frowning.

Blake (V.O.): "You know, when I joined SHIELD, I wanted to do some good and help the people like my parents but... it just feels like I'm not doing that at all. I mean, I have my powers and I could be doing so much more, but all I'm doing is just sitting here till I was given an order by these guys and carry it out. I just wish there would be an opportunity for me to go out there and to use my powers for something good, like helping people the way I should be doing."

Blake: He stands up and says to himself. "Yeah, like that would ever happen..."

As he left his room to train, in the corner above his room, a little spider was crawling there, making a web for itself.

Director Fury and Commander Hill were looking over the plans retrieved. The plans were actually stolen from the organization, HYDRA, whom SHIELD's been fighting for sometime now. The data consisted on giant machines they were working on.

Hill: "Sir, what should we do these plans?"

Fury: "Hm, maybe we can use this an advantage against them. Send this down to our boys and have them replicate some things from these designs. Even, get some parts from Stark Industries to build them."

Hill: "Director, if Mr. Stark founds out about this, he isn't going to pleased."

Fury: "Then, let's make sure he doesn't."

Then, a scientist ran into the office, trying to catch his breath from all of the running.

Fury: "May I ask why you barged into this room?" He asked him.

Scientist: "Director Fury, sir! This is an emergency!!" He yelled.

Hill: "Calm down, what is the situation?"

Scientist: "One of the genetically modified spiders, we were testing on, is loose on the helicarrier!"

Hill: "Spider?"

Fury: "Damn it, alert everyone and keep an eye out for it!!"

Scientist: "Yes sir!!" He said as he ran out of the room.

Hill: "Sir, what's this big deal of a spider being loose? It's just an insect."

Fury: "Believe me, Hill, it's much more than that...."

To be continued...

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