I'm her hero and she's mine

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A/N: Hey everyone, my girlfriend mentioned something to me last night and I wanna let you guys know. If ur wondering about the back story of beca and her friends don't worry that will come. In the meantime, here is chapter 4, hope you enjoy and Thankyou for reading.

Beca and Amy slept through most of the morning. Jesse texted the two to see if they were awake and decided to stop by. They needed to discuss what that green goblin looking thing was and what they were gonna do about him.

"...and that face, oh my God I have never seen anything more horrible than that face, it's like it was genetically disfigured or something" beca shook her head at just the thought of the villain. "It literally looked like an ugly ass goblin"

"Funny, that's exactly what the papers are calling him" amy turned her computer to show the brunette. "The Green Goblin" jesse winced at the image.

"Man that thing is ugly" he said leaning on the desk. "So how are we gonna find him?" he asked turning to beca.

"I don't know" she shook her head, leaning back and turning to the ceiling. "We don't really have anything to go on except-"

Jesse's phone went off, he held up a finger to signal the wait and answered. "Hey bree" he smiled but then his eyes widened when he realized he gave himself away. "Uh...yea, you know, it's no issue" he quickly said trying to act casual. Beca couldn't hide her grin as she glanced to amy who had the same expression. "Oh ok, we'll be here, thanx" and after a brief pause "right back at ya" he ended not looking at either lady in the room.

"No way" beca laughed. "You and Aubrey?"

"Damn Osborn" amy followed raising an eyebrow.

"Ok yes we've been hanging out a lot lately" he said raising his arms. "I don't know how we just seem to be drawn to each other" he smirked and looked down at his phone. "But hey guys, I know ur not that fond of her but please don't be dicks about it ok?" he wined. Beca raised her arms in surrender, not losing her smirk. "But anyway uh" he continued. "She just wanted to check up and let us know that Chloe is on her way" he said looking at the brunette.

Beca dropped her expression and immediately went to the door. Once she opened it, she saw the redhead who was about to knock. The ginger sighed and brought the brunette in for a tight embrace.

"I'm so glad ur ok" she mumbled in her shoulder. Beca patting her back for comfort till Chloe pulled away. "What happened to you? Why didn't you answer any of my calls or text?" the ginger frantically stated.

"I'm sorry I-" beca shook her head trying to come up with an excuse. She hadn't even looked at her phone since yesterday morning. "I got caught up at Times Square trying to help out and just got in late" she hated lying, especially to chloe, but what else could she do.

"You could've left a message or something at least" she replied waving her arms around. Beca could see how worried she was.

"I know, I'm sorry" she placed her hand on the ginger's arm and chloe leaned in for another hug.

"I'm sorry too I just got worried" chloe's words mumbled in her friend's shoulder.

"Tell you what" beca said pulling away. "Is there any way I can make it up to?"

"I...know this little cafe if you don't mind?" her smile seemed a bit shy which beca wasn't used to.

"Yea, not at all" she replied almost immediately. "Just give me a minute, ok?" she held up a finger and chloe nodded. Beca shut the door as she reentered her room, looked at amy and jesse who were watching in excitement and she mouthed "holy shit" to them.

Amy thumbs upped her friend and mouthed "so proud" to her before Beca dug in her closet, changing as quickly as she could.

"Not that I'm not happy for you cause I am" jesse whispered as he leaned towards the brunette. "But what about the goblin?"

Beca sighed. "Well, we don't have class today and Aubrey is giving everyone a break after yesterday, so I'll suit up and patrol around when I get back" she whispered back. "and if that doesn't work than we'll hafta try something else" she stopped pulling clothes out and shot jesse a look, her eyes shot down to his chest than back up his eyes.

"What?" he asked in confusion.

"Turn around nosey" she demanded irritably.

"Sssorry" he replied holding up his hands and turning.

Once beca changed she shot out the door. The two ladies smiled at each other as they began walking. Chloe took her to a cafe just right around the corner of the campus. The two sat around a small round table eating their food.

"So what happened?" chloe asked hesitantly. "How did you survive that fall?"

Beca didn't have any good excuse for falling off the balcony and not die so she just wrote it off as "I'd rather not talk about yesterday if that's fine?"

"Yea that's ok" the ginger nodded reassuringly and understandably.

"Oh wait" beca suddenly realized she should ask this. "I hafta ask, are you ok? I heard you almost died yesterday" beca looking as shocked and worried as she could to make sure chloe didn't suspect anything.

"Yea I almost did" she began to form a grin. "But then, spider-woman saved me"

Beca tried to hide her own excitement. "What was she like? What was it like" she asked and chloe had a strange look.

"Shouldn't you know?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I just take her photos" beca shrugged. "We're not like pals or anything"

"Well" she scoffed. "It was amazing, like when we were swinging around the city, the air, the view, honestly I envy her, because she gets to do that everyday and I would give up my first born child to do that" she laughed and beca joined, feeling her heart flutter. "and she herself was amazing too I mean...you would hafta meet her she was just...incredible" chloe had a very bright look on her.

Beca smiled knowing she meant that much to her, if only she could tell her. "Well, thank God she was there, I don't know what I would've done without you" she smiled before realizing what she just admitted.

Chloe gave her a surprise look, she didn't know what to say so she just smiled. Beca quickly tried to hide her blush by changing the subject. "Hey um, are you like...with somebody?"

"What you mean Tom?" she replied. "Yea but...I think I'm gonna break it off, he's ok to be around but he was mostly a distraction for me and please don't ask me how, it's a long story" beca raised her hands reassuring the ginger. "But why do you ask anyway?" chloe tilted her head.

"Just wondering" she shrugged and took a drink.

"You know, you haven't told me much about yourself or your life before all of this. I mean I know ur dad's a professor but that's it" chloe furrowed her eyebrows.

Beca set her fork down, propped up her elbows and leaned her chin on her hands. "What do you wanna know?"

"What's ur mom like?" chloe shrugged and beca slowly and sadly looked down.

"My...mom has been dead for two years" she slowly stated.

"Oh I'm so sorry" she quickly responded.

"No it's fine" the brunette shook her head reassuringly. "Um...she was killed by a carjacker but...they caught him and he's never getting out either" beca tried not to cry, looking down and chloe slid her hand across the table to beca's, surprising her.

"Nobody deserves to go through something like that" chloe sympathized. Beca brought her eyes from their hands to her eyes. Those bright, blue, glazing eyes were so beautiful. She smiled and turned her hand over so that it was holding chloe's, not wanting to break the contact they have.

"Thanx, jesse and amy have helped a lot too, plus my dad...." her smile and gaze started to fade. "...he remarried just a few months ago"

"Oh" chloe was nervous to approach this. "Is she not...good to you?" she asked slowly.

Beca sighed frustratedly. "She really is actually...just..." she shook her head.

"You just can't except her yet"

Beca looked back up to the red head. "No, I try but, my mom was one of the smartest people ever, I mean the things she taught me, she was amazing and sheila, my step mom, she does try and so does my dad too but" she shook her head not making eye contact with the ginger. "I don't know, I guess for me it was easier to just shut them out" she shrugged.

"Yea but that's pretty lonely too" beca looked up at her not knowing how to react. "I guess ur not good at expressing ur feelings a lot? That's also the case isn't it?" she gave the brunette a reassuring look.

Beca just couldn't help but smile when she looked at chloe. "No not really" she shrugged. "But you seem to help with that" she smiled.

"I try" chloe smiled back and shrugged casually. "What about amy and jesse?"

"I've known them most of my life, they always have my back no matter what and they even know some stuff that you may never" beca winked as she took another sip.

"Oooo I'm intrigued" they giggled.

"But yea we've been through a lot together" she nodded. "What about you and aubrey? And how did you get into singing?"

"Well I've loved singing since I was little and me and bree have been besties since middle school. We've always had the same dream to be in a singing group and I know she can be tough to be around but believe me, she's definitely the person you want having ur back when in trouble" she stated proudly.

"Well I'm glad you have somebody like her" beca smiled and was being honest too. "What are you two gonna do after you graduate?"

"We still don't know yet" she shook her head nervously. "This has been our lives for the past...dozens of years and we haven't been studying anything real major since getting here either" chloe was really nervous. "Honestly I'm scared to leave" she sighed.

"Hey, don't be" this time beca reached across the table to grab her hand. "Remember what I told you yesterday? You can do anything and ur amazingly capable of anything" chloe smiled brightly at her.

"Yea by the way I wanted to thank you again for sorta...being my hero, before spidey that is" they giggled.

"Anytime" the brunette replied.

"By the way, when this is over, if you don't mind that is" chloe was being cautious. "If you wanna try and sort things out with ur dad and step mom, I'd be happy to help you if you need me" she gently stroked her thumb across beca's hand as she spoke.

Beca was shocked that she made such an offer. "Chlo I-I don't know what to say" she breathed.

"You don't hafta say anything now" chloe trying not to be forceful. "I just like to see if I can help in anyway I mean it's the least I can do" she staggered.

Beca could only smile at the kind ginger. She had fallen for the right girl. "Thankyou" she finally replied in a sweet manor. "Kinda ironic isn't it? You called me ur hero just a minute ago and yet ur trying to be mine" she smiled, not breaking eye contact.

They just sat there holding hands and smiling at each other, not even realizing what was happening. Chloe finally looked down at the other girl's plate. "You done with ur food?" she asked.

"Oh yea" beca glanced down and shot back up. "You uh....ready to go?"

"As much as I enjoy our time I think we should" chloe nodded, seeming disappointed this had to end.

"Alright, lets go" they both unwantedly released their hands and stood to pay and leave. Beca escorted chloe back to her dorm.


"I really enjoyed that" beca stated once they reached the door.

"So did I" chloe smiled. "We should do this again"

"Yea I'd love that" beca replied quickly, not even realizing what she said.

Now chloe seemed nervous around her but kept her smile. They came to their senses when they heard the door opened.

"Oh, ur back" aubrey said looking at the two.

"Yea, we were just making sure we were safe" she motioned to beca then turned back to her. "See ya later, ok?"

"Ok" and chloe moved past aubrey into the room. Beca was about to walk away when...

"Hey beca" she turned back to the blonde in the doorway. "Look um" aubrey was anxious. "Chloe is very happy around you and I'm glad she is, but don't hurt her ok? Or I'll rip ur throat out" she sounded as concerned as she was sincere.

"Never" beca smiled "and same to you if you hurt jesse" aubrey's threatening look turned into shyness.

"What to do you mean?" she staggered. Beca just smirked and walked away.

When beca got back she did what she said she was goona do, suit up and go hunting. She spent the whole day swinging from building to building, searching for any signs of the green goblin with no such luck.

"Hey amy?" she pressed against the earpiece in her mask.

"Hey webhead! Didn't I tell you to call me control tower on here?" beca rolled her eyes in response.

"I busted a bunch of bad guys, but no sign of our new friend. It's getting dark and it looks to rain soon. I'm gonna head back now" she stated disappointedly.

"Ok, sorry spidey" amy sharing her disappointment. "At least you stopped some other bad guys" she followed positively.

"Yea" beca smirked. "I'll see you soon"

"Watch tower out" beca chuckled after she heard the click.

It had started to rain when she got back. She was crawling on the roof of her dorm when she heard some people arguing in the distance. It probably wouldn't hurt if she checked it out. She crawled over to where the voices were coming from. It was Chloe and a guy, it was Tom. Beca recognized him from the shower. It looked like chloe was dumping him like she said she would.

Chloe started to frustratedly walk away. After a second, Tom followed and he had some buddies with him. Beca knew this couldn't be good, so she quickly followed in their direction. Chloe was trying to get out of the rain and didn't realize tom and his pals were following her, until he aggressively grabbed her arm.

"Hey stop chloe!" he shouted.

"Go away tom! It's over!" she shouted back trying to free her arm, only to have tom force her back into the wall.

"Now, I'm gonna give you one last chance to-" before he could continue he was pulled back by a web and into his friends.

The masked hero jumped down and went on the assault. She slid under and in between one's legs, tripping him with her arms before jumping into a kick to knock out the other. The third guy went for a punch, only to have it blocked and thrown into the wall before being knocked out by a left hook. The vigilante then grabbed the fourth guy and threw him into the wall next to chloe. She turned to Tom who was beginning to back away. She shot a web at him to pull him back to her, grabbing his collar.

"Didn't ur mom teach you any manors?" she then gave him a hard straight punch knocking him at least ten feet away.

The guy she tripped over made it back to his feet and grabbed the mask off her head. She quickly front flipped, her heel connecting with his jaw as she did. She turned to see chloe, it looked like she couldn't recognize her do to the dark and rain. As she began to walk to her hero, beca quickly grabbed the mask and ran into the alleyway.

"Wait" chloe rushed to the alley only to find that her hero disappeared. She searched around trying to find her. The vigilante slowly slid down from a web behind the ginger.

"Wow" the ginger spun around in surprise. "Two days in a row? Ur gonna hafta be more careful"

The red head laughed. "Looks like I don't have to...if ur stalking me" she smirked.

"Well the red hair can be a little distracting" chloe giggled at the comment. "But no, I was just passing by"

"Well as long as you keep me safe, I don't care if you are" she shrugged and smiled.

"Thanx, but you know I can't always be there right?" she started showing some concern in her voice. "You hafta be more careful, can you try please?"

The red head sighed but kept her smile. "Alright, I promise to be more careful" she calmy reassured the hero and then took a daring step closer. "Now, would it be ok if I got to thank you...properly?" she smiled nervously.

Beca was so glad chloe couldn't see her nervousness or blush through the mask. She quietly took a deep breath and said "definitely" and the ginger's smile grew as she moved in.

She slowly raised her hands to the neck of spidey's mask. Beca eagerly waited as the ginger rolled her mask down, her heart sounded like a sonic drum as she did. Chloe's hands shook as she rolled the mask to reveal the hero's mouth. She gave her lips a brief lick, took a deep breath and moved to connect their lips. The brunette got lost in the moment of having the lips of the girl she loved on hers, releasing her top lip to capture her bottom one. Tho the kiss wasn't graceful do to it being an upside down one, their lips seemed to match perfectly. They matched one last time before chloe parted away and began to roll the mask back up. As soon as she did, the vigilante shot up another web to pull her up, chloe smiled as she watched her hero vanish in the sky.


"She what? No way!" amy excitedly exclaimed.

"Dead serious" the brunette immediately replied.

"How was it?" she eagerly asked.

"....it was perfect" she smiled. "I just wish she knew it was me" her smiled faded a little.

"True, but hey" amy gladly started pointing out. "You had a date her, she broke up with her boyfriend and is definitely not getting back with him and we are now positive she is not straight and likes you" she smiled and beca did the same. "You got her you dirty little night crawler" the blonde began to walk over to her friend. "You did it, you got her you sexy machine!" amy started jumping and tickling her.

"Ah. Ok." beca laughed. "Amyheehee!"

A/N: hey guys hope you enjoy and continue to do so. I know I'm not the first to write this seen in a spidey-fic and definitely won't be the last but I figured u guys would like it. I kinda spoiled u bechloe lovers in this one 😁😉 but hope u enjoyed. Thankyou and stay tuned for more.

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