Issue 1: Humble Beginnings

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With great power comes great've heard that phrase before. It's been said throughout many years and it's true to this very day.

When someone is gifted with power, it's not a privilege. It's a gift. It's meant to be used for what's right. Some don't often realize that or they do, and in the end, they don't care and use it for whatever selfish desire they have.

This is a story about a hero being gifted something great...and using it for something even greater.

What is this hero's name...? It's-

"Luz! LUZ!!!" A voice cried.

Luz Noceda yelped as she was practically shaken. She shot up out of her bed, looking around rapidly. "I'm up, I'm up, I'm up!!!"

"Good! We're gonna miss the bus! Hurry!" Her twin, Vera 'Vee' Noceda exclaimed as she grabbed her bag and then ran right out of the room.

Luz's eyes widened and she rolled right out of bed, rushing to her closet. This wasn't the first time that the Noceda Twins were almost late, nor would it be the last. Thankfully, Luz usually did decent under pressure.

After throwing on some clothes and her signature hoodie, she nearly fell right down the stairs before waving her arms around to keep balance. She sighed in relief and then ran down the stairs.

Her mother, Camila, just watched with a smile. "Luz, Vee, calm down! You're not that late."

"We've only got about 10 minutes before the bus arrives, Mama!" Vee cried as she grabbed a slice of toast and bit into it. "Besides, we have that field trip at Wittebane Enterprises! Ready, Luz?"

Luz nodded and then rummaged through her bag a little. "I've got everything...wait, wait! Shoot, I forgot my lunch!"

Then, a gentle voice laughed before a lunch bag was handed to her from behind her. "Already prepared that for you."

Luz sighed in relief and turned around to see her father, Manny Noceda.

For a long time, Luz looked up to her father. He taught her nearly everything she knew, and to say the two were close was a massive understatement. Luz loved her mom just as much, but she found herself connecting more with her dad sometimes. That didn't mean she cared for her mother any less. Simple as that.

She smiled and took the lunch, putting it inside her backpack. "Gracias, Papa! ¡Adiós, ustedes dos! ¡Estaremos de vuelta!"

Camila smiled and waved. "¡Que tenga un buen día! ¡Saluda a Hunter de nuestra parte!"

"Don't get run over by the bus!" Manny called out.

Vee waved as well before following her sister out the door. The two ran as fast as they could before stopping in their tracks at the bus stop. They both sighed in relief before giving each other a fist bump.

"That was a close one..." Luz sighed. "Sorry for making us rush, Vee."

Vee shrugged. "I was the one who wanted to binge the rest of Monster Slayer Academia anyway."

"Yet, you still woke up just fine." Luz said with a grin. "So...whaddya think Wittebane Enterprises is even like? Hunter's told us about it, but we've never seen it."

Vee hummed. "Probably very fancy."

And she wasn't wrong. Wittebane Enterprises was the principal supplier for the military and dedicated themselves to creating revolutionary technology whether that be medicine, weapons, or even brand new inventions. It was bound to be 'fancy'.

It was founded by Caleb Wittebane, the father of Hunter Wittebane. As for who Hunter was, he was one of Luz's best friends ever since she was little. The two were so close that they were practically like brother and sister. He didn't even need to be invited inside the Noceda Household with how much he came over.

But notice how it was said that Hunter was only one of Luz's best friends. And that's the truth. There were two more.

"Oh! There it is!" Vee smiled as the bus eventually parked right in front of them. She and Luz looked at each other before nodding and then climbing inside once the door opened.

The bus driver smiled. "On time today, eh?"

"Barely, Miss Kiki!" Luz laughed as she and Vee went to the back of the bus, taking a seat. There weren't many people on the bus, mostly because they were one of the first stops. They didn't really care though.

Whether they were the first stop or the last stop and a bunch of students judged them for who they were. Weirdos like them had to stick together.

So what if one of them watched anime? So what if one of them liked fantasy? So what if there was a huge incident where Luz brought in fireworks for a book report? So what if Vee liked to narrate aloud sometimes?

And naturally, the two sat together, fully relieved that they truly weren't late now. Luz then hummed. "Y'know, I wonder if Hunter's the tour guide."

"I doubt it." Vee laughed. "But I wouldn't be surprised if his dad just let him stay home. I mean, he's the only one of us that's actually been at his dad's building."

Luz nodded. "Funny how we've known Hunter for so long, yet we barely know his father."

"He's a busy man, can we blame him?" Vee asked.

The rest of the bus ride was the usual. More and more students were picked up while Luz and Vee just talked about whatever came to mind...and then?

"You guys talking nonsense without us?" A familiar voice asked as two kids walked over.

Luz and Vee turned around and then smiled. "Gus! Willow!"

Willow smiled and sat in the seat across from them alongside Gus. "Hey, Noceda Twins!"

"I'm still older." Luz whispered.

Vee's eyes narrowed and she pushed her sister slightly. "Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Okay, fine! By a minute at best!" Vee said.

Luz smirked. "Therefore, I win!"

Gus sighed. "You two have that argument once every week. You don't find it the least bit irritating with how even though Luz is older, Vee refuses to accept it and we have this whole song and dance over and over again?"

"" Luz and Vee said in unison.

Willow shrugged. "At least you tried, Gus."

Gus sighed again, rubbing the brink of his nose. "Yeah, I should probably stop trying to reason with these two."

"Reason with Luz, you mean." Vee said. "I actually know the definition of reason."

Luz just grinned. "That is true."

"See? She's not even denying it!" Vee exclaimed.

Willow laughed. "Vee, you're not any better than your sister. You may not be as crazy as her, but that's not to say you aren't crazy at all."

"No idea what you mean...I say as I turn away, silently scoffing." Vee narrated.

Luz just laughed before she suddenly froze...and then hid behind her seat. "Crud, she's here! Don't let her see me before I embarrass myself somehow!"

Vee scratched her head before peeking behind the seat.

And sure enough, the person who walked in was a rather beautiful girl. She was wearing a long black shirt, jeans, and wearing a fancy crescent moon necklace. She had stunning golden eyes, and short hair which was dyed purple. Her face was almost...porcelain. At least to Luz.

This was Amity Blight. She was the youngest daughter of a wealthy man named Alador Blight, who had recently divorced his horrible ex-wife.

Amity used to be so closed off, but ever since her mother was taken out of her life, she began to express herself more and more. She even broke up with the school bully...but even before then...?

"The circle of Lumity continues." Willow whispered with a grin. "Luz, you gotta talk to her sometime."

"Are you insane?!" Luz whispered as she watched Amity sit down beside a friend, thankfully far away from them.

Vee sighed. "What are you afraid of, Luz? She and Boscha have been broken up for a year, that's a chance if I've ever seen one."

Luz sat up. "She probably doesn't even know my name..."

"Then, introduce yourself." Gus said. "You've been crushing on her for years, but in the shadows. You're never gonna get what you want if you just keep dreaming for it."

Willow then patted Luz's shoulder. "Maybe you can even try talking to her during free time after the tour?"

Luz blushed, taking a deep breath. "I...I'll try, that's all I can promise..."

Willow, Gus, and Vee cheered.

"SHH, SHE COULD HEAR YOU!" Luz cried, shushing them all one by one and then making sure Amity didn't hear them. She then sighed in relief and sat back in her seat again. "Well...this should be the most interesting thing to happen today..."

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