Saving the day and New efforts

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A/N: hey everyone! Thankyou so much for all of the reads! I'm sorry for not keeping this at daily updates like I said, school and such, but I'll keep these going at a good pace. In the meantime please gimme some feedback, whether it's good or constructive criticism, I'll take it. I'm also doing this to work on my writing skills so if u guys have any advice for improvements please tell me. Thankyou and I hope u enjoy chapter 8.

Spider-Woman sat on the edge of the skyscraper across from the Osborn residence, keeping watch to see if the suspicion of Norman Osborn being the Green Goblin was true or not. She mentally hoped that he wasn't. So far nothing had happened which was good, but she didn't wanna get her hopes up just yet. Suddenly, she heard her earpiece ring in her mask. She answered immediately, knowing it could only be Fat Amy.

"Hey, everything ok?" she asked knowing how late it was.

Oh yea everything is fine, just thought you should know, I found some more stuff on the oscorp files you might find interesting.

"Goblin related?" she asked quirking an eyebrow.

Not really but it's neat. The serum that created the goblin? Well it was supposed to be destroyed after it's failed human trial, but obviously it wasn't. Plus, it seems that oscorp has been doing a lot of research and dirty deals they shouldn't have been doing and have been under military investigation several times because of it.

Beca was shocked at the new discovery. Oscorp doing illegal experiments? How? And why? What was norman in to? "Put the files in the case where I keep my spidey outfit and we'll figure it out later" she responded after a minute of thinking.

Alright, anything happen yet?

"No it's all normal, and I hope I'm hoping it stays that way too" she sighed. 

Alright, let me know if ya need anything, I hope it goes well too.

"Thanx, me too" she hung up, still a little shocked at what her friend had told her. She kept watch for a moment and still tried to mentally contemplate what she had heard just now. She looked into the bedroom where norman slept, worrying that he may not be what she thought, that he may have something to do with the green goblin, that he could've been up to something bad.

But then, something else caught her attention, it smelled like...something burning. She turned her head to see flames rising from a building in the distance. She immediately shot a web to make her way towards the faded light, she had to make sure everything was ok. She made her way to the scene, a hotel, ten floors high was caught on fire and the fire department was nowhere in sight. Beca turned her attention to a lady rushing towards a taller gentleman panicking on the street.

"Ricky, what's wrong?!" the lady asked.

"The Jensens can't find their daughter" he sputtered out. "We think she might be stuck on the seventh floor" he quickly stated.

Spidey didn't hesitate to shoot her web at the burning building to come crashing through the window of 6th floor. Sparks of flame, debris and smoke everywhere made it harder for the hero to see, move or even breathe.  She saw stairs that went straight to the 7th floor, she charged her way up and kicked down the door that almost let out a ray of flames.

"Hello!" she called out as loud as she could. "Is anybody here?" she heard a girl crying from one of the bedrooms. She frantically ran inside and followed the crying to the bedroom closet. The little girl let out a brief scream when the hero swung the doors open.

"Hey it's ok, I'm spider-woman, I'm here to help" she said in a sweet, calming matter as she crouched down and held out her hand to the little girl. The kid was still nervously hesitant at the strange sight. "Hey don't worry, I'm still a person like you. Look?" she frantically stated as she rolled up her mask and smiled at the girl. "See? And I'm gonna getcha outta here but I need you to trust me ok? Come on" she rolled her mask back down and the little girl took her hands. The vigilante picked up the little girl to carry her the rest of the way, with her strength it was easy.

Beca was carrying the kid back down stairs to take the same way she came from, but then she heard another woman crying and moaning. She turned to see the lady wandering around in some kinda cloak.

"Ma'am! Hold on to me sweety" she said adjusting the kid in her arms and slowly made her way towards the hysterical woman. "It's ok! I'm here to get you out!" she called walking up behind the lady. She seemed a lot taller than ur average woman. Beca found out why when she turned the lady to reveal the green goblin's face and then his fist to her face which sent her flying away. She was careful enough to make sure the girl didn't get hurt when they finally came to a halt.

"Hahaha, it really is sad how you spend so much time protecting others, that you forget to protect yourself" he grinned as spidey quickly stood back up and moved the girl behind her. "I even coulda killed you just now if I wanted, but I'm willing to let you, and the girl, walk out of here alive. If, you changed ur mind that is?" he kept that evil grin which told beca he was up to no good.

"Aww that's so sweet" she said faking a cute tone. "You wanna gimme a kiss too? Because it's gonna hafta be on my ass" she finished with a threatening tone.

She didn't realize goblin had his hands behind his back until he pulled out one of his golden bombs. "You just had to be stubborn, didn't you?" he pressed the green button and threw the bomb at beca and the girl. The vigilante let the object fly past her head, only to catch it with a web and yank it back towards goblin. She picked up the girl and ran for the window as the bomb went off, causing the entire floor to collapse. Beca quickly shot a web at the ceiling to stop the fall. The girl screamed at the near death experience.

"It's ok hun, I gotcha" she said reassuringly to the frightened child. All she could see below was endless fire and above she saw a flame rising closer and closer to her web. If she remembered correctly, it could very well be possible for her web to catch fire. She had to think fast and act even faster. She looked down at the wall to see a window that led outside.

"Ok sweety? I'm gonna need you to hold on as tight as you possibly can ok? Do not let go no matter what!" she commanded and just when the flame caught her web, she released it. She let both arms swing out, the girl having a death grip around her neck, shot two webs just right above the window below to pull her towards and then kicking her way out through the window while at the same time, making sure the girl didn't get cut. The sudden burst of oxygen caused fire to shoot out, almost hitting the hero as she flew out and landed right on the sidewalk, wrapping her arms around the kid as she did.

A lady came charging up towards the hero with a cop beside her. "Alexa!" she cried.

"She's ok, take her" spidey replied handing the girl to her mother. As soon as the two reunited, the mom giving her a thankyou as they did, beca turned back to the burning building.

"Where are you going?!" the officer called.

"The goblins in there! I hafta go!" she called back.

"Are you crazy? The building's coming down!" he shouted in shock.

Beca really shouldn't go back but she had to make sure he died. "I'll be quick! Don't let fire department in till I'm out!" she said quickly and then rushed back, shooting a web to raise her up and then another to pull her back in the window of the 6th floor.

Once in, she looked straight at where she last saw the goblin. He wasn't there, then he was still alive. She carefully avoided both the holes in the floor and any spot where he could jump her as best she could, as well as the fire of course, which was practically everywhere. She cautiously crept her way around the building, scanning every inch her eyes caught.

She was surprised by the goblin's fist that came straight across her jaw. She backed away and was almost caught by his knee to her face and was able to block his next right hook, but one of the blades on his armor caught her arm as she did. The cut kept her distracted enough for goblin to give her a straight kick, knocking her away.

She slowly fought against the pain to stand back up. He was just too fast, too strong and not to mention that freakin armor of his. When she stood to see him grinning and awaiting her retaliation, she noticed the table she flew over, sitting between her and goblin. That was it, she charged towards goblin and he readied himself for the next attack, only to see the hero slide under the table and under his legs, tripping him with her arms and causing his jaw to collide with the edge of the table and making it break.

She shot a web to pull herself to the wall on her left, she clung to the wall and noticed the pole next to goblin. As he stood back up, she jumped off the wall towards the poll, grabbing it and swinging around to kick goblin in the face and sent him flying. He crashed up against the wall and beca capitalized on her now advantage to shoot two webs at the wall, pulling her straight at the villain and kicking him through the wall. She then shot webs at the next wall and used all of her strength to pull it, causing it to collapse on the menace.

He was down, but the danger wasn't over yet. Beca could feel the building begin to shake around her, it was starting to collapse and she had to get out, fast. Debris and pieces of the place were falling all over and she could feel the ground beneath her begin to cave in. She looked up to see a newly made hole in the roof, she quickly super jumped and shot a web, using the momentum and the force of the pull at her web to send her flying out the building.

She made her way back to the building across the street just in time to see the rest of the hotel collapse. She quickly checked the cut on her arm, it wasn't bad, but still drew blood. She kept pressure on it with her other hand as best she could and kept watch of the destroyed home to make sure the goblin didn't come flying or sneaking out.

A couple of hours went by, the fire department put out the flames and went through every inch of what was left of the place, but no goblin. She decided that was enough, mission accomplished. She stood and began to make her way back with the knowledge that the green goblin was dead and she won, but of course she had to stop a few muggings on the way.


The next morning, Chloe got a text from beca telling her to come to her room with bandages. Amy had wrapped up beca's arm last night but it was a little sloppy and chloe had to change it.

"I'm sorry I just didn't wanna wake you" beca said, assuring the ginger as she put on the new bandage.

"Like I wouldn't wanna wake up to you" she smirked making her girlfriend smile.

"Lesson learned" the brunette happily replied. "But I do have some good news and better news" she stated catching both chloe's and Amy's attention. "The Green Goblin is no more" she happily stated and told amy and chloe everything that had happened last night. "And in better news, it wasn't Norman Osborn"

The ginger smiled and scoffed in relief, amy also sighing her relief. "Well that's great" chloe said with a bright smile.

"How do you know?" amy asked still a little skeptical.

"I went to his house on my way back here" she said as she flexed her arm with the now finished bandage on it. "He was sound asleep and looked..... well...his normal state that is, but nothing inordinately" she stated and amy had one more sigh of relief.

"Thank God" she breathed. "Well, if you ladies don't mind, I also have something cool to show" she said digging in a bag under her bed and chloe sat next to beca on her bed. "Jesse said you would like this" she smiled nervously as she pulled out another spidey suit from the bag. It was black, blue and had some purple in it. The main part of the suit was a light blue hoodie with a black spider logo in the center. Beca and chloe looked in astonishment.

"Oh my....amy" she sighed. "It's amazing, but why a second?"

"Figured you like something different and I know your little ass gets cold swinging from place to place so I made this, also the spandex is a wind breaker which helps too" she smiled, giving the outfit to it's new owner.

"Thanx Amy, I love it" she smiled giving her friend a hug. "But I hope I never hafta rush in a burning building with this" she said sitting back down and looking at the texture.

"Well look at it this way" chloe smirked. "It wouldn't warm you up as much as I would" she winked. Blush creeping into beca's cheeks as she kept from making eye contact with the girl next to her. "Well I'm gonna go now, don't wanna get in y'alls way" she said, picking up her purse and belongings and standing up.

"Oh no ur not in our way" beca shook her head.

"No it's fine I gotta get going" she smiled down at the girl on the bed.

"Ok" beca shrugged disappointedly. "I love you" her eyes widened at what she said and chloe did the same. "Uh... that's the first time I've said that isn't it?" she smiled nervously.

Chloe smiled back and leaned in to kiss her girlfriend. It was only one kiss and not open mouthed, but it lasted about five seconds. "I love you too" she smiled and made her way back. "I'll see you two later ok?" she waved as she opened the door and the two nodded and waved back. She gave beca a bright smile before leaving, both the ginger and beca feeling fluttery.

"Damn you got good taste mitchell" the blonde smirked and shook her head. "Very good taste"

Beca smiled, looking back at the door. "Yea" she sighed. "But did you see how she was when she got up?" beca asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yea I did" amy responded with a worried look. She thought for a minute before coming up with a suggestion. "It could be she feels like you haven't put too much effort in the relationship?" amy asked nervously, but she knew she could tell her best friend anything.

As soon as she said that, the brunette rolled her eyes and leaned back, covering her face. "Ur right, that's exactly it" her words muffled by her hands before she put them down. "I've done nothing to contribute and she's starting to realize that" she shook her head and stared off.

"Hey relax webhead" she said reassuringly. "You've been tryna protect the city from the green goblin, she knows that" she stated and beca let out an unassurring sigh. "Tell you what, now that he's outta your hair at last, you start spending more time with her and make her a mix or something?" she suggested.

Beca's eyes widened at the idea and smirked. "What would I do without ya amy" she shook her head.

"Not much really" she replied with a smug look, receiving a pillow to the face making her laugh.

So from that point on, Beca decided to dedicate whatever time she could to Chloe. She even told her how sorry she was and that she was gonna make up for it. Of course, chloe told her she understood and there was no need, but beca still felt the need. Chloe knew trying to divide her time between school, rehearsals, being spider-woman and her, would be too much. So, she came up with a little compromise, it would only be on days when they didn't have rehearsals they could hang out. Whether it was dates or just hanging out in the quad or one another's dorm room, it would definitely work. But chloe's favorites were usually the ones where beca would take her swinging across the city.

It had been several weeks now and beca and chloe kept up their bargain. Beca's group of three turning into five as chloe and aubrey joined in, she and jesse seemed just as happy as they were. They all worried a little for amy being left out but she reassured them time and time again she didn't need a boy toy and that they could have as many as they wanted. Also, during that time, they had the first round of competitions and won second place. The entire group feeling very happy and proud about that. Jesse's group won of course and of course this started a just for fun fued in the group.

Jesse also made a vow to aubrey that he would never let it affect their relationship and aubrey herself made an effort to do the same and leave the competition outside of their time together. Beca and chloe admired how well they were doing and beca even started to grow closer to aubrey, despite their differences they seemed to get along a lot and even help each other with both relationships and singing. Beca considered her, even the same way, as she did amy after everything that's been going on.

It was now a week since the first round. Beca and chloe's relationship growing stronger with each day, and each day the goblin didn't show any signs of return made the brunette more and more sure that he was dead. Beca had finished the mix she was making for her girl and had invited her over to listen.

"Ok, you ready?" she asked enthusiastically as she handed the headphones to chloe.

"Yep" she smiled putting the headphones on, beca eagerly hit play.

The song that came on was Let You Go by Johnny Strong, only when the singing started, it wasn't him, it was Beca herself singing.

Thicker than the walls they made

Longer than the road they pave

Taller than the arms they raise

Deeper than the vows they waive

Isn't any price I'd pay

Only just to hear you say

You will never be alone

I will never let you, let you go

And after that point it switched over to Titanium, of course, and in between parts, beca's voice would break back out with let you go and When I'm Gone, the same song she used at auditions. Chloe fell in love with the song.

"That was amazing!" she scoffed after it was over, removing the headphones.

"Thanx" beca smiled.

"No, thankyou" the redhead smiled as she leaned in for a deep kiss that lasted for....well how could they tell.

"I had no idea you did this!" she happily stated. "I mean I noticed the equipment but I......" she stopped.

"You what?" beca asked in worry.

"I thought this was all Amy's" chloe said looking embarrassed.

The brunette just giggled. "It's fine, I'm just glad you enjoyed it" she smiled rubbing her girlfriend's arm.

"But you know what you should do? Is make some for the maniacs" she happily declared.

Beca seemed surprised at the suggestion. "You really think so?" she asked almost speechless.

"Hell yea" the ginger immediately replied. "This could even change the way we work and take us straight to the top" she smiled.

Now beca was speechless. "Uh....what about aubrey? Would she be ok with this?" she asked nervously.

"I think we can convince her" she grinned.

"Um....ok uh....I can try" she sighed and chloe's smile grew, if possible, before reconnecting their lips.

"See? I knew you were gonna be a great addition to us...and me" she happily stated when they finally broke apart. Beca smiled brighter than ever before continuing the passionate kiss. She was so happy she had her and that this was all working out. It could not have been better.


The next day at rehearsals, Beca and Chloe walked in hand in hand, having returned from a date. The maniacs were all gathered around in a circle with looks of shock and fear on them.

"What's going on guys?" beca asked as she walked over. They all looked up, amy looking more worried than the rest.

"Ya gonna wanna see this" the blonde stated as she handed beca the tablet.

Beca watched as a news report played on the device and chloe leaned her chin on her shoulder. Apparently, what had happened was a guy named Harry Swanson, who was a runner up to take over Oscorp, was killed earlier that day. The report said that a missile flew right in his apartment and blew him to bits.

Beca brought all the facts together in her head. She had a shocked look on her face as she turned up to amy, who shook her head apologetically, and then to chloe who shared the same look as beca.

"It can't be" she whispered to chloe, not losing her shock. But it was, the Green Goblin was still alive.

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