Your friendly neighborhood...Chloe?

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A/N: Hey guys I hope y'all are enjoying this. I'm gonna go ahead and give you guys a warning, this chapter will be more of a story build up than a spidey action, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless and there will be more action and thrills ahead. In the meantime, without further ado here is chapter 2. Hope you enjoy.

It has been a month since school started and everyday had been pretty much the same for Beca Mitchell. She would sometimes be late for class while saving the world, not really caring if she was late that is, Amy and Jesse would try their best to help her with her work but beca was mostly just going through the motions and not really wanting to be here.

She was swinging from building to building with the amazing rush of air running past her when she noitced two muggers had a knife pointed at a teenaged girl. She quickly swooped in, grabbing the first mugger with her feet and spinning around into a head scissors take down. Then, as the second attacker lunged for her with the knife, she quickly ducked and shot a web at the attacker's hands as she slid underneath and between his legs, yanking the web and flipping him over. She jumped and stomped on his gut before taking down the first mugger who was now getting back up with a kick and then knocking out the second.

She turned to see the teenaged girl sitting there in shock. She walked over and knelt down in front of her.

"Hey, it's alright kid" she said calmely. "What's ur name?"

"Emily" the girl nervously replied.

"Ok Emily, you need me to take you home?" still keeping a calm tone.

"No I-I'm good" she nervously nodded.

"Ok, just try to be more careful around here, alright?" emily nodded and then beca offered her a hand to help her up. "Remember, be safe, and I'll keep watch" she sweetly stated before taking back off and heading back to campus.

She crawled through the window and was greeted by Amy. "Hey webhead!" she seemed excited but nervous. "Your father was here and said he'd be right back"

Beca quickly changed and layed in her bed until her father finally arrived.

"Funny this doesn't look like your introduction to ur philosophical class" he stated sitting on her bed.

"I'm posing an important philosophical question" she replied as she sat up. "If I don't actually go to that class will it still suck?"

"Honey, college is...its great" he was trying build motivation for his daughter. "You get to create memories here I see it everyday, you just hafta give it a chance. Have you even made any new friends here?"

She thought back to the red head she met at the fair, but she hadn't stayed in touch with her.

"I don't need any new friends dad I'm fine." she really didn't feel like having this conversation.

"Beca honey you have got to get out there" they were both standing and facing each other now. "You gotta try something, something new, join a club or something and if by the end of the year, if you still don't want to be here, if you still wanna go off and be...peeditty, can quit college...and I will help you find work" he said not liking this but knowing he had to do something.

"Seriously?" beca replied in surprise

"Seriously, but I need to see it beca. This is college, join in" he said with a positive tone before leaving.

Beca looked over at amy. "You think he's right don't you?"

"Yea I do" she nodded as beca sat down on her bed. "I mean you never even called that gorgeous ginger you met at the fair"

"Well I just don't think I'll be any good at doing anything big with my night job" she said looking down.

"Come on becs" amy said in a pleading manor now. "You gotta try something besides fighting crime by night and just passing through by day" Amy actually seemed worried for her friend. Beca wanted to do something else but how could she?

"Tell you what?" amy snapped up her finger "remember that audition thing?" beca nodded nervously. "Come join me! Jesse will be there and you can see the red head and we can all hang out and try new stuff" amy smiled at the idea.

Beca took a minute to think. She still wasn't sure if it was possible but she would think on it. "Tell you what, I'll go have a shower and think about it, ok?" amy gave her a thumbs up.

"But you're gonna hafta use the public one, our's isn't working right" amy looked back down to her computer as beca began to grab everything she needed and headed off.

She walked into the showers singing Titanium by David Guetta and Sia, unaware of the other occupants. She started running the water continuing to sing, losing all thought when suddenly, from behind, "You can sing!" she turned to see Chloe, the same red head from the fair.

"Dude!" Beca tried to close the curtain and cover herself but Chloe was really insisting. She turned off the shower and was asking her all sorts of weird questions like how high does her belt go and such. Beca turned away, trying to keep herself covered but felt really exposed and awkward and not to mention she had no idea what the hell was going on.

"You were singing titanium weren't you?" the red head asked happily.

Beca looked over her shoulder. "You know David guetta?" forming a small smile.

"Have I been living under a rock? That song is my jam" she leaned in closer, "my lady-jam"

"That's nice" beca turned away again, still not knowing what the hell was going on right now and why this insane redhead was telling her this. What was going through her mind? And now she wanted her to sing the song. Beca refused at first but chloe wouldn't leave until she did. So she played along.

I'm bullet proof nothing to lose

Then chloe joined in.

Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away

Beca was looking right in her bright blue eyes the whole time and felt something really strong between her and the redhead. Once they stopped singing they smiled at each other, Beca losing her awkwardness and discomfort for a moment. She mindlessly let her eyes wander down the redhead's body but then brought them right back up to the ceiling, mentally slapping herself for that dumb maneuver. 

"Oh yea, I'm pretty confident about all...this" Chloe motioned to her body.

"You should be" beca smiled back before being handed her towel. Then a guy came up from behind chloe.

"You have a lovely voice" he said smiling at beca.

"Thanx!" beca glared at the boy and Chloe turned back to him. He smiled and then chloe remembered what the situation was.

"Oh, sorry" she walked out of the shower, closing the curtain behind her. "See you at auditions!" she called to beca.

The brunette just stood there trying to comprehend what had just happened. She was a little disappointed about seeing the boy Chloe was with, but she had never felt a connection like that before, with anyone. She didn't think she would have a chance with the red head now but thought, why not try out? It'll give her an excuse to see her friends, answer her father's request and even get to know the ginger more, even tho the recent events said maybe she shouldn't.


Beca was continuing her superhero shift the day of the auditions. She had stopped 3 muggings, a car jacking and a liquor store robbery. She received a text from amy reminding her the auditions were today. She panicked as she quickly made her way back to campus. She changed and headed as fast as she could to the stage.

When she got to the door that led to the stage, she heard the last kid singing Since You Been Gone. She was gonna go up next but it looked like they were closing up. She was just gonna head back until Chloe called "oh wait, we have one more" and the redhead motioned for to come on out.

Beca walked nervously to the front of the stage. "I....didn't know we had to prepare that song" she said worried at what Chloe and Aubrey would say.

"Oh its fine, sing whatever you what" the redhead seemed like she just couldn't wait to hear her sing.

The brunette bent over in front of the stage asking "may I?" when she pointed to the cup on the table. Chloe nodded. Beca awkwardly emptied the cup of the pens inside. She sat with her legs crossed and put the cup upside down and started clapping a beat and singing When I'm gone, something she developed when she was just starting to get into making music and used the song for self-healing. As she sang, Chloe smiled at how amazing she was and Aubrey was looking astonished. When beca was done she looked right at the redhead who smiled brightly at her. Beca loved that smile.

Beca, Jesse and Amy were now leaving the stage talking.

"How come you never told us you could sing?" Jesse asked in astonishment.

"Just never was my thing" the brunette replied awkwardly.

"Oh yea? What changed?" Jesse curiously raised an eyebrow.

Just when beca was about to respond, she heard Chloe call from behind. She turned to see the ginger charging towards the trio.

"You're about to find out" amy whispered to Jesse amusedly.

Chloe ran up and gave the brunette a hug, beca wasn't a hugger but she didn't really mind the attention.

"You were so good!" chloe cheered happily. "and aubrey wouldn't admit it but I could tell she was impressed too" she smiled and looked over to jesse and amy. "Oh hey, I remember you guys from the activities fair! You two did good as well" the two thanked her in response.

"Oh yea um...sorry I never called or texted after you gave me ur number" beca feeling a lot of regret now.

"Oh it's fine, I'm just glad we caught up and plus, I can always come by later and pick up that photo" chloe kept a positive attitude and the brunette smiled and blushed a little.

"Hey uh..." Jesse started "sorry to interrupt but my dad needs me to get back. So, I'll catch you later?" he pointed to beca. She said yea and nodded. "Cool!" he patted her on the back, gave Amy a bro hug, waved at chloe and ran off. "See you guys later!"

The three began walking. Chloe was in between beca and amy.

"By the way," she started, looking at beca. "What is it between you and Jesse? Are you guys like a thing?"

"Oh no" she laughed "we've been best friends for a long time. He tried asking me out once but I...couldn't for personal reasons" she had a strange look on her face. Chloe had a suspicion.

"I don't mean to get too deep into this but, would it happen to be because ur not really into men?" she cautiously asked.

Beca froze at the question, because frankly that was exactly why. Beca panicked and didn't know what to say.

"Hey it's ok" Chloe smiled and gently hit her shoulder. "Besides nobody here is gonna care, I certainly don't" she winked at the brunette, leaving her flushed and wide-eyed. "Anyway, gotta go help bree decide" she began backing away from the two. "But, just between us, I think you guys are in" she winked and raised up her thumbs before leaving the two.

Beca and amy began to head back to their dorm. "Mm mmm you really gotta take her out Mitchell she has it bad for you" the blonde smiled.

"Come on amy" she sighed. "Remember what I said about that guy she was with?"

"Doesn't make her straight" Amy didn't lose that confident tone she had. "I saw the way she was looking at you. Just give her a shot, who knows, the worst thing that can happen is I was wrong and she is straight. But I don't think that's gonna happen" she quickly recovered that last part.

Beca gave her an unsure look. "I'll try" not sounding real positive or confidant about the matter but thought she might as well.


The next night, right after sunset, beca was walking towards her dorm room and she felt a buzz at the back of her head. She instinctively swung an arm back, knocking down the person who was sneaking up on her. But then realizing it was chloe.

"Oh God, Chloe! I'm so sorry!" she panicked and went to the ginger's aid.

"Ugh it's fine" she replied slowly sitting up. "Just meant to surprise you is all. Nice swing by the way" she laughed.

"Yea sorry, reflexes" beca helped her to her feet. "So what's up?" trying to change the subject.

Chloe readjusted herself and moved against the pain. "Well it's initiation night and ur coming with me blinded" she smiled and brought up the black hood in her hands.

"Uh...ok" beca hesitantly answered as she let the red head put the hood on her head and let her guide her way to her initiation. Beca was glad she had the hood so Chloe couldn't see her blush as the ginger guided her by the arm, held her hand and stroked her thumb against it. Beca loved being this close to chloe and she smelled so nice and felt so warm. Beca almost forgot to watch her step as she got lost in her thoughts. Though she couldn't see it, chloe was happy as well to be there with her.

When the hood came off, beca was next to fat amy. They had to take a silly oath and drink the so called blood of the sisters that came before them, it was just boone's farm. But the brunette could've sworn she was now stuck in a satanic cult. Then they headed off to the initiation party. All the acapella groups were there celebrating. Beca watched everyone as they went on their business. Amy was chatting with Aubrey, Cynthia rose was flirting with Stacie and Jesse came trampling over the stoned steps a little hung over.

"Becaw!" he called as he walked up. "Looks like we're all in acapella now! Woo!" he slurred. "We're gonna do so great at competitions"

"Wow ur really drunk right now aren't you?" beca smiled.

"Y-Yea a little and tell you what I'm gonna go and get us both d-drinks ok?" he slowly turned and made his way over the steps.

"Please be careful" the brunette called to her friend and then saw Chloe run up to her.

The ginger pulled her hands to her bringing them closer, again not one for personal space. "I'm so glad I met you, I think we're gonna be fast friends" she slowly said with alcohol slipping from her breath.

"Yea..." beca not really sure what to say "...well you saw me naked so..." she winked and couldn't help but look down at the ginger's lips.

"I'm really happy I get to spend some time with you bec" she happily stated making the brunette blush.

"Neither can I chlo" beca admitted happily.

"Now, I gotta go. This little ginger needs her jiggle juice" she said as she shook her butt in front of beca and then walked away with a snap.

"Make good choices" the brunette called after her and then Jesse came tumbling back, handing beca a drink.

"Oh this is so cool" he turned to see the crowd of people. "WE ARE THE KINGS OF CAMPUS!" he shouted excitedly.

Beca had to admit, she was loving this and she felt better here, like there was more to her than just a protector with secrets. Most of all, she had some really amazing people to hang with, one in particular.

She looked over to see Chloe making out with that guy from the shower, making her stomach turn a little. She really hoped she could have a chance with this girl. She just felt so alive when she was around. She had never met someone like chloe, nor had she ever felt something this strong with someone before. She didn't know if it was possible to have a relationship, being spider-woman and all, but if she didn't at least try, she didn't know what she would do.

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