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Before we begin I decided for now the story won't be a harem but for now here's who you're love intrest is

Penny Polendina

Now with that let's begin

Summer POV

I had just got back from my daily hunt where I made it home.

Summer: Home sweet home.

I opened the door and found my husband drunk again ( Not Tai )

Summer: Skumy skumy husband.

I made a coughing sound to get his attention.

Jason: Oh ( hic ) hello honey I'm glad your home, ( hic ) the fucking baby has been crying all day.

Summer: What!?!

I ran upstairs and found Y/N crying in his broken dirty crib. I grabbed a hold of him and started rocking him back and forward.

Summer: It's ok, mommy's here how about I get you some milk.

I took him down stairs and opened the fridge and saw the milk was gone.

Summer: Jason, I told you to get groceries while I was gone!

Jason: I did, ( hic ) would the little guy like a beer.

I than slapped him across the face

Summer: You fucking bastard!

I took Y/N upstairs and held him close.

Summer: Oh honey I hate your father so much! I just wish I can get rid of him!

I soon put Y/N to bed and while I went to take care of the laundry but as I did so I found some black gunk on my cape and it didn't wash but it seemed to move.

Summer: What the?

I reached out to it and it latched itself on to me and started to spread across my body.

???: Summer, how much you love your son.

Summer: I love him so much, he's my son.

???: Would you kill for him, even your husband.

Summer: Yes.

???: So Y/N could be happy.

Summer: Yes.

???: Y/N doesn't need him, he only needs you his mother.

Summer: yes!

???: Then trust us and we will give you what you desire.

Summer: YES!

Soon we had become one we are perfect. We had become SHE VENOM!!!

Summer: Now it is time to get what we want.

Jason: Honey everything ok?

Summer: Yes infact I'm feeling great.

Jason POV

Jason: That's ( hic ) great honey.

Summer: That I can get rid of you!

I turned and saw she had turned into sometype of monster.

Jason: What the hell?!

She turned her hand into a scythe blade and she try to cut my head off but I rolled out of the way and in the process she destroyed the TV.

I than grabbed the scroll and called for help.

911: 911 what's your emergency?

Jason: Help my wife is trying to kill me!!!

911: Hold on officers are on the way.


Soon it started to rain with the lighting giving dim lighting.

Summer: Rain, rain go away. Let the Jason go away.

As each strike went off Summer got closer. And closer until... Summer appeared right behind Jason and all was left was the screams of Jason and blood splattering on the windows.

Summer POV

I tossed Jason body away and went to Y/N room and went to his crib with him crying as I got closer

Summer: No, no it's ok, it's just momma

I showed him my face and I reached for him and before I could

Officer: Freeze!!! Put your hands up!

I turned around and saw the police aiming guns at me

Summer: You dare try to get in the way!

I ran at him until an officer fired a tazer at me which hurt like hell and brought me to the ground and I saw the officers take my baby away as he cried for his momma. They took my child. THEY TOOK OUR CHILD!!!

Raven POV

I was just flying to my camp where I looked down and saw police on the ground

Raven: Wait, isn't that Summer house.

I flew to the ground and turned back to normal.

Raven: What happened here?

Officer: A woman murdered her husband and we think she was about to kill her son.

I saw Summer was put into a cop car and I saw she had a weird outfit and I saw her baby in a officer's arms

Raven: What will happen to the boy?

Officer: He'll probably go into foster care.

I looked back at Y/N as he was crying in the officers arms, and seeing he'll be put into a place he won't call home or live with people he won't consider family.

Raven: I'm his aunt and I'm willing to take care of him

Officer: Really, well then he'll be put into your care.

They than gave me Y/N as I held him in my arms.

Raven: I guess it couldn't hurt being a parent.

He than started to play with my black hair

Raven: Alright little guy let's try this one last time, and this time change will need to happen.


Unknown to all, things will change for better, for worse or for the Amazing.

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