Issue 36: The Owl and The Spider

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The Boiling Isles was a demonic wonderland of magic and witches that was definitely a bit more...realistic so to speak. Nothing like The Good Witch Azura books, which were rather cheesy with its spells and mystical realms.

Sooo...Luz definitely didn't want to leave at first, but her mother and sister and overall life back home quickly hit her in the back of the head. She wouldn't choose The Isles over that.

But, visits to Eda definitely became common, especially with her offers to be a babysitter for Orion and King.

", these are all your suits?" Luz asked, looking around Eda's 'Hall of Armors'. The room had a rather impressive display of armored suits, each one in different colors or weapons, with the only consistent one being that helmet in the shape of the Clawthorne Family symbol.

Eda grinned, lifting her welder's mask. "Cool, right?"

"Heck yeah!!!" Luz cried, looking at a dark blue suit. "What's this one for?"

"Artic travel."

"This one?"


"Ooh, and this one?!"

"Camouflage. Stealth technology." Eda said before chuckling. "You're a child at heart, aren't you?"

Luz giggled. "What else do you expect from a teen who dresses up in bright colors and literally swings around all day- OOH! What's this one for?!" She cried as she went to one made out of gold.

Eda blinked and then hummed. "Oh, that one. I think I just made that one to brag."

"Where'd you get all this gold from? Are you rich??? I mean, I know your sister gave you this place, but-"

Eda chuckled. "No, no. Evelyn's generous, but she's got her limits. The gold was from a monster called the Selkidomus. Threw up on me...and its vomit is pure gold."

Luz's eyes widened. "That is both amazing and disgusting!"

Eda snorted a little before walking over. "It sure is,, enough about my life-"

"But I still have so many questions!!!" Luz cried.

Eda playfully rolled her eyes and ruffled Luz's hair. She didn't really know Luz for that long, yet she reminded her so much of King and Orion. "And you'll get the answers, but I don't just exist to dump a bunch of lore, y'know."

"But the lore is so cool." Luz said.

Eda then took Luz and showed her the next project she was working on, which was another armored suit. "Maybe if you really wanna keep spending some time, you can help me out with this."

"I'm not too technologically savvy. My sister would definitely be better with this...I totally gotta introduce ya by the way!" Luz cried.

Eda titled her head. "You've been coming here for like 5 days and she never questions it?"

"I'm gone all the time." Luz shrugged. "And it just kinda slips my mind to tell her..."

"That hard to believe statement aside, I'll guide ya." Eda said before taking a seat. "Hand me that toolbox."

"Oh! Right!" Luz said before she webbed the toolbox, yanked it into her hands and then set it beside Eda as she watched her work. "So, what's the special feature on this one?"

"Ehhh, this one's more of an improvement to my current one." Eda said. "Won't need my arc reactor to power it. Pretty obvious weak spot."

Luz grinned. "You say as if you're going to fight crime one day."

"Hey, just cause I don't intend on fighting the common thug doesn't mean I don't wanna help save the world when it's in danger. And if I wanna help? Gotta be prepared." Eda shrugged as she started working. "Why'd you start the superhero gig anyway? You know plenty about me, Luz."

Luz's eyes softened. "It's...well...not the happiest reason."

Eda stopped working and looked at her. "I-if it's too personal, I don't wanna force ya-"

"No, no, feels good to talk about it. A weight off my shoulders." Luz said with a sigh. "I...I lost my dad."

Eda's eyes widened and her heart clenched. "...oh...kiddo, I'm so sorry..."

"A thug tried robbing him and shot him...I still don't really know if he meant to shoot him or not." Luz said, her voice cracking slightly before she quickly wiped her eyes. "I-I had just gotten my powers...and he told me that 'With great power comes great responsibility'."

"That'd look great on a mug." Eda joked, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

Luz gave a small smile at that and nodded. "As cheesy or corny as it is, it...means a lot to me. I have these powers, even if I didn't ask for them per-say, so I can't just use them for selfish reasons. If I can help, then I should help."

"What would you have done if you didn't have the powers?" Eda asked curiously.

Luz shrugged. "I mean...maybe if it wasn't for me showing up, none of these bad guys would've...but even if they did, I would've still tried to do something. Even if all I could do was get people out of the way."

Eda then smiled and patted Luz on the back. "You've got a real good heart, kid. That's nice to have in a world filled with just as much good as there is bad."

Luz smiled even more and giggled. "Thanks...there are some days where I do wanna just go back to bed though."

"Meh, we all have those." Eda chuckled as she got back to work. "So, why keep it a secret? Don't like attention?"

Luz snorted. "C'mon, it's obvious why I keep it a secret."

"I kid, I kid." Eda chuckled. "Fame's overrated. Feels good for a while, but loses its spark and just...ain't worth it."

Luz shook her head in agreement. "Sooo, moving on! What's your favorite food?"

"Apple blood's pretty tasty." Eda said with a small grin.

Luz tilted her head. "You mean apple juice...?"



The tendril-wielding man stood from his chair and sighed, looking at files and blueprints on his desks. "So many many failures..."

One of his tendrils then reached over and handed him a blueprint, which he began looking over...until he suddenly set it down and turned around.

"Come on out."

Then, there was some kind of cackling as a black figure walked into the room, their three glowing blue eyes staring the man down. "It appears you have a little bit of a...problem..."

The man hummed. "Grometheus, I presume? Separated from the witch already?"

"We never needed that witch...but we can sense you need assistance..."

"Are you expecting a job opportunity? What is your endgame with this?" The man asked. "You know where my allegiances lie..."

"We do...and we do not care...we merely want revenge on The Spider...and maybe a little bit of payment here and there."


Scorn cackled. "Pest control isn't free, y'know..."

"...very well." The man said. "Destroy Spider-Witch."

Scorn was about to leave before they smirked at the man. "Say, you won't mind if we have a with her first?"

"I don't micromanage."

Scorn cackled before they walked out, shooting a web and crawling on the ceiling to exit. "We were hoping you'd say that..."

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