Issue 22: Itsy Bitsy Spider

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Spider-Witch whistled a small tune after about an hour of working with the police to get her latest foe into prison. And now, she was swinging back home.

She twirled around in the air before diving inside her open window and right into her and her sister's room. She even transformed back as she did. "And she sticks the landing!"

Vee, however, just had her arms crossed as she sat in her chair, giving her sister a not so welcoming look.

"...what?" Luz asked. "Wait, is this about me not wearing our communication devices? Look, I didn't think that another villain would-"

"Actually, I was wondering when you were gonna tell me about your fancy new suit and your takedown of Maestro." Vee said, her eyes narrowed. "But now that you mention it, yeah, the 'Warhammer' guy too."

Luz giggled. "Cool name, right?"

"Luz, we're supposed to be a team in this." Vee said, standing up. "I wanna know if you're alright when fighting these guys!"

"Well, I'm alright now-"

"Don't start that with me!" Vee said before sighing. "...sorry, I didn't mean to yell. It's just, I...I dunno. I feel like we shouldn't really keep secrets from each other if we're supposed to be working together. I work as your gal behind the scenes, telling you what to do and where to go and you fight the bad guys. That was what we planned, remember?"

Luz suddenly crossed her arms, scoffing. "Really? You haven't really been doing much of that. The last time I actually needed to be told what to do, you didn't know what to even say."

Vee's eyes widened. "H-hey! You didn't know what to do with that fake illusion monster either!"

Luz's eyes widened as well, surprised by her sudden comeback. It sounded much meaner than she would've liked. "O-okay, good point...I'm sorry too. We are supposed to be a team. But Warhammer and Maestro happened so suddenly."

Vee nodded. "And I can get that...but next time you go for a swing, wear the earpiece. Just so I can be in touch...besides, it's starting to get harder to come up with excuses for where you are to Mom."

Luz sighed, rubbing her arm. "I haven't been talking much to her lately..."

"You have your reasons though...but speaking of talking, can you tell me what the black suit is for?" Vee asked. "I know your costume is magic and all, this a feature we don't know about?"

Luz hummed and then transformed again, and sure enough, it was still the black suit. "I...guess? I assumed it's a stealth thing."

Vee's eyes widened. "Wait, you don't know either?"

"N-not exactly...but it's cool though! I kinda like the edgy feel!" Luz said before transforming back. "And hey, magic is magic and magic doesn't often need an explanation!"

"Still kinda concerned that not even you know what it is..." Vee said.

Luz set a hand on her sister's shoulder. "It's fine! Nothing to worry about! It's either a stealth thing or maybe it's meant to show I've...leveled up?"

Vee tilted her head. "Leveled up?"

"Yeah! In some games, you can get new skins or characters if you level up enough!" Luz said. "I'm getting better and better with my powers, so maybe my suit's reacting and giving me this!"

Vee hummed, scratching her chin. "I...guess."

Luz then smiled wide. "Oh! And I can also do this on command now!!!" She exclaimed as she shot out her hand, and the blue rings returned around her wrist, shooting out a small blast of ice and freezing a book.

Vee's eyes widened. "Whoa."

"Awesome, right!?!" Luz laughed.

"Uhhh...yeah, that's one word."

"You...don't look impressed."

Vee turned to her sister. "That was the copy of Good Witch Azura #6. Y'know, your favorite book series."

Luz's eyes widened in horror and she rushed over to the frozen book. "THAW!!! THAW RIGHT NOW-!"

However, that night...Luz had the most peculiar dream. Or at least, she hoped it was a dream.

The moment she closed her eyes, she found the middle of the city. She looked around and then at herself, but everything seemed...oddly quiet.

Luz then started to actively search for people in the empty city, but there wasn't anyone. Not even the cars had anyone inside it.

"...hello?" Luz called out before suddenly, she heard a all too familiar one.

"S-sir, please, put down the don't have to do any of this."

"J-just give me the wallet, man! Just give it or I shoot!!!"

Luz slowly turned her head, her heart pounding in her chest as she saw two men in front of a building, the light from inside practically shining on them as if they were actors on a stage in the spotlight.

One of them had a mask...and the other was impossible to mistake.

"...Papa?" Luz whispered before she started to run over. "PAPA!!! HANG ON!!"

But suddenly, she was suddenly pulled into the air and farther and farther away from her father and his killer. Luz screamed, desperately reaching out as she landed on top of a building, falling onto her back.

She quickly got to her feet, ready to swing down. "I can't let it happen! I can't let it happen again-!"

But then, a hand suddenly grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her around. Luz tried to escape the grip, but she froze almost immediately when she saw who she was face to face with.

A person wearing an all too familiar suit. It was white with black legs and sleeves. Their arms had golden webbing right below their shoulders, and there was a giant black spider right on their chest. Finally, there was a mask with yellow eyes and a dark cloak wrapped around them.


"...what?" Luz breathed, staring at Spider-Witch and even feeling her face. "T...this can't...who's under there?" She cried as she tried to pull off the mask.

Spider-Witch, however, just grabbed her hand and suddenly began pulling her away.

Luz's eyes widened and she struggled, even attaching a web line to the edge of the building and pulling. "NO...I HAVE TO SAVE HIM...!"

Spider-Witch just pulled even harder, not saying a word until her eyes suddenly widened in horror.

A dark shadow began to loom over Luz before a dark and almost slimy hand grabbed her by the wrist.

Luz's eyes widened as she was yanked into the darkness and-

She woke up.

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