Chapter 26

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Shoki (POV)
It's the next day and I'm in class with Issei. Asia is standing at the front of the class as this is her first day here.
Asia- My name is Asia Argento. I'm feeling a bit like a fish out of water but I'm excited to be here.
Boys- Woah!!!!
Student- Shorty is hot!
Student 2- Bust: thirty four, waist: twenty six, hips: thirty five, and look at all that hair.
Shoki *mind*- Well well well. Looks like she's going to be in our class. Probably Rias's doing. Pulling some strings from behind the scenes I see.
Asia- Being in a new school in a strange town can be overwhelming but luckily I'm staying with Issei.
Boys- (death stare at Issei) Bastard!
Timeskip to that night
Issei, Asia, and I just got done with a job for Rias and are heading back to the clubhouse on our bikes. I have mine and Asia is riding with Issei.
Issei- You must be pretty exhausted.
Shoki- I know I'm kinda beat.
Asia- I'm wide awake. I'm still excited about how nice everyone was today. Especially your two best friends Issei. Matsuda and Motohama.
Issei- They didn't do anything creepy did they?
Shoki- Knowing them, the chances are pretty high.
Asia- No they were fine.
Shoki- Okay good.
Asia- But they did invite to something called a "devil's three way?"
Hearing her say that caused me to swerve a bit.
Asia- Are you okay?
Shoki- Yeah you just threw me off guard there.
Issei- Whatever you do, promise me you won't go to that.
Shoki- Yes please.
Asia- Ok.
Issei runs over a rock causing them to almost lose balance for a second.
Issei- You okay?
Asia- Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
I notice that Asia has her hands wrapped around Issei now.
Shoki *mind*- Smooth man. Nice one.
We get back to the clubhouse and approach Rias.
Issei- Hey Asia, Shoki and I just got back.
She doesn't say anything as she just stares off at something.
Shoki- Uh Rias?
Rias- Oh I'm sorry. I guess I spaced out there for a little bit. It's been one of those days.
Shoki- Yeah I feel you on that one.
Rias- Asia?
Asia- Yes ma'am?
Rias- If you don't have any problems with it, I was thinking you could make your big debut tonight.
Asia- Debut?
Shoki- Basically you jump to a potential client using a magic circle and try and make a pact with them.
Issei- Don't you think it might be too early for that? I mean Asia is brand new. She hasn't even been a devil for a week.
Footsteps approach us from behind. It was Akeno.
Akeno- You need to relax. Don't worry your precious pumpkin head about her. She'll be totally awesome. When it comes to magical powers, that girl has got almost as much game as I do.
Shoki- You serious?
Rias- I couldn't agree more. Didn't make her my bishop for nothing.
Kiba shows up with Uzume.
Kiba- Congrats on that too. Bishop's impressive.
Uzume- Yes. Very impressive indeed. You should be very proud of yourself.
Rias- Asia what's wrong? Are you okay?
Asia- Oh I'm fine. I'm just nervous is all.
Issei- Rias!
Rias- Yeah?
Issei- I think it would be better if Shoki and I went in Asia's place.
Asia- Really?
Issei- Yeah of course. You haven't been in the area long enough to know your way around yet. And if anything goes down, I got Shoki as backup. We'll send you out after you've had a better chance to get a feel for this place.
And with that set in stone, Issei and I depart.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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