Chapter 19

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Shoki (POV)
Kiba and Freed cross swords once more but this time, Kiba's sword radiates this black magic. Freed's sword of light starts to diminish.
Freed- Hey, what the hell is this?
Kiba- The Holy Eraser. It's a sword of darkness that devours light.
Freed- Please. You think I'm afraid of you?
Issei- I didn't know Kiba had a sacred gear.
Shoki- People are full of surprises.
Kiba- Shoki, Issei.
IS- Right.
Issei boosts kiba with his sacred gear.
Freed- Alright enough of this horseshit.
He cocks his gun and aims it at us.
IS- Promtion! Rook!
Freed lets bullets fly but they do nothing to us.
Shoki- Time to say goodnight asshole.
We charge at Freed and my sacred gear glows.
Freed- Yep I'm fucked.
Issei punches Freed in the gut and I follow by drilling my sacred gear fist right into his face.
Shoki- Likimat Almawt Anubid!!!!
A dark purple explosion goes off from my fist and it sends him careening through pews and out through a wall of the church.
Shoki- What the fuck?! What the hell was that?! It's like something came over me and I was speaking some sort of language.
Issei- I don't know but it sure was effective. That was for Asia.
Shoki- You damn tight it was. Whatever it was actually felt good.
Kiba- Lets keep moving.
Koneko- Guys.
She punches a bookcase at the front of the church to pieces. It uncovers a secret stairway leading down.

We rush down the stairs and reach the basement.

Raynare and Devora stand in front of the altar ahead.
Raynare- Come on in devils. Welcome to the party.
Devora- I'm afraid you're too late though.
They move out of the way and we see Asia changed up to the altar.

IS- Asia!!!
She lifts her head very weakly.
Asia- Issei. Shoki. You came.
Shoki- Yeah just hold on! We're coming!
Devora- Oh no you don't!
She throws a spear of light at our feet.
Shoki- Shit.
It explodes and we go crashing into the rock walls of this place.
Raynare- This really is an incredible touching reunion. Unfortunately the ritual is over.
The altar begins to glow and Asia begins to scream in agony.

Issei- You let her go right now.
Kiba- Thats it. They were after her sacred gear.
Issei- Hold on a second. I don't understand. What's going to happen to her?
Kiba- I'm sorry.
Shoki- You're sorry?!
Her sacred gear gets taken out of her chest and her eyes go lifeless.

Her body slumps.
Shoki- No fucking way. She's dying?!
Devora- Twilight Healing. At last we have it. We've been lusting after this power for years.
Raynare- Those miserable hearts are at the palm of my hand. Perfect.
She gives part of it to Devora and they inject into their chests. Once inside, the radiate a green aura.
Raynare- I'll be beloved. Devora, we'll be the most powerful fallen angels there is. All those pricks who screwed us over are going to regret it!
Devora- You've never been more right. This power is coursing through my veins. It's like a high I never want to come down from.
Shoki- Of fuck this shit.
Issei and I rush forward and are met with cultists.
Shoki- I don't have time for this nonsense!
The first cultist engages me with a sword. I boot his arm away and use my forward momentum to spin and nail him with a back elbows. He staggers and wobbles on his feet. I yank him off the ground by his feet and smack the other cultists with his body. Another comes and I back kick him in the gut and curb stomp his face into the ground.

More cultists keep coming in hordes and have me backed up against the wall. Out of nowhere, Kiba comes in an slashes half of them. Koneko then comes in and starts to wail on the other half with her fists. Their fight causes an the horde to part like Moses and the Red Sea.
Shoki: I'm not sorry about what I just said.
Indigo: (facepalm) Just go.
Kiba- Go!
Koneko- We got this covered.
Shoki- Thanks guys.
Issei and I go through the opening and approach the steps that will lead us to the creatures we do desperately want to be rid of.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.
Likimat Almawt Anubid- Anubis Death Fist

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