Issue 29: Grom Night

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Tonight was the night.

Prom Night.

Luz's long awaited real date with the woman she had been crushing on for what felt like ages. To say she was eager would be an understatement. She wasn't going to let anything stop her.

So, to get there faster, she decided to start swinging there as Spider-Witch, with her suit under her superhero suit, which was firing a few tendrils to get her around faster.

"I don't know what Snapdragon was talking about! Whatever you're awesome!" Spider-Witch told the suit before firing another web and launching herself into the air, but as she began to fall, she began to think.

She hadn't talked to her sister since they had that fight...come to think of it, she hadn't really talked to anyone except Amity.

When had she even last talked to her mom?

'Don't think about it.'

Spider-Witch obeyed her thoughts and then kept swinging towards the school before she landed on a skyscraper the moment she heard a familiar and irritating noise.

An explosion. Or at the very least, something that sounded similar.

Spider-Witch's blue eyes glowed and she growled, turning her head. "You've got to be kidding me...tonight!?"

She heard a scratching sound, realizing her suit had grown claws that scratched at the glass of the skyscraper. But she didn't care.

"This is not the night to slow us down!" Spider-Witch snarled as she leapt off the skyscraper and began swinging towards the sound.

And sure enough, she saw a small group of criminals throwing sacks into the back of a van. Each one was armed with a gun, whether it be a rifle or pistol.

Spider-Witch's eyes narrowed and she threw herself down, quickly punching one of the criminals that had a rifle, knocking him out cold with a strike to the jaw.

She then grabbed the rifle and tossed it at another, knocking them out as well. She then webbed another and pulled them over, headbutting them into unconsciousness.

"GO, GO, GO!!!" The last thug screamed to the van as the van sped off. He then aimed his pistol right at Spider-Witch, beginning to fire.

But, all Spider-Witch did was effortlessly dodge before a tendril sprouted out from her chest and wrapped around the criminal's neck.

"OUT OF OUR WAY!!!" Spider-Witch boomed as the tendril threw him right back into the bank through the window. She then swung right after the van, feeling every part of her body charged by rage.

The tendrils of her suit then grabbed onto two buildings, while another grabbed onto a lampost behind her, pulling her back. Spider-Witch then let out a scream of rage as she was slingshot across the street at a rapid speed.

Spider-Witch then saw the van speeding through traffic and she growled, webbing onto it and pulling herself onto the roof. She then shot her fist through the roof, tearing it open. "YOU'RE GONNA WISH YOU NEVER-"

But then, suddenly...a loud soundwave started shooting right into her face. And while that would normally hurt...this time, the pain was excruciating.

Spider-Witch shrieked in utter agony as she laid against the roof of the van, desperately scrambling to cover her ears as tendrils shot out of her suit.

Her suit was reacting to the sound...she couldn't think...

It hurt...

It hurt...

It hurt!

Spider-Witch began rolling off the van, but she just barely stuck herself onto the side as the pain began wearing off and the tendrils began retracting back into her body.

"What's wrong? Can't handle a little noise?" A voice asked as one of the criminals stepped onto the roof...but he wasn't anything like the others.

His skin was gray, and he was wearing the bottom half of a gas mask on his mouth. He also seemed to be wearing a black and gold supersuit of some kind, with large silver gauntlets attached to both of his hands.

Spider-Witch's eyes narrowed and she grabbed the roof of the van again, crushing the edge she held as she began to climb back on.

"Y'know! You've been making it a pain in the ass to get rich! My guys can't even get a decent score with you constantly on the prowl!" The villain exclaimed. "Like, is it that bad for wanting a little moolah?"

"We're not in the mood tonight..." Spider-Witch snarled, her voice actually starting to echo as she climbed back on.

The villain looked a bit taken aback by the echo in her voice before regaining his composure. "Y'know what these things are?" He asked as he showed his gauntlets. "Experimental technology from Wittebane Enterprises...and it seems like they really hurt you..."

Spider-Witch had just about enough and lunged forward at him, only for the villain to fire his gauntlets again and Spider-Witch was hit with the devastating shockwaves, which sent her flying right off the van as she screamed in agony.

The villain's eyes widened at that before he laughed. "I DID IT! HAHA! WE'RE HOME FREE, BOYS!!!" He exclaimed as he hopped back into the van through the hole Spider-Witch tore into the roof.

"Boss! Did ya lose her!?" The driver exclaimed.

The villain just grinned. "I did! That lunatic was right! These babies are worth looking like this!" He laughed, looking at his gauntlets.

The thug in the passenger's seat just laughed. "What about the others back at the bank?"

"Eh! They'll be fine...especially since Shockwave knows how to take out the spider." He said as he clenched his gauntlet's fists.

The driver turned their head. "Is that what you're calling yourself, boss?"

"Why not, right?" Shockwave asked with a cackle before suddenly, the van door was torn right open.

Spider-Witch was there, and she lunged at Shockwave, punching him across the face before grabbing him and continuously slamming him against the walls of the van.

Shockwave cried out in pain before shooting at Spider-Witch again, watching her scream in even more pain than him as she dropped to the floor.

Spider-Witch thrashed around as tendrils shot out from her shoot and suddenly grabbed at Shockwave's wrists.

Shockwave screamed and quickly shot them off with his gauntlets. "GET THESE THINGS OFF ME!!!" He exclaimed before shooting at Spider-Witch again, with the shockwaves being so powerful that they blasted her through the van's walls.

However, before any of them could celebrate, Spider-Witch grabbed onto the side as the tendrils suddenly shot into the front of the van and slashed its front wheels off.

The van started to skid across the street, with the driver screaming as it eventually toppled to its side, sparks flying from underneath as it slid across the street.

Shockwave cried out as he fell against the walls of the van, with a few of the sacks of money landing on him as well.

But as the van finally came to a screeching stop, Spider-Witch hopped onto the ground and shot out her tendrils, which grabbed Shockwave and pulled him out.

Shockwave gasped and was quickly about to shoot her again, before Spider-Witch suddenly threw him into a building.

Spider-Witch screamed as one of the tendrils suddenly leapt her into the air and she grabbed Shockwave before he could begin to slide down. She began running up the building with him, effortlessly throwing him down once they reached the top.

Shockwave groaned, but scrambled up as he shot another wave at Spider-Witch, only for her to dash away from it and then zig-zag back towards him, uppercutting him into the air.

She then grabbed his leg and slammed him back onto the roof.

"NO...MORE...NOISE..." Spider-Witch said, but her voice had completely changed. It didn't even sound human anymore. It was deep and booming.

Tendrils then shot out, grabbing Shockwave's gauntlets and crushing them.

Shockwave screamed at the sight of his greatest weapons being destroyed and he began crawling away, but Spider-Witch's tendrils grabbed him by the wrists again and tied them together as they lifted him into the air.

"WAIT! WAIT, WAIT!!! I SURRENDER!!! YOU GOT ME!!!" Shockwave screamed.

Spider-Witch only responded with a roar, but suddenly, a mouth formed across her mask and opened up wide, revealing a large set of fangs and a long blue tongue that was way too inhuman to be considered normal.

Shockwave shrieked in terror as the demonic Spider-Witch roared at him and suddenly began dangling him over the edge of the building. "NO! NO, NO, NO, NO!!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE, I GIVE UP!!! I-I'LL NEVER ROB A PLACE AGAIN!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING!!! I'LL GO ANYWHERE!!!!"

Spider-Witch just roared at him again as she watched him beg and plead for mercy.

Shockwave kept screaming and pleading, his eyes wide with absolute terror. "Y-YOU'RE THE GOOD GUY!!! Y-YOU DON'T KILL PEOPLE!!! P-PLEASE!!! PLEASE, I-I'M SORRY!!!"

Spider-Witch tilted her head as her tongue slowly retracted into her now demonic mouth. "Why shouldn't we...? WE HAVE THE POWER..."

But then, the last word suddenly struck a chord with her. Spider-Witch felt the demonic mouth disappear as she began to mutter. "...power..."

'When you have great power, there comes great responsibility.' Her father's voice echoed in her head.

Spider-Witch then looked at Shockwave and then down...and it finally dawned on her what she was about to do.

She was about to kill him.

"...w-what am I doing...?" Spider-Witch breathed as she quickly pulled Shockwave onto the roof.

Shockwave breathed heavily, quickly scrambling away in terror before they heard the sound of a police helicopter.

Spider-Witch felt the suit react to the loud noise and she quickly leapt off the building and began to swing away.

As she began swinging to the school for Prom Night, she couldn't stop thinking back to what she had nearly done.

She could've killed a man. That's not what she did. She wasn't the judge of people's fate, nor was she a murderer.

If she had decided that, she would've slain her father's killer...but she didn't...

"What would Dad think of me!?" Spider-Witch cried. "I-I was about to do something I would've regretted for the rest of my life! I...I was going too far! W-what's wrong with me!?"

She then landed near the school as her suit retracted, revealing her thankfully clean Prom suit underneath.

Luz looked down at herself, her eyes wide. "...s-something's up with this suit...a-and why did I keep saying 'we' instead of 'I'!?"


Luz's eyes widened and she turned around to see...Amity.

Amity had a look of confusion plastered on her face...and she was wearing a beautiful dress. Puffed up sleeves, a dark purple vest over it with a small gem near the collar, and a knee length skirt over black leggings.

Luz felt heat rise to her face at the sight and she tried to calm herself down. "A-Amity-"

"Where have you been?" Amity asked as she walked over.

"I...I-I got lost on the way here..." Luz lied.

Amity's look of confusion suddenly turned to one of irritation and even disappointment. "...Luz...Prom's over."

Luz's eyes widened in horror and her heart practically shattered. "O...over...?"

Amity nodded as she clenched the edge of her skirt. " never showed...thankfully, Willow, Vee, and Gus kept me company."

Luz felt like she was about to fall as shame and guilt hit her like a truck. "A-Amity, I...I-I'm so sor-"

"Luz, when I said yes, I figured that meant you would show!" Amity cried. "We only have one more Prom next year before we you know how much that stings? This was a chance to actually have a good Prom for once! Instead of just constantly having to drag my bully of a ex-girlfriend around, practically praying that she doesn't try to show anyone up or pick on anybody! Or even just judge what I wear!"

She then laughed a bitter chuckle. "Luz, I haven't known you for as long as I'd like to...but from the times we have met, it''s felt like I've known you forever! You're sweet! You're kind! You're brave! And you have such an intense passion for things like Azura or writing or even your friends...when I talk to you, you listen..."

Luz gently stepped forward, her heart only shattering more and more as she actually started to feel so ashamed that tears began to build in her eyes.

"...but lately? You've been acting exactly like the person I'm trying to avoid!" Amity cried. "You're mean, you skip classes, you avoid the people who actually care about you or even fight with them! And then, you talk to me with such a new confidence and make me think that I'm actually going to have a different Prom this year...and then you don't even show! What is going on, Luz!? What changed!?!"


Amity then took a step forward. "The sad part is that I should just walk away! But I'm not going to! I want to help you be yourself again and take off this ridiculous mask you put on yourself! So, please! Just talk to me!"

Suddenly, a tendril shot out from Luz's back and wrapped around Amity, lifting her into the air.

Luz's eyes widened in sheer horror and she screamed. "NO, NO, NO!!! STOP IT!!!" She shrieked as she froze the tendril with her ice power and then chopped it, shattering it.

Amity was dropped to the ground, her eyes wide as she looked at Luz.

Luz then backed away before she fired a web and swung off as her suit formed around her again.

Amity stared in shock before she quickly got up and chased after her.

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